General Information
More information on HEAR is available from your school
Guidance Counsellor or Trinity Access Programmes. Information
can also be found on:
Students who accept places in TCD through HEAR are
offered a variety of academic, personal and social supports
while studying at third level. Details of post-admission
supports for HEAR entrants can also be found on p. 11, and
TAP foundation course for young adults
This one-year course aims to equip students with the skills they
will need to benefit from and participate in a third-level education
course. It is open to Leaving Certificate pupils from schools
in the Greater Dublin area which are affiliated to third-level
access programmes. Applicants should have taken the Leaving
Certificate in the year of application or not more than two years
prior to that. Minimum entry requirements are grade OD3 or
above in five subjects and grade HC3 or above in one subject.
FETAC and Leaving Certificate Applied qualifications are also
Application forms are available from TAP Liaison Officers and/
or Guidance Counsellors in schools or online at
. Applications
are normally submitted in February of the year in which you
are applying. Students are not required to apply to the Central
Applications Office.
Find out more at
or phone
+353 1 896 2751.
TAP foundation course for mature students
This one-year course prepares mature students (EU students
who are over twenty three years of age on 1 January of the
proposed year of entry) for entry to undergraduate studies at
Trinity College and other third-level institutions. There are no
standard educational requirements but evidence of a particular
interest in studying at university and strong personal motivation
is essential. In addition, if English is not your first language
you will be required to provide evidence of English language
proficiency, see page 26.
Application forms are available from
or from the TAP
office. Students are not required to apply to the Central
Applications Office.
Find out more at
phone +353 1 896 2751.
Receiving an offer
Offers to all successful EU applicants (school leavers) are made
through the CAO in August following the publication of Leaving
Certificate and GCE A-Level results. The University does not
make conditional offers prior to the publication of examination
results; however, the level at which entry was granted in 2011
may give an indication of the level of achievement required
for 2012. Applicants are advised that the competitive entry
level may fluctuate (see the 2011 entry levels at
Offers to successful mature student applicants and to candidates
who have deferred entry from the previous year will be issued by
CAO in early July.
Accepting an offer
Applicants who wish to accept an offer of a place must return a
formal acceptance notice to CAO, either online or in hard copy,
within the specified time period. If an acceptance is not returned
in time the offer will lapse.
Please note that if an applicant does not follow the instructions
in full, the right is reserved to cancel the offer.
Deferred entry
Students who have received an offer notice may apply to defer
their entry to Trinity College for one year. On receipt of a CAO
Offer Notice:
1 Do NOT accept the offer.
2 Write IMMEDIATELY to the Admissions Officer, Regent
House, Trinity College, Dublin 2 setting out the reason(s)
for the request.
3 The part of the Offer Notice relating to the relevant Trinity
College course must be attached to the letter.
4 The letter must arrive in the Admissions Office at least two
days before the ‘Reply Date’ shown on the Offer Notice.
Trinity College will notify the applicant of the decision in
5 In order to take up the deferred place, the applicant must
re-apply through the CAO by 1 February 2013 and the
deferred course must appear as the first and only choice
on this application.
6 After re-applying, the applicant must send their new CAO
application number to The Admissions Office
Students who were permitted to defer their place will receive
an offer of a place on the course in July of the following year.
A place may be deferred for one academic year only.