Vivienne Gao

Vivienne Gao

Vivienne Gao

School of Natural Sciences (Zoology Building)
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

X: Follow @vivgaomarbio

Research Interests

I am a research assistant on the Beyond biofuel: Advanced seaweed cultivation for marine biodiscovery and climate change mitigation project. My research interests include sustainable aquaculture, genetics as a method for conservation, and the evolution of marine species and their evolutionary future under climate change. I obtained my MSc in Marine Biology and BSc in Marine Biology and Philosophy from Northeastern University in Boston, USA. Previously, I have worked on a population genetics project investigating the evolutionary differences between sympatric populations of brown trout, projects studying changes in mollusc physiology and behavior under climate change conditions, and two science communication projects: an aquaculture video game and an interactive climate change scenario museum exhibit. As part of the Beyond Biofuels team, I will assist in studying the biochemical components of farmed kelp and investigating the potential genetic basis of differences in kelp biochemistry.