
1-2 Year Post-Doctorate Researcher/Research Assistant position in Remote Sensing integrating Ecohydrology and Conservation Biology 

Deadline 30 November 2019 

The School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, is seeking a highly qualified and ambitious candidate to undertake research utilizing GIS mapping from past and present times to assess change in catchment drainage and hydrological function. The candidate will utilize Sentinel 1 and 2 datasets to link soil moisture levels to catchment habitats. The range of catchments will be relevant to the condition and function of populations of the iconic and highly endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. The ultimate aim of the research study is to combine the remote sensing results with known datasets of Margaritifera condition in order to produce an index of catchment hydrological impact to assist with future conservation measures for the species. 

The position is suitable for candidates with a strong background in remote sensing. The successful candidate must be comfortable with data cleaning including models to process scatter and other potential issues with terrain variables. They will have experience in the use of Sentinel or similar datasets, and how they relate to landuse. Ecological understanding and experience must be sufficient to meaningfully interpret the results found in the study. 

The successful candidate will work in the Trinity Centre for Environment and Department of Zoology under the supervision of Prof Jeremy J. Piggott and Dr Evelyn Moorkens (external Margaritifera expert). Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience as per the Irish University Association pay scale (https://www.iua.ie/research-innovation/researcher-salary-scales/ Research Fellow €37,874 to €42,559 per annum, Research Assistant €22,609 to €35,218 per annum). 

Essential attributes: 

· A PhD (Post-Doctorate Researcher) or MSc/Hon degree (Research Assistant) with relevant experience in remote sensing with ecological interpretation. 

· Good quantitative skills in programs such as ArcGIS and R. 

· Good publication record for career stage. 

· Good communication and presentation skills. 

· Collaborative leadership skills and independent working style. 


Email applications to: Prof Jeremy J. Piggott (jeremy.piggott@tcd.ie) by 30/11/19 with “Margaritifera post” in the subject line. Attach a single PDF document that contains the following: 

1) A cover letter of <3 pages: your letter should clearly set out your suitability and motivation for this position with reference to your past relevant experience and achievements as well as your ambitions for this project and your career trajectory. 

2) A CV that includes your relevant experience, publications and contact information for 2 academic referees.