Dr. Saif Ur Rehman Malik
Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Computer Science
Email sumalik@tcd.ie Phone https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SgY6-qkAAAAJ&hl=enPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Saqib, N.U., Malik, S.U.R., Anjum, A., Syed, M.H., Moqurrab, S.A., Srivastava, G., Lin, J.C., Preserving Privacy in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV): A Novel Group Leader-based Shadowing Scheme using Blockchain, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Sikandar, H.S., Waheed, H., Tahir, S., Malik, S.U.R., Rafique, W., A Detailed Survey on Federated Learning Attacks and Defenses, Electronics (Switzerland), 12, (2), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Waqar, M., Fareed, S., Kim, A., Malik, S.U.R., Imran, M., Yaseen, M.U., Malware Detection in Android IoT Systems Using Deep Learning, Computers, Materials and Continua, 74, (2), 2023, p4399-4415Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Sanam, K., Malik, S.U.R., Kanwal, T., Adil, Z.U.I., SecurePrivChain: A decentralized framework for securing the global model using cryptography, Future Generation Computer Systems, 142, 2023, p364-375Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Khan, R., Tao, X., Anjum, A., Malik, S.R., Yu, S., Khan, A., Rehman, W., Malik, H., (", m)-slicedBucket privacy model for sequential anonymization for improving privacy and utility, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 33, (6), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Moqurrab, S.A., Tariq, N., Anjum, A., Asheralieva, A., Malik, S.U.R., Malik, H., Pervaiz, H., Gill, S.S., A Deep Learning-Based Privacy-Preserving Model for Smart Healthcare in Internet of Medical Things Using Fog Computing, Wireless Personal Communications, 126, (3), 2022, p2379-2401Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Shaukat, A., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Shah, M.A., Maple, C., A Novel Privacy Paradigm for Improving Serial Data Privacy, Sensors, 22, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Aslam, M., Beg, S., Anjum, A., Qadir, Z., Khan, S., Malik, S.U.R., Mahmud, M.A.P., A strong construction of S-box using Mandelbrot set an image encryption scheme, PeerJ Computer Science, 8, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Haseeb, J., Malik, S.U.R., Mansoori, M., Welch, I., Corrigendum to `Probabilistic modelling of deception-based security framework using markov decision process" [Computers & Security 115 (2022)/102599] (Computers & Security (2022) 115, (S0167404821004223), (10.1016/j.cose.2021.102599)), Computers and Security, 117, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Haseeb, J., Malik, S.U.R., Mansoori, M., Welch, I., Probabilistic modelling of deception-based security framework using markov decision process, Computers and Security, 115, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Kanwal, T., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Sajjad, H., Khan, A., Manzoor, U., Asheralieva, A., A robust privacy preserving approach for electronic health records using multiple dataset with multiple sensitive attributes, Computers and Security, 105, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Beg, S., Anjum, A., Ahmed, M., Rehman Malik, S.U., Malik, H., Sharma, N., Waqar, O., Dynamic Parameters-Based Reversible Data Transform (RDT) Algorithm in Recommendation System, IEEE Access, 9, 2021, p110011-110025Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Malik, S.U.R., Akram, H., Gill, S.S., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H., EFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing, Software - Practice and Experience, 51, (9), 2021, p1896-1909Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Attaullah, H., Anjum, A., Kanwal, T., Malik, S.U.R., Asheralieva, A., Malik, H., Zoha, A., Arshad, K., Imran, M.A., F-classify: Fuzzy rule based classification method for privacy preservation of multiple sensitive attributes, Sensors, 21, (14), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Zafar, F., Khan, A., Malik, S.U.R., Ahmed, M., Maple, C., Anjum, A., Mobchain: Three-way collusion resistance in witness-oriented location proof systems using distributed consensus, Sensors, 21, (15), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Kanwal, T., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Khan, M.A., Privacy preservation of electronic health records with adversarial attacks identification in hybrid cloud, Computer Standards and Interfaces, 78, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Malik, S.U.R., Anjum, A., Moqurrab, S.A., Srivastava, G., Towards enhanced threat modelling and analysis using a Markov Decision Process, Computer Communications, 194, 2022, p282-291Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Suhail, S., Malik, S.U.R., Jurdak, R., Hussain, R., Matulevi"ius, R., Svetinovic, D., Towards situational aware cyber-physical systems: A security-enhancing use case of blockchain-based digital twins, Computers in Industry, 141, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Akbar, S., Malik, S.U.R., Choo, K.-K.R., Khan, S.U., Ahmad, N., Anjum, A., A Game-based Thermal-Aware Resource Allocation Strategy for Data Centers, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 9, (3), 2021, p845-853Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Malik, S.U.R., Kanwal, T., Khan, S.U., Malik, H., Pervaiz, H., A User-Centric QoS-Aware Multi-Path Service Provisioning in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Access, 9, 2021, p56020-56030Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Khan, O.A., Malik, S.U.R., Baig, F.M., Islam, S.U., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H., Ahmed, S.H., A cache-based approach toward improved scheduling in fog computing, Software - Practice and Experience, 51, (12), 2021, p2360-2372Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Alam, Q., Malik, S.U.R., Akhunzada, A., Choo, K.-K.R., Tabbasum, S., Alam, M., A Cross Tenant Access Control (CTAC) Model for Cloud Computing: Formal Specification and Verification, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 12, (6), 2017, p1259-1268Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Nazir, A., Alam, M., Malik, S.U.R., Akhunzada, A., Cheema, M.N., Khan, M.K., Ziang, Y., Khan, T., Khan, A., A high-level domain-specific language for SIEM (design, development and formal verification), Cluster Computing, 2017, p1-15Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Amjad, S., Ahmad, N., Saba, T., Anjum, A., Manzoor, U., Balubaid, M.A., Malik, S.U.R., Calculating Completeness of Agile Scope in Scaled Agile Development, IEEE Access, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Malik, A.W., Bilal, K., Malik, S.U., Anwar, Z., Aziz, K., Kliazovich, D., Ghani, N., Khan, S.U., Buyya, R., CloudNetSim++: A GUI Based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Data Centers in OMNeT++, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 10, (4), 2017, p506-519Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Moqurrab, S.A., Anjum, A., Manzoor, U., Nefti, S., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Differential average diversity: An efficient privacy mechanism for electronic health records, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 7, (6), 2017, p1177-1187Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Jabeen, F., Hamid, Z., Abdul, W., Ghouzali, S., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Nawaz, S., Ghafoor, H., Enhanced Architecture for Privacy Preserving Data Integration in a Medical Research Environment, IEEE Access, 5, 2017, p13308-13326Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Samman Zahra, Masoom Alam, Qaisar Javaid, Abdul Wahid, Nadeem Javaid, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Fog Computing Over IoT: A Secure Deployment and Formal Verification, IEEE Access, 5, 2017, p27132--27144Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Uz Zaman, S.K., Khan, A.U.R., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A.N., Maqsood, T., Madani, S.A., Formal verification and performance evaluation of task scheduling heuristics for makespan optimization and workflow distribution in large-scale computing systems, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 32, (3), 2017, p227-241Journal Article, 2017
- Fatima, I., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Ahmad, N., Cyber Physical Systems and IoT: Architectural Practices, Interoperability, and Transformation, IT Professional, 22, (3), 2020, p46-54Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Haseeb, J., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Anjum, A., Application of formal methods to modelling and analysis aspects of business process reengineering, Business Process Management Journal, 26, (2), 2020, p548-569Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Saleem, A., Khan, A., Malik, S.U.R., Pervaiz, H., Malik, H., Alam, M., Jindal, A., FESDA: Fog-Enabled Secure Data Aggregation in Smart Grid IoT Network, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7, (7), 2020, p6132-6142Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Khan, R., Tao, X., Anjum, A., Sajjad, H., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Amiri, F., Privacy Preserving for Multiple Sensitive Attributes against Fingerprint Correlation Attack Satisfying c -Diversity, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Shahid, F., Khan, A., Malik, S.U.R., Choo, K.-K.R., WOTS-S: A Quantum Secure Compact Signature Scheme for Distributed Ledger, Information Sciences, 539, 2020, p229-249Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Khan, R., Tao, X., Anjum, A., Kanwal, T., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Rehman, W.U., Maple, C., "-sensitive k-anonymity: An anonymization model for iot based electronic health records, Electronics (Switzerland), 9, (5), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Muhammad Saleem Khan, Daniele Midi, Saif-Ur-Rehman Malik, Majid I. Khan, Nadeem Javaid, Elisa Bertino, Isolating Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs with an Adaptive Trust Threshold Strategy, Mobile Networks and Applications, 22, (3), 2017, p493--509Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Adeel Anjum, Guillaume Raschia, Marc Gelgon, Abid Khan, Saif ur Rehman Malik, Naveed Ahmad, Mansoor Ahmed, Sabah Suhail, M. Masoom Alam, " -safety: A privacy model for sequential publication with arbitrary updates, Computers & Security, 66, 2017, p20--39Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Faheem Zafar, Abid Khan, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Mansoor Ahmed, Adeel Anjum, Majid Iqbal Khan, Nadeem Javed, Masoom Alam, Fuzel Jamil, A survey of cloud computing data integrity schemes: Design challenges, taxonomy and future trends, Computers & Security, 65, 2017, p29--49Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Anjum, A., Farooq, N., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Ahmed, M., Gohar, M., An effective privacy preserving mechanism for 1: M microdata with high utility, Sustainable Cities and Society, 45, 2019, p213Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Sajjad, H., Kanwal, T., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Khan, A., Manzoor, U., An efficient privacy preserving protocol for dynamic continuous data collection, Computers and Security, 86, 2019, p358-371Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Waqas, M., Malik, S.U.R., Akbar, S., Anjum, A., Ahmad, N., Convergence time analysis of OSPF routing protocol using social network metrics, Future Generation Computer Systems, 94, 2019, p62-71Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Ghosh, A., Khalid, O., Rais, R.N.B., Rehman, A., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, I.A., Data offloading in IoT environments: modeling, analysis, and verification, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019, (1), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Kanwal, T., Jabbar, A.A., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Khan, A., Ahmad, N., Manzoor, U., Shahzad, M.N., Balubaid, M.A., Privacy-aware relationship semantics"based XACML access control model for electronic health records in hybrid cloud, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15, (6), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Kanwal, T., Shaukat, S.A.A., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Choo, K.-K.R., Khan, A., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, M., Khan, S.U., Privacy-preserving model and generalization correlation attacks for 1:M data with multiple sensitive attributes, Information Sciences, 488, 2019, p238-256Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Asif, A., Fatima, I., Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Towards the performance investigation of automatic melanoma diagnosis applications, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10, (3), 2019, p390-399Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Farhana Jabeen, Zara Hamid, Wadood Abdul, Sanaa Ghouzali, Abid Khan, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Mansoor Shaukat Khan, Sarfraz Nawaz, Hua Wang, Anonymity-preserving Reputation Management System for health sector, PLOS ONE, 13, (4), 2018, pe0195021Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Malik Najmus Saqib, Junaid Kiani, Basit Shahzad, Adeel Anjum, Saif ur Rehman Malik, Naveed Ahmad, Atta ur Rehman Khan, Anonymous and formally verified dual signature based online e-voting protocol, Cluster Computing, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Anjum, A., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Zubair, S., Shahzad, B., An efficient approach for publishing microdata for multiple sensitive attributes, Journal of Supercomputing, 74, (10), 2018, p5127-5155Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Anjum, A., Malik, S.U.R., Choo, K.-K.R., Khan, A., Haroon, A., Khan, S., Khan, S.U., Ahmad, N., Raza, B., An efficient privacy mechanism for electronic health records, Computers and Security, 72, 2018, p196-211Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Saba Yaseen, Syed M. Ali Abbas, Adeel Anjum, Tanzila Saba, Abid Khan, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Naveed Ahmad, Basit Shahzad, Ali Kashif Bashir, Improved Generalization for Secure Data Publishing, IEEE Access, 6, 2018, p27156--27165Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Mahmood, B., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Anjum, A., ul Islam, S., Power-efficient scheduling of parallel real-time tasks on performance asymmetric multicore processors, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 17, 2018, p81-95Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Saad Mustafa, Kashif Bilal, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Sajjad A. Madani, SLA-Aware Energy Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Environments, IEEE Access, 6, 2018, p15004--15020Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Ullah, R., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Akbar, S., Anjum, A., Simulator for modeling, analysis, and visualizations of thermal status in data centers, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 19, 2018, p324-340Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Muhammad Habib ur Rehman, Prem Jayaraman, Saif Malik, Atta Khan, Mohamed Medhat Gaber, RedEdge: A Novel Architecture for Big Data Processing in Mobile Edge Computing Environments, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 6, (3), 2017, p17Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Masoom Alam, Saif-ur-Rehman Malik, Qaisar Javed, Abid Khan, Shamaila Bisma Khan, Adeel Anjum, Nadeem Javed, Adnan Akhunzada, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Formal modeling and verification of security controls for multimedia systems in the cloud, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Nasir, M., Anjum, A., Manzoor, U., Balubaid, M.A., Ahmed, M., Khan, A., Ahmad, N., Malik, S.U.R., Alam, M., Privacy preservation in skewed data using frequency distribution and weightage (FDW), Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 7, (6), 2017, p1346-1357Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Muhammad Saleem Khan, Majid Iqbal Khan, Saif-Ur-Rehman Malik, Osman Khalid, Mukhtar Azim, Nadeem Javaid, MATF: a multi-attribute trust framework for MANETs, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2016, (1), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Lin, Y., Malik, S.U.R., Bilal, K., Yang, Q., Wang, Y., Khan, S.U., Designing and Modeling of Covert Channels in Operating Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65, (6), 2016, p1706-1719Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Alam, Q., Tabbasum, S., Malik, S.U.R., Alam, M., Ali, T., Akhunzada, A., Khan, S.U., Vasilakos, A.V., Buyya, R., Formal Verification of the xDAuth Protocol, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11, (9), 2016, p1956-1969Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Samee U. Khan, Sam J. Ewen, Nikos Tziritas, Joanna Kolodziej, Albert Y. Zomaya, Sajjad A. Madani, Nasro Min-Allah, Lizhe Wang, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Qutaibah Marwan Malluhi, Johnatan E. Pecero, Pavan Balaji, Abhinav Vishnu, Rajiv Ranjan, Sherali Zeadally, Hongxiang Li, Performance analysis of data intensive cloud systems based on data management and replication: a survey, Distrib Parallel Databases, 34, (2), 2015, p179--215Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Maqsood, T., Ali, S., Malik, S.U.R., Madani, S.A., Dynamic task mapping for Network-on-Chip based systems, Journal of Systems Architecture, 61, (7), 2015, p293-306Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Saif U. R. Malik, Kashif Bilal, Samee U. Khan, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Keqin Li, Albert Y. Zomaya, Modeling and Analysis of the Thermal Properties Exhibited by Cyberphysical Data Centers, IEEE Systems Journal, 2015, p1--10Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Kashif Bilal, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Osman Khalid, Abdul Hameed, Enrique Alvarez, Vidura Wijaysekara, Rizwana Irfan, Sarjan Shrestha, Debjyoti Dwivedy, Mazhar Ali, Usman Shahid Khan, Assad Abbas, Nauman Jalil, Samee U. Khan, A taxonomy and survey on Green Data Center Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, 36, 2014, p189--208Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Hussain, H., Malik, S.U.R., Hameed, A., Khan, S.U., Bickler, G., Min-Allah, N., Qureshi, M.B., Zhang, L., Yongji, W., Ghani, N., Kolodziej, J., Zomaya, A.Y., Xu, C.-Z., Balaji, P., Vishnu, A., Pinel, F., Pecero, J.E., Kliazovich, D., Bouvry, P., Li, H., Wang, L., Chen, D., Rayes, A., A survey on resource allocation in high performance distributed computing systems, Parallel Computing, 39, (11), 2013, p709-736Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Malik, S.U.R., Khan, S.U., Srinivasan, S.K., Modeling and analysis of state-of-the-art VM-based cloud management platforms, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 1, (1), 2013, p50-63Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- , Revised Framework for ETL Workflow Management for Efficient Business Decision-Making, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- , Transformation of Semantic Networks into Frames, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- , A methodology for OSPF routing protocol verification, 12th International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom), 2012Journal Article, 2012
- Malik, S.U., Srinivasan, S.K., Khan, S.U., Convergence time analysis of open shortest path first routing protocol in internet scale networks, Electronics Letters, 48, (19), 2012, p1188-1190Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- , Enhanced model driven architecture software development life cycle with synchronized and consistent mapping, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2011), 2011Journal Article, 2011
- , Improved Readability & Understandability by Incorporating Query Engine & QRO in DWH Architecture, Journal of Computing, 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Azra Shamim, Maqbool Uddin Shaikh, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Intelligent Data Mining in Autonomous Heterogeneous Distributed Bio Databases, 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI
- Maqbool Uddin Shaikh, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Ahsan Qureshi, Sarah Yaqoob, Intelligent Decision Making Based on Data Mining Using Differential Evolution Algorithms and Framework for ETL Workflow Management, 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI
- Hameed Hussain, Maqbool Uddin Shaikh, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Proposed Text Mining Framework to Explore Issues from Text in a Certain Domain, 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI
- Saif ur Rehman Khan, Inayat ur Rehman, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, The impact of test case reduction and prioritization on software testing effectiveness, 2009 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 2009Conference Paper, 2009, DOI
- , Enhanced Architecture of DSS with Embedded Data Sources, IJCRB, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- , Organizational Self Assessment for KM Tools Acquisition and KM Platform, IJCRB, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Maqbool Uddin Shaikh, Web warehouse: Towards efficient distributed business management, 2008 IEEE International Multitopic Conference, 2008Conference Paper, 2008, DOI
- , Application of Formal Methods in Large-Scale Computing Systems.Journal Article
- , CloudNetSim++: A GUI Based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Data Centers in OMNeT++Journal Article
- , DaSCE: Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi-Trusted Third PartyJournal Article
- , Formal Verification of the xDAuth ProtocolJournal Article
- , Performance Analysis of Data Intensive Cloud Systems Based On Data Management and Replication: A SurveyJournal Article
- Murtaza A, Rehman A, Malik S.U.R, Ahmed G, Abbas A, Khan M.A, A Model-Based Approach to Enhance the Communication Between the Participants of Collaborative Business Processes, IEEE Access, 12, 2024, p121780 - 121791Journal Article, 2024
- Iqbal M, Suhail S, MatuleviÄ ius R, Shah F.A, Malik S.U.R, McLaughlin K, IoV-TwinChain: Predictive maintenance of vehicles in internet of vehicles through digital twin and blockchain, Internet of Things (The Netherlands), 30, 2025Journal Article, 2025
- Suhail S, Iqbal M, Hussain R, Malik S.U.R, Jurdak R, TRIPLE: A blockchain-based digital twin framework for cyberâ"physical systems security, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 42, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Rehman R, Malik S.U.R, Qureshi S.H, Mouqarrab S.A, A novel multi-modal Federated Learning based thermal-aware job scheduling framework, Computer Networks, 255, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Zulfiqar Z, Malik S.U.R, Moqurrab S.A, Zulfiqar Z, Yaseen U, Srivastava G, DeepDetect: An innovative hybrid deep learning framework for anomaly detection in IoT networks, Journal of Computational Science, 83, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Ansar K, Ahmed M, Malik S.U.R, Helfert M, Kim J, Blockchain based general data protection regulation compliant data breach detection system, PeerJ Computer Science, 10, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Adil Z.U.I, Iqbal Khan M, Sanam K, Malik S.U.R, Moqurrab S.A, Srivastava G, LightAuth: A Lightweight Sensor Nodes Authentication Framework for Smart Health System, Expert Systems, 42, (2), 2025Journal Article, 2025
- Saleem S, Malik S.U.R, Mehboob B, Alroobaea R, Algarni S, Baqasah A.M, Ahmad N, Hasnain M, A UML-based approach towards test case generation and optimization, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 18, (3), 2024, p633 - 652Journal Article, 2024