
Research currently underway:

  1. Ranging and dispersal studies on badgers through GPS tracking of a badger population, in association with DAFM and NPWS. (Aoibheann Gaughran)
  2. Analysis of the genetic inter-relatedness of badger social groups (Aoibheann Gaughran)
  3. Bait delivery trials for vaccine delivery to badgers (Dave Kelly)
  4. A survey of the micro and macro endo-parasites found in badgers across Ireland and how this differs between sexes and age groups. This is a collaboration with the Parasitology group, TCD (Celia Holland).
  5. A long term biogeography investigation in Indonesia, investigating the evolutionary changes occurring in the bird populations living on islands near Sulawesi. This project is partly funded by Operation Wallacea
  6. Song analysis looking for the very first stages of speciation in bird populations on Indonesian islands. This project is in conjunction with Prof. Harte’s group: Digital Media Systems, Electronic & Electrical Engineering, TCD.
  7. Investigation of the effect of group foraging on the expression of foraging strategies by sticklebacks.