Group Members

Dr. Abby Gilson

Simon Benson

Grace Aspell

Vivienne Gao

Dr. Matthias Schmid

Francis Spellman

Tallulah Davey

Dr Cordula Scherer

Katrin Schertenleib

Jessie Dolliver

MacDara Allison

Dr Danielle Gallagher


PhD students

Dr. Robert Mrowicki (PhD student, supervised with Prof. Christine Maggs), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationships: the importance of environmental context'. Now postdoctoral researcher at National History Museum, London.

Dr. Siobhan Vye (PhD student, supervised with Prof. Jaimie Dick and Prof. Mark Emmerson), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Disentangling the effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning'. Now project officer (Capturing our Coast) and postdoctoral researcher at Bangor University.

Dr. Julia Calderwood (PhD student, supervised with Dr. Dai Roberts and Dr. Julia Sigwart), supported by the EU's INTERREG IVA Programme, the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), the Department of Communities Heritage and Local Government (Ireland) and the Lough's Agency via IBIS. 'Developing science-based management strategies for improving yield of mussels in benthic cultivation'. Now Scientific Technical Officer (disgard mitigation) at the Marine Institute.

Dr. Nadescha Zwerschke (PhD student, supervised with Dr. Dai Roberts and Prof. Mark Emmerson), supported by the EU's INTERREG IVA Programme, the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), the Department of Communities Heritage and Local Government (Ireland) and the Lough's Agency via IBIS. 'Impacts of the natural spread of non-native oysters and interactions with native oysters'. Now Marine Biologist at the British Antarctic Survey.

Dr. Camilla Bertolini (PhD student, supervised with Prof. Ian Montgomery), supported by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the School of Biological Sciences. ‘Disentangling the effects of habitat complexity on soft-sediment mussel reefs formation and their functioning’. Now a Postdoctoral Researcher at NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research).

Dr. Lydia White (PhD student, supervised with Dr Ian Donohue and Prof Mark Emmerson), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Empirical tests of biodiversity-stability relationships in coastal ecosystems'. Now a Postdoctoral Researcher at CNRS / Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France.

Dr. Victoria McCready (PhD student, supervised with Dr. Jon Houghton and Prof Philippe Archambault, Laval University), supported by DARD (NI Department of Agriculture and Rural Development). Investigating the effects of aquaculture on biodiversity and assessing the sustainability of aquaculture systems.

Dr. Abby Gilson (PhD student, supervised with Dr. Dan Smale, Marine Biological Association of the UK, and Prof Mike Burrows, Scottish Association of Marine Science), funded by the Natural Environent Research Council and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the UK as part of the Marine Ecosystems Research Programme. 'The role of intertidal kelp in coastal ecosystem functioning'. Now a postdoctoral researcher at Rhodes University, South Africa

Dr. Carl Reddin (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr. John Bothwell and Prof. Christine Maggs), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'The influence of biotic factors on patterns of coastal biodiversity'. Now postdoctoral researcher Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Dr. Mhairi Alexander (PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Jaimie Dick), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Predator-prey interactions in marine intertidal habitats: Functional responses of the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus'. Now a Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland.

Dr. Lydia Bach (PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Mark Emmerson), supported by NERC as part of the CBESS project and DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Scaling coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services in intertidal food webs'.

Dr. Carolyn (Cass) Bromley (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr. Dai Roberts and Dr. Julia Sigwart), supported by the EU's INTERREG IVA Programme, the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), the Department of Communities Heritage and Local Government (Ireland) and the Lough's Agency via IBIS. 'Developing science-based management strategies for environmental and commercial sustainability of native oysters'.

Dr. Rebecca Kyle (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr. Dai Roberts and Dr. Neil Reid), supported by NI EA (Northern Ireland Environment Agency) and DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Assessing the vulnerabilities of early life stages of Margaritifera margaritifera with respect to ex situ conservation'.

Dr. Caroline Magill (PhD student, co-supervised with Prof. Christine Maggs), supported by DEL (Department for Employment and Learning). 'Enhancing the commercial value of seaweeds using ecophysiological approaches'.


Dr. Billy Hunter, Leverhulme Fellow, Extinction, ecosystem structure and carbon cycling in coastal sediments. Now a lecturer at the University of Ulster.

Dr. Justin Lathlean, Research Fellow, for Marine Ecosystems Research Programme. Now a lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Dr. Nate Geraldi, Research Fellow, for NI EA Modiolus Restoration and the Marine Ecosystems Research Programme (NERC/ DEFRA). Now at a Research Scientist at KAUST, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Karen Mooney, Research Fellow, for SeaGas: Production of bio-methane from seaweed by Anerobic Digestion (AD). Now at Queen's Unversity Belfast.