Dr Mikkel Sinding
E-mail : sindingm [at] tcd [dot] ie
Tel : +353-(0)1-896-1265 (Modern DNA Lab)
Tel : +353-(0)1-896-3548 (Ancient DNA Lab)
Fax : +353-(0)1-679-8558
Molecular Population Genetics
Smurfit Institute of Genetics
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
ANCIENT DNA LABORATORY ADDRESS (for archaeological samples):
Archaeological Genetics
Smurfit Institute of Genetics
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
My project focuses on temporal population genomics of the aurochs and patterns of admixture, between aurochs and domestic cattle prior to the aurochs extinction. I am broadly interested in history of life, evolution, ecology, environment change, human impacts, domestication, extinction, de-extinction and re-wilding. I have a background in ancient DNA, population genetics and several types of fieldwork, in relation to this I am involved in additional projects concerning, marine mammals, canines, bovids and bioarchaeology. Other activities include being a project management member of the ArchSci2020 Marie Curie ITN (www.archsci2020.eu), catch team member of VAQUITACPR (www.vaquitacpr.org), participant in Narwhal research in Scoresby Sound (narwhals2017.com), and co-PI of the Qimmeq project (www.qimmeq.gl).
link google scholar
2018- to date: Postdoc on a Independent Research Fund Denmark grant at Trinity College Dublin.
2017-2018 Researcher, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources - Government of Greenland.
2017 Research assistant, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources - Government of Greenland.
2014 Research PhD-student, Natural History Museum of Denmark - University of Copenhagen, Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo.
2014 Research assistant, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources - Government of Greenland.
2013 Research assistant, Department of Bioscience - Arctic Environment - Aarhus University
2013 Academic Staff, Centre for GeoGenetics - Natural History Museum of Denmark
2017 PhD, Natural History Museum of Denmark - University of Copenhagen, Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo
Thesis Title: Never Cry Wolf - The origin and genomic history of the indigenous Greenland dogs and wolves
Supervisors: Oystein Wiig, Lutz Bachmann, Anders J. Hansen and M. Thomas P. Gilbert
2012 MSc. of Biology, University of Copenhagen
Thesis Title: Ancient DNA Analysis of Bowhead Whales
Supervisors: Andrew D. Foote and M. Thomas P. Gilbert
2011 Master of Conservation Biology, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand and University of New South Wales Australia
2010 BSc. in Biology, University of Copenhagen
Supervisors: Andrew D. Foote and M. Thomas P. Gilbert
2018 International Postdoctoral grant - Independent Research Fund Denmark
2016 Best young scientist oral presentation - Silver Award, Natural History Museum of Denmark Annual Science Conference.
2016 Award for best flash talk, PhD Day, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen.
2016 Winner of research presentation competition Sundvolden seminar Natural History Museum of Oslo.
2016 Best student oral presentation ISBA7, University of Oxford.
2015 First prize at the Danish Arctic Institutes science outreach contest Academicus Arcticus.
