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Welcome to the Book History Research Network
The Book History Research Network is now hosted at

The aims of the Network are:
To bring together current and former postgraduate students, teachers and independent researchers working in any area or period of ‘the history of the book’.
To organize Study Days (usually two a year) in different areas, to discuss their work and share experiences, progress and problems.
To bring together book history researchers who may be isolated, through Study Days, conferences, and informal e-mail contact.
To host a Register of Book History Researchers. The register aims to include current and recently completed research in all areas of book history.
The Book History Research Network was hosted by the Centre for Irish-Scottish and Comparative Studies at Trinity College Dublin between 2007 and 2010, co-ordinated by Dr Johanna Archbold. Dr Catherine Armstrong, Department of History & Economic History, Manchester Metropolitan University is currently co-ordinator of the Network.
To join the Book History Research Network please follow the link
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