Imogen Hands

Imogen Hands

Piggott Lab Past Member

PhD Research

My PhD is part of the EPA funded IMPACT project which aims is to investigate the occurrence, fate and impact of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in Irish receiving waters, and establish a prioritised list of CECs in Ireland along with a framework to risk assess these compounds. My role within the project is concerning the detection and monitoring of certain pesticide contaminants. I am adapting methods of GC-MS/LC-MS analysis for the study of pesticides in water samples taken during the IMPACT project. Alongside this, I am also investigating the use of passive sampling devices as a technique to monitor these pesticides, which will include a comparison study between Irish and Spanish waters. Finally, I am going to formulate a risk assessment framework relating cypermethrin concentration, invertebrate sensitivity and catchment ecological status. I am supervised by Prof. Fiona Regan (DCU) and Dr. Blánaid White (DCU), and will be collaborating with Prof. Damia Barcelo (ICRA- Catalan Institute for Water Research) on the Irish-Spanish comparison study and Prof. Jeremy Piggott (TCD) on the ecology aspects of this project.