Events permission application checklist
This checklist is provided to assist you in planning an event, and applying for permission to host an event or party in College, in accordance with regulations. (Download .pdf)
To assist the Junior Dean in assessing an event application, it is the responsibility of the event organiser to do the following:
1 Application Form:
Complete the Junior Dean’s on-line event application form, giving all the relevant details. Submitted forms are initially received and checked by the Enquiries Office. The event details are then reviewed by Estates & Facilities (E&F). Once the event details have been checked and arrangements agreed by E&F, the event request will be sent to the Junior Dean to request the final permission to proceed. Note: incomplete forms will be rejected.
For routine events (e.g. tea/coffee/wine receptions), the event organiser must ensure that the event application form is submitted at least 5 working days prior to the event. However non-routine events (e.g. music concert, outdoor activity, fundraising event, use of external contractor/supplier) will require a minimum of 10 working days’ notice prior to the event.
2 Venue for the Event:
The organiser may contact the Enquiries Office ( or tel: 1897 / 1724) to reserve the following rooms/ venues via their CMIS booking system. See list ‘Rooms, Venues for Events - book via Enquiries Office (EOS_edit 3 March 2016)’
For other rooms/venues on Campus, which cannot be reserved via the Enquiries Office, the event organiser must contact the relevant room/venue owner to make the reservation and then send confirmation of the room/venue reservation to the Enquiries Office. See list: ‘Rooms, Venues for Events - book via Room Owner (EOS_edit 3 March 2016)’
The list of other Rooms/Venues on Campus is available through these highlighted links.
3 Catering:
If the event involves catering, the event organiser can either use the College Catering Department or a College approved caterer.
However, if the event organiser wishes to use an external caterer that is not from the approved list mentioned above, the event organiser must provide evidence to the Enquiries Office ( that the caterer has been checked and approved as follows:
- The event organiser must obtain a HSE Catering Certificate from the external caterer, and submit this to the Enquiries Office at least 10 working days’ prior to the event, for her review and approval.
- The event organiser must obtain the following insurance information and send it to the Enquiries office at least 10 working days’ prior to the event, for their review and approval:
- ‘Each and every service provider, contractor, caterer, hiring company etc. should provide evidence of their insurances as set out below:
- Public Liability: Not less than 6.5m Euro any one event with a specific indemnity to Trinity College Dublin.
- Employers Liability: Not less than 13m Euro any one event.
- Caterers should also provide evidence of their Products Liability insurance not less than 6.5m Euro’.
- ‘Each and every service provider, contractor, caterer, hiring company etc. should provide evidence of their insurances as set out below:
More information regarding insurance is available at:
NOTE: Food & Drink Regulations and the College Alcohol Policy: The event organiser must ensure that all attendees adhere to the rules and regulations contained in these policies. (See document links).
Special arrangements are now in place for those organising Bake Sales. Please see guidance notes for those planning Bake Sale in this pdf file.
4 Facilities/Attendant Staff/Security Issues:
Event permission is subject to the availability of Estates and Facilities staff for the supply of services for the relevant venue. The event organiser must liaise with the Enquiries Office (Trinity Enquiries, or tel: 1897/1724) regarding possible costs for the over-time and service charges which may need to be applied depending on the timing and nature of the event. The details of these charges are compiled by the Enquiries Office.
To book a venue the following details are required:
a) Nature of the event
b) Numbers attending
c) Confirmation of public or College attendees
d) Date and times
e) Reception
f) Additional /special requirements e.g. use of the concourse area, tables, microphones, baize for dressing tables, additional rooms for poster boards etc.
The Enquiries Office will liaise with Estates and Facilities (E &F), who will calculate the costs for the associated services which are considered chargeable due to staffing requirements out of normal hours, additional cleaning, attendant services, numbers attending the event etc. The event organiser must supply a cost code and customer details to the Enquiries Office for E&F to recoup the costs via invoice or other method of payment.
5 Safety and Insurance Issues:
If the event is non-routine (e.g. music concert, outdoor activity, fundraising event) or if the event involves the use of an outside contractor or supplier, the Enquiries Office will normally advise the event organiser that Estates and Facilities require an Event Management Plan & Risk Assessment . The Event Management Plan should be sent to the Enquiries Office ( who will liaise with the appropriate sections regarding the event arrangements as proposed in the submitted EMP & Risk Assessment. The event organiser may also contact the College Safety Officer and/or TCD Insurance to obtain their advice and clarify the relevant safety and insurance requirements for the proposed event.
Please review the safety and insurance requirements regarding ‘non-routine’ events at:
Note: It is the event organiser’s responsibility to organise:
- Appropriate stewarding in place for the event.
- Appropriate insurance in place for the event, at least 10 working days prior to the event
Junior Dean’s Office
26th September 2016