Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Law and political science
PLACES 2011:
POINTS 2010:
LL.B. (Pol. Sc.)
See also:
TR004: Law, page 68
TR018/019: Law and French/German, page 71
TR017: Law and business, page 72
TR012: History and political science, page 63
TR015: Philosophy, political science, economics and
sociology, page 80
TR081: BESS, page 37
Course overview
Law and politics are deeply connected and this course provides
the opportunity to learn about both and better understand their
relation to each other. As a student on this programme, you will
take both subjects for the first three years. In your fourth year
you will have the option to concentrate exclusively on either
subject, or continue with both. During the four years of studies,
students will have the opportunity to study all of the core subjects
required by the legal professional bodies.
Is this the right course for you?
Yes, if you are interested in pursuing a legal career and want your
study of law to be informed by a wider political understanding,
or if your intellectual or career interests in politics and public
service would be strengthened by a knowledge of the law.
Visit the Law School
If you are considering studying for a Law degree
at Trinity College but want to be sure, you are most
welcome to attend lectures. If you would like to avail
of this opportunity, to come in and discuss your options
with a member of staff, or to visit the Law School we
would be happy to meet you. Please contact us by
e-mail (see below) to arrange a visit.
Course content
All students take modules worth 60 ECTS (European Credit
Transfer System) per year. In the first two years students take
six 10 credit modules (three from each discipline).
In the Junior Sophister (third) year, students take modules
totalling 30 credits from each discipline. Students may choose
to specialise in either Law or Political science in their Senior
Sophister (fourth) year or continue to take a combination of
modules from both subjects.
Law modules are generally taught for three hours per week for
one semester only and students attend four compulsory law
seminars per module. Political science modules are also taught
at lecture level with two hours of lectures and one tutorial per
week per module.
In the Junior Sophister (third) year, one law module, EU law,
is mandatory. If a student chooses to specialise in Political
science in the final year of his/her degree then he/she must
take Research methods for political scientists.
Junior Freshman (first) Year
The Irish legal system and Legal skills, Contract,
and Torts law.
Political science:
Introduction to political science, Introduction
to economic policy, and Introduction to sociology.
Senior Freshman (second) year
Criminal law, Constitutional law I and Land law.
Political Science:
History of political thought, Comparative
politics, and International relations.
The Sophister years
Junior Sophister (third year) students take 30 ECTS from both
Law and Political science from the following modules:
EU law (compulsory) and 20 ECTS from the following
modules: Administrative law; Advanced evidence; Child law;
Commercial law; Company law; Comparative law; Conflict of
laws; Constitutional law II; Criminology; Economic and legal
aspects of competition policy; Employment law; Environmental
law; Equity; European Human Rights; EU food law; Evidence;
Family law; Intellectual property law; International family
law; International Human Rights; International trade law;
Jurisprudence; Labour law; Land law (English); Legal
philosophy; Media law; Penology; Public interest law; Public
international law; Refugee and immigration law; Restitution;
Tax law, and Sport and the law.
Political science:
Research methods for political scientists
(compulsory if students wish to specialise in Political science in
the final year), and two modules from: Irish politics; Government
and politics of the USA; European Union Politics; and
Democracy and development.
Senior Sophister (fourth year) students may choose to take
either 60 ECTS from Law or Political science or continue to
study a combination of Law and Political science modules from
the following list:
Administrative law; Advanced EU law; Advanced evidence;
Child law; Commercial law; Company law; Comparative law;
Conflict of laws; Constitutional Law II; Criminology; Economic
and legal aspects of competition policy; Employment law;
Environmental law; Equity; European Human Rights; EU food
law; Evidence; Family law; Intellectual property law; International
family law; International Human Rights; International trade
law; Jurisprudence; Labour law; Land law (English); Legal
philosophy; Media law; Penology; Public interest law; Public
international law; Refugee and immigration law; Research
dissertation; Restitution; Tax law; and Sport and the law.