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Underlined : authors contributed equally and * are publications with one or more undergraduate coauthors.

* Luijckx P., Ho E. K. H., Stanic A. and Agrawal A. F. Mutation accumulation in populations of varying size: large effect mutations cause most mutational decline in the rotifer B. calyciflorus under UV-C radiation. (Submitted)

* Kirk D., Jones N., Peacock S., Phillips J., Molnár P., Krkošek M., and Luijckx P. Empirical evidence that metabolic theory describes the temperature dependency of  within host parasite dynamics (Submitted)

*Luijckx P., Ho E. K. H., Gasim M., Chen S., Stanic A., Yanchus C., Kim Y. S. and Agrawal A. F. (2017). Higher rates of sex evolve during adaptation to more complex  environments. PNAS.

Ebert D., Duneau D., Hall M.D., Luijckx P., Andras J.P., Du Pasquier L. and Ben-Ami F.A. (2016). Population biology perspective on the stepwise infection process of  the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria in Daphnia. Advances in parasitology 91, 265-310

Metzger C. M. J. A., Luijckx P., Bento G., Mariadassou M., and Ebert D. (2016). The Red Queen lives: Epistasis between linked resistance loci. Evolution 70, 480–487. Recommended by the Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology.

Luijckx P., Duneau D., Andras J.P., and Ebert D. (2014). Cross-species infection trials reveal cryptic parasite varieties and a putative polymorphism shared among host species. Evolution 68, 577-586.

Luijckx P., Fienberg H., Duneau D., and Ebert D. (2013). A matching-allele model explains host resistance to parasites. Current Biology 23, 1085-1088.  Recommended by the F1000.

* Duneau D., Luijckx P., Ruder L. F., and Ebert D. (2012). Sex-specific effects of a parasite evolving in a female-biased host population. BMC Biology,    10:1.

Luijckx P., Fienberg H., Duneau D., and Ebert D. (2012). Resistance to a bacterial parasite in the crustacean Daphnia magna shows Mendelian segregation with dominance. Heredity 108, 547-551. Covered by Heredity podcast.

Duneau D., Luijckx P., Ben-Ami F., Laforsch C. and Ebert D. (2011). Resolving the infection process reveals striking differences in the contribution of phylogeny, genetics and environment to host-parasite interactions. BMC Biology, 9:11.

Luijckx P., Ben-Ami F., Mouton L., Du Pasquier L. and Ebert D. (2011). Cloning of the unculturable parasite Pasteuria ramosa and its Daphnia host reveals extreme genotype-genotype interactions. Ecology Letters, 14, 125-131. 

Coyer J. A., Hoarau G., Van Schaik J., Luijckx P. and Olsen J. L. (2011). Trans-Pacific and trans-Arctic pathways of the intertidal macroalga Fucus distichus L. reveal multiple glacial refugia and colonizations from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography, 38, 756-771.