Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Full details of all law modules (Freshman and Sophister)
are available on
Political science:
Research seminar; Contemporary political
theories; Comparative political reform; Political parties; Issues in
contemporary politics; Contemporary international relations; and
African politics.
In both subjects small-group teaching is an important aspect
of the Sophister years and, should you decide to specialise in
either Law or Political science in the final year, you will have the
opportunity to research and write up a dissertation on a topic of
your choice.
Courses are examined by a combination of continuous
assessment and formal examination.
Study abroad
A limited number of places are available on EU-funded exchange
programmes at universities in Austria, France, Germany, Italy,
the Netherlands, Poland and Spain to students in the Junior
Sophister (third) year. Students are advised to take optional
language courses (see page 13) within the first two years if they
wish to avail of this opportunity; alternatively they must satisfy
that they have proficiency in the language of the host university
that they wish to study in. There are also exchange programmes
with a number of universities in North America. Participating in
these opportunities is dependent upon the exchange fulfilling the
course requirements of both departments.
Career opportunities
Whether students’ career goals lie in public leadership, the
legal profession, the media, the civil service, academia, public
relations, anything in business that requires knowing how
government works, positions in international organisations such
as the EU or a not-for-profit organisation, law enforcement,
private practice, or elsewhere, the degree in Law and political
science will be ideally suited as a platform for attaining those
Further information
Tel: +353 1 896 1125 / 1278; E-mail:
Tel: +353 1 896 1651
Law degrees and professional
No law degree entitles a person to practise law as a solicitor or
barrister. However, throughout the four-year degree programme
in Law and political science, students will have the opportunity
to study all core modules required by the professional bodies.
Please see page 69 for further information on legal professional