Peer-reviewed publications
Marples, N.M., Brakefield, P.M. & Cowie, R.J. 1989 Differences between the 7 spot and 2 spot ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) in their toxic effects on a bird predator. Ecological Entomology 14, 79 84
Marples N.M. 1993 Do wild birds use size to distinguish palatable and unpalatable prey types? Animal Behaviour 46, 347-354
Marples N.M. 1993 Is the alkaloid in two spot ladybirds (Adalia bipunctata) a defence against ant predation? Chemoecology 4, 29-32. Abstract
Marples N.M. 1993 Toxicity assays of ladybirds using natural predators. Chemoecology 4, 33-38. Abstract
Marples N.M.; de Jong P.W.; Ottenheim M.; Verhoog M.D. & Brakefield P.M. 1993 The inheritance of a wingless character in the 2spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 69, 69-73.
Marples N.M., van Veelen W. & Brakefield P.M. 1994 A comparison of aposematic cues: Which protects an insect; colour, taste or smell? Animal Behaviour 48, 967-974.
Marples N.M. & Brakefield P.M. 1995 Genetic variation for the rate of recruitment of novel insect prey into the diet of a bird. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 55, 17-27.
Marples N.M. & Roper T.J. 1996 Effects of novel colour and smell on the response of naive chicks towards food and water. Animal Behaviour 51, 1417-1424. Abstract
Marples N.M. & Roper T.J. 1997 Response of domestic chicks to methyl anthranilate odour. Animal Behaviour 53, 1263-1270. Abstract
Roper T.J. & Marples N.M. 1997 Odour and colour as cues for taste-avoidance learning in domestic chicks. Animal Behaviour 53, 1241-1250. Abstract
Roper T.J. & Marples N.M. 1997 Colour preferences in domestic chicks in relation to food and water presentation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 54, 207-213.
Marples N.M., Roper T.J. & Harper D.G.C. 1998 Responses of wild birds to novel prey: evidence of dietary conservatism. Oikos 83, 161-165 Abstract
Farrell M., Barry, E. & Marples N.M. 2000 The breeding behaviour of the Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopteris chilensis) in a captive colony. Zoo Biology 19, 227-237.
Marples N.M. & Kelly D.J. 2001 Neophobia and dietary conservatism: two distinct processes? Evolutionary Ecology 13, 641-653. Abstract
Robinson-Dean, J.C., Willmott, K.R., Catterall, M.J., Kelly, D.J., Whittington, A., Phalan, B., Marples, N.M. and Boeadi, D.R.S. 2002 A new subspecies of Red-backed Thrush Zoothera erythronota kabaena subsp. nov. (Muscicapidae: Turdidae) from Kabaena island, Indonesia. Forktail 18, 1-10
Thomas, R.J. Marples, N.M. Cuthill, I.C., Takahashi, M. & Gibson, E.A. 2003 Dietary conservatism may facilitate the initial evolution of aposematism Oikos 101, 458-466 Abstract
Thomas, R.J. Drewitt, E.J.A. Kelly, D.J. Marples, N.M. & Semple, S. 2003 Nocturnal playbacks reveal hidden differences in singing behaviour between populations of Robin Erithacus rubecula. Bird Study 50, 84-87 DOI
Thomas, R.J., Bartlett, L., Marples, N.M., Kelly, D.J. and Cuthill, I.C. 2004 Prey selection by wild birds can allow novel and conspicuous colour morphs to spread in prey populations. Oikos 106, 285-294. Abstract
Kelly, D. J., and Marples N.M. 2004. The effects of novel odour and colour cues on food acceptance by the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Animal Behaviour 68:1049-1054 Abstract
Marples N.M., Kelly D.J. and Thomas R.J. 2005 Perspective: The evolution of warning coloration is not paradoxical Evolution 59: 933-940.
Mappes J., Marples N, and Endler J A. 2005 The Complex business of survival by aposematism. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 598-603 Abstract
Marples NM, Quinlan M, Thomas RJ and Kelly DJ. 2007 Deactivation of dietary wariness through experience of novel food. Behavioural Ecology 18:803-810 PDF
Siddall, E.C. & Marples, N.M. 2008 Better to be bimodal: the interaction of color and odor on learning and memory. Behavioural Ecology 19: 425-432 PDF
Cleary, G.P., Corner, L.A.L., O’Keeffe, J., Marples, N.M., 2009. The diet of the badger Meles meles in the Republic of Ireland. Mammalian Biology 74: 438-445; doi
Lee T, Marples NM. and Speed, M. 2010 Can dietary conservatism explain the primary evolution of aposematism? Animal Behaviour 79: 63-74. doi
Thomas R.J., King T.A., Forshaw H.E., Marples N.M., Speed M.P., & Cable J. 2010 The response of fish to novel prey: evidence that dietary conservatism is not restricted to birds. Behavioural Ecology Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 669-675 ; doi
Kelly, D.J., Marples, N.M. & Singer, H. A. 2010 A population of Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris from the south-eastern peninsula of Sulawesi. Forktail 26, 138-139.
Whilde J. and Marples N.M. 2010 The behaviour of a zoo-housed infant orangutan following the death of its mother. Zoo Biology 29, 1-7; doi
Cleary G.P., Corner L.A.L., O’Keeffe J.& Marples N.M. 2011 Diet of the European badger (Meles meles) in the Republic of Ireland: a comparison of results from an analysis of stomach contents and rectal faeces. Mammalian Biology 76: 470-475; doi
Kelly, D. J., Corner, L. A. L., Gormley, E., Murphy, D., Costello, E., Aldwell, F. E. & Marples, N. M. 2011 Evaluation of attractant flavours for use in oral vaccine baits for badgers (Meles meles). European Journal of Wildlife Research. 57, 767 - 774. doi
Marples N.M. and Mappes J. 2011 Can the dietary conservatism of predators compensate for positive frequency dependent selection against rare, conspicuous prey? Evolutionary Ecology 25: 737-749. doi
Siddall E.C. and Marples N.M. 2011 Hear no evil: The effect of auditory warning signals on avian innate avoidance, learned avoidance and memory. Current Zoology 57: 197-207
Siddall E.C. and Marples N.M. 2011. Avoidance learning and memory in wild robins Erithacus rubecula. Current Zoology 57: 208−214
Richards E.L., Thomas R.J., Marples N.M., Snellgrove D.L., Cable J. 2011 The expression of dietary conservatism in solitary and shoaling 3-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus. Behavioral Ecology 22: 738-744 doi
Whilde J. and Marples N.M. 2011 The effect of a birth on the behavior of a family group of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at Dublin Zoo. Zoo Biology 30 : 1–11
Kelly D.J. and Marples N.M. 2011 Notes on the distribution of the olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jegularas) in south eastern Sulawesi. BirdingAsia 15: 15 - 16
Kelly D.J. and Marples N.M. 2012 Annual survival rate and mean life span of lemon-bellied white-eyes (Zosterops chloris flavissimus) on Kaledupa island, Wakatobi, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail 28, 148-149
Kelly D.J., Robertson A., Murphy D., Fitzsimons T., Costello E., Gormley E., Corner L.A.L., Marples N.M. 2012 Trophic Enrichment Factors for Blood Serum in the European Badger (Meles meles). PLoS ONE 7(12): e53071. doi
MacWhite, T., Mullen, E.M., Maher, P., Kelly, D.J., Good, M., Marples, N.M. 2013 Satellite tracking study of badgers Meles meles to establish normal ranging behaviour prior to a road realignment" Irish Naturalists Journal
Mullen, E.M., MacWhite, T., Maher, P., Kelly, D.J., Good, M., Marples, N.M. 2013 Foraging Eurasian badgers Meles meles and the presence of cattle in pastures. Do badgers avoid cattle? Applied Animal Behaviour Science doi
Richards E.L., Alexander L.G., Snellgrove D., Thomas R.J., Marples N.M. & Cable J (2014) Variation in the expression of dietary conservatism within and between fish species. Animal Behaviour 88, 49-56.
McMahon, K., Conboy, A., O'Byrne-White, E., Thomas, R.J., & Marples N.M. (2014) Dietary wariness influences the response of foraging birds to competitors. Animal Behaviour 89, 63-69
Kelly S.B.A., Kelly D.J., Cooper N., Bahrun A., Analuddin K. & Marples N.M. (2014) Molecular and Phenotypic Data Support the Recognition of the Wakatobi Flowerpecker (Dicaeum kuehni) from the Unique and Understudied Sulawesi Region. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98694. doi:
Corner LAL, Stuart LJ, Kelly DJ, Marples NM (2015) Reproductive Biology Including Evidence for Superfetation in the European Badger Meles meles (Carnivora: Mustelidae). PLoS ONE 10(10): e0138093. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138093
O’Reilly C, Kelly D. J., Marples N. M. and Harte N. (2015) Quantifying difference in vocalizations of bird populations. Proceedings of Interspeech 2015: 3417–3421.
Keane, C. & Marples, N.M. (2015) Zoo Playgrounds: A Source of Enrichment or Stress for a Group of Nearby Cockatoos: A case study. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science18:375–387 DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2015.1034278
Mullen, E.M., MacWhite T., Maher P., Kelly D.J., Marples N.M., & Good M. (2015) The avoidance of farmyards by European badgers Meles meles in a medium density population. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 171:170-176
Keane C.K. and Marples N.M. (2016) The effects of zoo visitors on a group of Western Lowland Gorillas Gorilla gorilla gorilla before and after the birth of an infant in Dublin Zoo. In press International Zoo Yearbook 2015
Book Chapters
Marples N.M. & Roper T.J. 2004. Warning colours and warning smells: how birds learn to avoid aposematic insects. In: Insect and Bird Interactions (H.van Emden and M. Rothschild eds.) Intercept: Hampshire Chapter 12 pp 185-192
Marples N.M. 2004 The chemical defences of an aposematic complex: A case study of two-spot and seven-spot ladybirds In: Insect and Bird Interactions (H.van Emden and M. Rothschild eds.) Intercept: Hampshire Chapter 13 pp 193-203
Melfi, V.A., Marples N.M. and Ruxton G.D. 2005 Multivariate Tests In: Zoo Research Guidelines: Statistics for typical zoo datasets (A. B. Plowman ed.) BIAZA: London Chapter 3 pp 17-23.
Marples N.M., Ruxton G.D. and Colgrave 2005 Analysing activity budgets with G-tests. In: Zoo Research Guidelines: Statistics for typical zoo datasets (A. B. Plowman ed.) BIAZA: London Chapter 4 pp 24-26.