Rosie Carroll

Rosie Carroll

Marples Lab Group Members

School of Natural Sciences (Zoology Building)
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

Research Interests

I have a broad interest in conservation and wildlife biology. My current area of research is seasonal cycles in animal biology and how this can change over time.

Project Title: Seasonality in the Eurasian Badger in Ireland

In response to the widespread Bovine Tuberculosis problem in this country, the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAF) has established an interim policy of culling badgers where there is evidence that tuberculosis in cattle is due to the reservoir of the infection in the local badger population. Prior to 2005, culling was conducted on a year round basis. Since then, culling during the first three months of the year has been restricted to specific areas. This is due to concerns that lactating sows may be killed and their dependant cubs would then die of starvation.

The information gathered from the post-mortems carried out on these badgers will enable us to describe the cubbing season of badgers in Ireland, and so prevent the culling of suckling sows. The data collected form the study and the addition of records from previous studies, should provide an accurate timeline beginning at implantation and ending when the cubs become independent. These records will also provide information on how the badger population has changed in Ireland since culling began. This study will be focusing on group size, cub numbers and evidence of aggression within groups.