Jenny Bortoluzzi

Jenny Bortoluzzi

Payne Lab Group Member

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Jenny is currently a PhD researcher at Trinity College Dublin. She undertook her undergraduate in Marine Biology with Oceanography at the University of Southampton (UK) before taking a break from studying for 2 years. During this time she volunteered and worked with a number of organisations across the world including the Bimini Sharklab, LAMAVE, the Environmental Justice Foundation and the French Marine Research Institute (Ifremer). She also joined research expeditions to the Arctic and Celtic Sea. Following these two years, she returned to study for her Masters of Research in Marine Biology in Plymouth (UK). She is now a PhD supervised by Andrew Jackson (primary), Nicholas Payne (secondary) and Ian Donohue (secondary).Her research focuses on the ecology of large marine vertebrates (elasmobranchs, cetaceans and teleosts). In particular, she studies the variation among and within individuals of ecological (trophic and environmental) niches using a variety of approaches including biochemistry (e.g.: stable isotope analysis, fatty acids) telemetry, bio-logging and modelling. Her broad interests include understanding the impact human activities have had, are having and will have on the ecology of large marine species; as well as the knock-on effect this may have on human populations; and how to mitigate them.