
Nessa O'Connor Google Scholar Profile;

  • Geraldi, N., Bertolini, C., Emmerson, M. C., Roberts, D., Sigwart, J. & O’Connor, N. E. (2017).  Aggregations of brittle stars can perform similar ecological roles as mussel reefs. Marine – Ecology Progress Series.10.3354/meps11993
  • Firth, L. B., Grant, L., Crowe, T. P., Convery, C. & O’Connor, N. E. (2017). Factors affecting the prevalence of the trematode parasite Echinostephilla patellae (Lebour, 1911) in the limpet Patella vulgata (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.10.1016/j.jembe.2017.01.026
  • Vye, S. R., Emmerson, M. C., Dick, J. T. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2017). Cumulative effects of multiple stressors: an invasive oyster and nutrient enrichment reduce subsequent invasive barnacle recruitment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 486: 322-327.
  • Green, D., Boots, B., O’Connor, N. E. & Thompson, R. (2016) Microplastics affect the ecological functioning of an important biogenic habitat. Environmental Science and Technology. 10.1021/acs.est.6b04496.
  • Kyle, R., Reid, N., O’Connor, N. E. & Roberts, D. (2016). Developing a strategy to restore recruitment in a functionally extinct population of the critically endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI10.1002/aqc.2704
  • Zwerschke, N., Emmerson, M. C., Roberts, D. & O’Connor, N. E. (2016). Benthic assemblages associated with native and invasive oysters are similar. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 111: 305-310.
  • Firth, L. B., Thompson, R. Bridger, D., Evans, A., Moore, P., Miezskowska, N., O’Connor, N. E., Sheehan, E., & Hawkins, S.J. (2016). Ocean sprawl: challenges and opportunities for biodiversity management in a changing world. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review. 54: 189-262.
  • Donohue, I., Hillebrand, H., Montoya, J. M., Petchey, O. L., Pimm, S. L., Fowler, M. S., Healy, K., Jackson A. L., Lurgi, M., McClean, D., O'Connor, N. E., O'Gorman, E. J. & Yang, Q. (2016). Navigating the complexity of ecological stability. Ecology Letters. 19: 1072-1085.
  • Reddin, C. J., O’Connor, N. E. & Harrod, C. (2016) Living to the range limit: consumer trophic variation and C:N increase with environmental stress. PeerJ. 4:e2034.
  • Mrowicki, R. J., O’Connor, N. E. & Donohue, I., (2016). Temporal variability of a single population can determine the vulnerability of communities to perturbations. Journal of Ecology. 104: 887-897.
  • Calderwood, J., O’Connor, N. E. & Roberts, D. (2016). Breaking and entering: Examining the role of transportation stress in predator-prey relationships between the common shore crab (Carcinus maenas) and cultivated blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). Aquaculture. 452: 217-223.
  • Calderwood, J., O’Connor, N. E. & Roberts, D. (2016). Efficiency of starfish mopping to reduce predation of cultivated benthic mussels (Mytilus edulis). Aquaculture. 452: 88-96.
  • Mrowicki, R. J., Maggs, C. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2015). Consistent effects of consumer loss across different habitats. Oikos. 124: 1555-1563.
  • Vye, S. R., Emmerson, M. C., Arenas, F., Dick, J. T. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2015). Stressor intensity determines antagonistic interactions between species invasion and multiple stressor effects on ecosystem functioning. Oikos.124: 105-112.
  • Reddin, C. J., Docmac, F. M., O’Connor, N. E., Bothwell, J. H. & Harrod, C. (2015). Coastal upwelling drives intertidal assemblage structure and trophic ecology. PLoS ONE 10. e0130789.
  • O’Connor, N. E., Bracken M. E. S., Crowe, T. P. & Donohue, I. (2015). Nutrient enrichment alters the consequences of species loss. Journal of Ecology. 103: 862-870.
  • Calderwood, J., O’Connor, N. E. & Roberts, D. (2015). The effect of baited crab pots on cultivated mussel (Mytilus edulis) survival rates. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72: 1802-1810.
  • Calderwood, J., O’Connor, N. E. & Roberts, D. (2015). The effects of transportation stress and barnacle fouling on predation rates of starfish (Asterias rubens)on mussels (Mytilus edulis). Aquaculture. 444: 108-113.
  • Mrowicki, R. J. & O’Connor, N. E. (2015). Wave action modifies the effects of consumer diversity and warming on algal assemblages. Ecology. 96: 1020-1029.
  • Alexander, M. E., Dick, J. T. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2015). Predation in the marine intertidal amphipod Echinogammarus marinus: implications of inter- and intra-individual variation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 462: 50-54.
  • Mrowicki, R. J., Maggs, C. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2014). Does wave exposure determine the interactive effects of losing key grazers and ecosystem engineers? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 461: 416-424.
  • Calderwood, J., O’Connor, N. E., Sigwart, J. & Roberts, D. (2014). Determining optimal duration of seed translocation periods for benthic mussel (Mytilus edulis) cultivation using physiological and behavioural measures of stress. Aquaculture. 434: 288-295.
  • Smale, D.A., Burrows, M.T., Moore, P., O’Connor, N.E. and Hawkins, S.J. (2013). Threats and knowledge gaps for ecosystem services provided by kelp forests: a northeast Atlantic perspective. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 4016-4038.
  • Alexander, M. E., Dick, J. T. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2013) Trait-mediated interactions in a marine intertidal system as quantified by functional responses. Oikos.15: 1521-1531.
  • Donohue, I., Petchey, O.L., Montoya, J.M., Jackson, A.L., McNally, L., Viana, M., Healy, K., Lurgi, M., O’Connor, N.E. & Emmerson, M.C. (2013). On the dimensionality of ecological stability. Ecology Letters, 16: 421-429.
  • O’Connor, N. E. (2013) Impacts of sewage outfalls on rocky shores: incorporating scale, biotic assemblage structure and variability into monitoring tools. Ecological Indicators29: 501-509.
  • O’Connor, N. E., Donohue, I., Emmerson, M. & Crowe, T. P. (2013) Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of predators in complex systems. Journal of Animal Ecology82: 438-448.
  • O’Connor, N. E. & Donohue, I. (2013) Environmental context determines multi-trophic effects of consumer species loss. Global Change Biology19: 431-440.
  • Alexander, M. E., Dick, J. T. A. & O’Connor, N. E. (2013) Born to Kill: predatory functional responses of the littoral amphipod Echinogammarus marinus Leach throughout its life history. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 439: 92-99.
  • Alexander, M., Dick, J. T. A., O’Connor, N.E., Haddaway, N. & Farnsworth, K. D. (2012) Functional responses of the intertidal gastropod Echinogammarus marinus; effects of prey supply, model selection and habitat complexity. Marine – Ecology Progress Series 191-202.
  • Matias, M. G., Chapman, M. G. & Underwood, A. J. & O’Connor, N. E. 2012. Making rare species of intertidal gastropods common shows they do not differ from common species in their competitive ability. Marine – Ecology Progress Series 453: 107-116.
  • O’Connor, N. E. Donohue, I., Crowe, T. P. & Emmerson, M. 2011. The importance of consumers on exposed and sheltered rocky shores. Marine Ecology – Progress Series 443: 65-75.
  • O’Connor, N. E. (2010) Shore exposure affects mussel population structure and mediates the effect of epibiotic algae on mussel survival. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
  • O’Connor, N. E., Grabowski, J. H., Ladwig, L. M. & Bruno, J. F. 2008. Simulated predator extinctions: predator identity not diversity affects survival and recruitment of oysters. Ecology89: 428-438.
  • O’Connor, N. E. & Crowe, T. P. 2008. Do mussel patches provide an algal refuge from grazing gastropods? Journal of Molluscan Studies 74: 75-78.
  • O’Connor, N. E. & Bruno, J. F. 2007. Loss of predatory fish affects structure and functioning of a model marine food web. Oikos116: 2027-2938.
  • O’Connor, N. E. & Crowe, T. P. 2007. Biodiversity among mussels: separating the influence of the size of individual mussels from the age of mussel patches. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK) 87: 551-557.
  • O’Connor, N. E., Crowe, T. P and McGrath, D. 2006. Effects of epibiotic algae on the survival, biomass and recruitment of mussels. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 328: 265-276.
  • O’Connor, N. E. & Crowe, T. P. 2005. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: distinguishing between effects of the number of species and their identities. Ecology86: 1783-1796.

Book chapters

  • Crowe, T. P., Bracken, M. E. & O’Connor, N. E. 2012. Reality check: issues of scale and abstraction in biodiversity research, and potential solutions. In Marine biodiversity futures and ecosystem functioning: Frameworks, methodologies and integration. Paterson, D. M., Aspden, R. J. A. & Solan, M. (Editors) Oxford University Press.


  • Geraldi, N, O’Connor, NE et al. Restoration and long term monitoring of Modiolus modiolus in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. 2015. Research and Development Series 12/ XX. Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
  • Burrows, M.T., Smale, D., O'Connor, N.E., Van Rein, H. & Moore, P. 2014. MSFD Shallow sublittoral rock indicator project: Developing indicators for UK kelp habitats. JNCC Report.Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK.
  • O’Connor, N.E. & Crowe, T.P. 2012. Anthropogenic impacts on marine biodiversity: effects of enhanced nutrients and species loss on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of rocky shores. EPA STRIVE.EPA, Wexford.