Dr Danielle Gallagher

Dr Danielle Gallagher
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Natural Sciences (Zoology Building)
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
Research Interests
I am interested in climate change mitigation and remediation strategies - from sustainable biofuel and carbon efficient feedstock production, to enteric methane mitigation and community-driven strategies for regional resilience. I am working on the C-FAARER project in the O'Connor group, where we will be conducting a series of feasibility studies on the potential for regenerative seaweed farming in the Atlantic and Arctic sea basin region - focusing on ocean farming in Norway and Ireland. My background is in plant science, industrial biotechnology and community-driven climate entrepreneurship. Previous to this I was working on an EPA funded project called ICCA (Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment - Volume 1). I completed my PhD in Imperial College London, where I was looking at microbial strain engineering strategies as alternative and low carbon fuel sources. After this I was founder/director of DúlaBio, a research-based start-up that was investigating seaweed as a tool for GHG and nutrient waste reduction in an Irish context, where my interest in seaweed cultivation started.