General Information
Transferring course and Advanced entry
Students seeking to transfer from a course in another third-
level institution to the second or third year in Trinity College
(Advanced entry) should consult:
Non-EU applicants
Enquiries from non-EU applicants concerning undergraduate
admission to courses other than Medicine and/or Dental science
should be addressed to:
The International Office, East Theatre, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 896 3150, Fax: +353 1 677 1698
Non-EU applicants to Medicine and/or Dental science should
download the non-EU application form from
and return it to the
Admissions Office, Regent House, Trinity College, Dublin 2
by 1 February 2012.
The Admissions Office may be contacted by:
Tel: +353 1 896 4444, E-mail:
The normal closing date for applications is 1 February 2012.
Late applications may be considered for courses other than
Medicine and Dental science.
In order to be considered for admission all applicants are
required to satisfy the University matriculation requirements
(see page 27) and, where relevant, meet any specific course
requirements (see pages 28-33).
Due to restrictions on the number of clinical placements
available in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, non-EU
students may only be considered for vacant places.
Receiving an offer and accepting a place
Successful non-EU applicants will be notified in writing by Trinity
College. Students who wish to accept an offer of a place in the
College will be required to return an acceptance fee within a
specified time. Details of the due date and method of payment
will be included in the offer letter.
Deferred entry
Non-EU students applying for deferred entry should contact the
Admissions Officer, Regent House, Trinity College, Dublin 2 in
writing prior to the deadline for acceptance of their offer.
One-year and one-term students
A limited number of places are available for EU and non-EU
students who are already enrolled in another university and do
not wish to undertake a four-year course in Trinity College. While
students may wish to be admitted for one term only, preference
is given to those who wish to attend for a full academic year,
particularly in the case of EU visiting students.
Application forms and further information are available from the
International Office (see above for contact details).
Completed applications must be received by 1 March 2012.
Applying for accommodation
Applicants may only apply for accommodation in Trinity Hall after
they have been offered a place on a course at Trinity College.
See page 8 for further details.
Fees information
Students who accept an offer of a place via CAO will be
contacted by the College Fees Office with regard to payment
of all fees due.
Students eligible for inclusion in the Irish government’s Free
Fees Initiative will be liable for the Student Contribution (€2,000
in 2011), previously known as the Student Charge. The Student
Contribution is payable in full prior to registering. In addition
students are required to pay the Union of Students in Ireland
(USI) membership levy (€8 in 2011) and the Student Sports
Centre charge (€77 in 2011), but will not be liable for tuition
fees if approved for the Free Fees scheme.
EU students who are not eligible for inclusion in the Free Fees
scheme pay the EU portion of the fees plus the other charges
referred to above.
Students who are classified as Non-EU students should pay
the Non-EU fee.
Local Authority/VEC Grants
Students eligible for a local authority grant will be liable only for
the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) membership levy (€8 in
2011) and the Student Sports Centre charge (€77 in 2011).
Please note: The above information was correct at the time
of publication. Any changes to this information after publication
will be listed at
Further information on the above is available at:
Applicants’ appeals process
Applications are assessed on the basis of criteria listed in this
publication and on the Admissions Office website. This is also
the case in categorising students for the purposes of tuition fees.
Where an applicant appeals a decision the initial appeal is
considered by the Admissions Officer. If the applicant wishes to
appeal the matter further it is passed to the Senior Lecturer for