Journal articles

Else, K.J., Keiser, J., Holland, C.V., Grencis, R.K., Sattelle, D.B., Fujiwara, R.T., Bueno, L.L., Asaolu, S.O., Sowemimo, O.A. and Cooper, P. J. (2020). Whipworm and roundworm infections. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 6: 44.

Tierney, P. A., Caffrey, J.M., Vogel, S., Mathews, S., Costantini, E. and Holland, C.V. (2020). Invasive freshwater fish (Leuciscus leuciscus) acts as a sink for a parasite of native brown trout Salmo trutta. Biological Invasions 22, 2235-2250.

Tierney, P. A., Caffrey, J.M., Mathews, S., Costantini, E. and Holland, C.V. (2020). Evidence for enemy release and low helminth parasite community diversity in invasive common dace Leuciscus leuciscus in Ireland: a helminth community survey and systematic review. Journal of Helminthology in press.

Williams, M., Holland, C.V., and Donohue, I. (2020). Warming can alter host behavior in a similar manner to infection with behavior-manipulating parasites. Oecologiain press.

Stuart, P., Paredis, L., Henttonen, H., Lawton, C., Ochoa Torres, C.A. and Holland, C.V. (2020). The hidden faces of a biological invasion: parasite dynamics of invaders and natives. International Journal of Parasitology 50 (2), 111-123

Deslyper, G., Sowemimo, O.A., Beresford, J. and Holland C.V. (2020). Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum vary in their larval burden in a mouse model. Journal of Helminthology 94, e128.

Byrne, R.L., Fogarty, U., Mooney, A., Harris, E., Good, M., Marples, N.M. and Holland, C.V. (2020). The helminth community of European badgers (Meles meles) in Ireland. Journal of Helminthology 94, e37.

Deslyper, G., Colgan, T., Holland, C.V. and Carolan, J.C. (2019). The liver proteome in a mouse model for Ascaris suum resistance and susceptibility: evidence for an altered innate immune response. Parasites & Vectors 12, 402. 

Deslyper, G., Doherty, D.G., Carolan, J.C. and Holland, C.V. (2019). The role of the liver in the migration of parasites of global significance. Parasites & Vectors 12, 531.

Rostami, A., Seyed, M.R., Holland, C., Taghipour, A., Khalili-Fomeshi, M., Fakhri, Y., Vahid, F.O., Hotez, P. and Gasser, R. (2019). Seroprevalence estimates for toxocariasis in people worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS Neglected Diseases 13(12): e0007809.

Williams, M.A., Donohue, I., Picard, J., O’Keefe, F. and Holland, C.V. (2019).  Infection with behaviour-manipulating parasites enhances bioturbation by key aquatic detritivores. Parasitology  146 (12), 1528-1531. Selected as Paper of the month.

Guangxu Ma., Celia Holland., Tao Wang., Andreas Hofmann., Chia-Kwung Fan., Rick Maizels., Peter Hotez and Robin Gasser (2018). Human toxocariasis. Lancet Infectious Diseases 18 (1) 314-e24.
Loxton, K.C., Lawton, C., Stafford, P. and Holland, C.V. (2017). Parasite dynamics in an invaded ecosystem: helminth communities of native wood mice are impacted by the invasive bank vole.  Parasitology 144, 1476-1489.

Cooper, Andrew J.R., Dholakia, Shamik., Holland, Celia V., Friend, Peter J. (2017).
Helminths in organ transplantation. Lancet Infectious Diseases 17 (6), e166-e176.

Holland, C.V. (2017). Knowledge gaps in the epidemiology of Toxocara: the enigma remains. ParasitologySpecial Issue on One Health 114, 81-94.

Medley, G. F., Turner, H. C., Baggaley, R.F. Holland, C.V. and Hollingsworth, T.D. (2016). The role of more sensitive helminth diagnostics in mass drug administration campaigns: elimination and health impacts. In: Basáñez, M.G., Anderson, R.M., (Eds.), Mathematical Models for Neglected Tropical Diseases: Essential Tools for Control and Elimination, Part B, pp. 343–392. Also known as Advances in Parasitology.

Deslyper, G., Colgan, T.J., Cooper, A.J.R., Holland, C.V. and Carolan, J. (2016). A proteomic investigation of hepatic resistance to Ascaris in a murine model. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10(8): e0004837.

Loxton, K. C., Lawton, C., Stafford, P. and Holland, C.V. (2016). Reduced helminth parasitism in the introduced bank vole (Myodes glareolus): more parasites lost than gained.  International Journal of Parasitology Parasites and Wildlife 5 (2) 175-183.

Fan, C-K., Holland, C.V., Loxton, K. And Barghouth, U. (2015). Cerebral toxocariasis: silent progression to neurogenerative disorders? Clinical Microbiology Reviews 28 (3), 663-686.
Noone,C., Parkinson, M., Dowling. D.J., Aldridge, A., Kirwan, P., Molloy, S.F., Asaolu, S.O., Holland, C and O’Neill, S.M. (2013). Plasma cytokines, chemokines and cellular immune responses in pre-school Nigerian children infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria Journal 12:5.

Abanyie, F.A., McCracken, C., Kirwan, P., Molloy, S.F., Asaolu, S.O., Holland, C.V., Gutman, J. and Lamb, T.J. (2013). Ascaris co-infection does not alter malaria-induced anaemia in a cohort of Nigerian preschool children. Malaria Journal 12:1.

Devoy-Keegan, J. and Holland, C.V. (2013). A comparison of Toxocara canis embryonation under controlled conditions in soil and hair. Journal of Helminthology 87, 78-84.
Holland, C.V. and Hamilton, C.M. (2013). The significance of cerebral toxocariasis: a model system for exploring the link between brain involvement, behaviour and the immune response. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 78-83.

Mitchell, S., Baxter, E.T., Holland, C.V. and Roger, H. (2012). Development of a novel histopathological gill scoring protocol for assessment of gill health during a longitudinal study in marineā€farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Aquaculture International, DOI 10.1007/5 10499.

Dold, C., Pemberton, A., Stafford, P., Holland, C.V. and Behnke, J.M.B. (2011). The role of Intelectin-2 in resistance to Ascaris suum lung larval burdens in susceptible and resistant mouse strains, Parasitology 138, 660-669.

Dold, C. and Holland, C.V. (2011). Investigating the underlying mechanism of resistance to Ascaris infection, Microbes and Infection 13, 624-631.

Dold, C. and Holland, C.V. (2011). Ascaris and ascariasis, Microbes and  Infection 13, 632-637.

Molloy, S.F., Tanner, C.J., Kirwan, P., Asaolu, S.O., Smith, H.V., Nichols          R.A.B., Connelly, L. and Holland, C.V. (2011). Cryptosporidium infection in   Nigerian children: Risk factors with species identification, Epidemiology and Infection 139 (6) 946-954.

Kirwan, P., Jackson, A.L., Asaolu, S.O., Abiona, T.C., Bruce, M.C., Ranford-     Cartwright, L., O'Neill, S.M. and Holland, C.V. (2010). Impact of             repeated four-          monthly anthelmintic treatment on Plasmodium infection in preschool children: a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial. BMC Infectious Diseases 10, 277.

Molloy, S.F., Smith, H.V., Kirwan, P., Nichols, R.B., Asaolu, S.O., Connelly, L. and Holland, C.V. (2010). Evidence of a high diversity of Cryptosporidium species, genotypes and subtypes in a pediatric population in Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82(4), 608-613.

Dold, C., Cassidy, J.P., Stafford, P., Behnke, J.M. and Holland, C.V. (2010). Genetic influence on the kinetics and associated pathology of early stage (intestinal-hepatic) migration of Ascaris suum in mice. Parasitology 137, 173-185.

Devoy-Keegan, J. and Holland, C.V. (2010). Contamination of the hair of owned dogs with the eggs of Toxocara spp. Veterinary Parasitology 173, (1-2),161-164.

Mitchell, S.O., Steinum, T., Rodger, H., Holland, C.V., Falk, K. and Colquhoun, D.J. (2010). Epitheliocystis in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farmed in freshwater in Ireland is associated with 'Candidatus Clavochlamydia salmonicola' infection. Journal of Fish Diseases 33, 665 – 673.

Holland, C. (2009). Predisposition to ascariasis: patterns, mechanisms and implications. Parasitology  (Centenary volume) 136, 1537-1547.

Smith, H., Holland, C., Taylor, M.R.H., Magnaval, J-F., Schantz, P. and Maizels, R. (2009). How common is human toxocariasis? Towards standardising our knowledge. Trends in Parasitology 25, 4, 182-188.

Kirwan, P., Asaolu, S.O., Molloy, S.F., Abiona, T.C., Jackson, A.L. and Holland, C. (2009). Patterns of soil transmitted helminth infection and impact of four monthly anthelmintic treatment in preschool children from semi-urban communities in Nigeria: a double blind placebo-controlled randomized trial. BMC Infectious diseases 9, 2009, 20

Kirwan, P., Asaolu, S.O., Molloy, S.F., Abiona, T.C., Jackson, A.L. and Holland, C. (2009). Soil-transmitted helminth infections in Nigerian children aged 0-25 months. Journal of Helminthology 83, 261-266.

Lewis, R., Behnke, J., Stafford, P. and Holland, C. (2009). Dose-dependent impact of larval Ascaris suum on host body weight in the mouse model. Journal of Helminthology 83, 1-5.

Hamilton, C.M., Brandes, S., Holland, C. and Pinelli, E. (2008). Cytokine expression in the brains of Toxocara-infected mice. Parasite Immunology 30, 181-185.

Roddie, G., Stafford, P., Holland, C. and Wolfe, A. (2008). Contamination of dog hair with the eggs of Toxocara canis. Veterinary Parasitology 152, 85-93.

Roddie, G., Holland, C., Stafford, P. and Wolfe, A. (2008). Contamination of fox hair with the eggs of Toxocara canis. Journal of Helminthology 82, 293-296.

Lewis, R., Behnke, J.M., Cassidy, J., Stafford, P., Murray, N. and Holland, C. (2007). The migration of Ascaris suum larvae and the associated pulmonary inflammatory response in susceptible C57BL/6j and resistant CBA/Ca mice. Parasitology. 134, 1301-1314.

Hamilton, C.M., Stafford, P., Pinelli, E. and Holland, C. (2006). A murine model for cerebral toxocariasis : characterisation of host susceptibility and behaviour. Parasitology 132, 791-801.

Lewis, R., Stafford, P., Behnke, J.M. and Holland, C. (2006). The development of a mouse model to explore resistance and susceptibility to early Ascaris suum infection. Parasitology 132, 289-300.

Byrne, C., Holland, C., Walsh, E., Mulligan, C and Poole, R. (2004). Utilisation of brown trout by Acanthocephalus clavula (Acanthocephala) in brown trout (Salmo trutta) in an Irish lake: is this evidence of a host shift? Journal of Helminthology 78, 201-206.

Good, B., Holland, C., Taylor, M.R.H., Larragy, J., Moriarty, P. and O’Regan, M. (2004). Ocular toxocariasis in school children. Clinical Infectious Diseases 39, 173-178.

O’Mahoney, E., Bradley, D., Kennedy, C.R. and Holland, C. (2004). Evidence for the hypothesis of strain formation in Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala): an investigation using mitochondrial DNA sequences. Parasitology 129, 341-347.

O’Mahoney, Kennedy, C.R. and Holland, C. (2004). Comparison of morphological characters in Irish and English populations of the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis (Muller, 1776). Systematic Parasitology 59, 147-157.

Crofton, P.M., Evans, N., Taylor, M.R.H. and Holland, C.V. (2004). Procollagen Type I amino-terminal propeptide : pediatric reference data and relationship with procollagen type I carboxyl-terminal propeptide. Clinical Chemistry 50 (11), 2173-2176.

Byrne, C., Holland, C., Kennedy, C.R. and Poole, R. (2003). Interspecific interactions between Acanthocephala in the intestine of brown trout :  are they more frequent in Ireland? Parasitology 127, 399-409.

Byrne, C., Holland, C., Poole, R. and Kennedy, C.R. (2002). Comparison of the macroparasite communities of stocked and wild trout (Salmo trutta) from the West of Ireland. Parasitology 124, 435-445.

Crofton, P.M., Evans, A.E.M., Groome, N.P., Taylor, M.R.H., Holland, C.V. and Kelnar, C.J.H. (2002a). Inhibin B in boys from birth to adulthood : relationship with  age, pubertal stage, FSH and testosterone. Clinical Endocrinology 56, 215-221.

Crofton, P.M., Evans, A.E.M., Groome, N.P., Taylor, M.R.H., Holland, C.V. and Kelnar, C.J.H. (2002b). Dimeric inhibins in girls from birth to adulthood: relationship with age, pubertal stage, FSH and oestradiol. Clinical Endocrinology 56, 223-230.

Crofton, P.M., Evans, A.E.M., Taylor, M.R.H. and Holland, C. (2002c). Serum crosslaps: pediatric reference intervals from birth to 19 years of age. Clinical Chemistry 48 (4), 671- 673.

Skerrett, H. and Holland, C. (2001). Asymptomatic shedding of Cryptosporidium oocysts by red deer hinds and calves. Veterinary Parasitology  94, 239-246.

Holland, C. and Cox, D. (2001). Toxocara in the mouse : a model for parasite-altered host behaviour? Journal of Helminthology (Special issue on Toxocara). 75 (2), 125-135.

Good, B., Holland, C. and Stafford, P. (2001). The influence of inoculum size and time post-infection on the number and position of Toxocara canis larvae recovered from the brains of outbred CD1 mice. Journal of Helminthology (Special issue on Toxocara). 75 (2), 175-181.

Cox, D. and Holland, C. (2001). The influence of mouse strain, infective dose and larval burden in the brain on activity in Toxocara-infected mice. Journal of Helminthology 75, 23-32.

Cox, D. and Holland, C. (2001). The relationship between three intensity levels of Toxocara canis larvae in the brain and effects on exploration, anxiety, learning and memory in the murine host. Journal of Helminthology 75, 33-41.

O’Lorcain, P. and Holland, C. (2000). The public health importance of Ascaris lumbricoides. Parasitology 121, 51-71.

Stephenson, L.S., Holland, C. and Cooper, E. S. (2000). The public health importance of Trichuris trichiura. Parasitology 121, 73-95.

Zintl, A., Voorheis, P. and Holland, C. (2000). Experimental infections of farmed eels with different Trypanosoma granulosum  life-cycle stages and investigation of pleomorphism.  Journal of Parasitology 86, 56-59.

Skerrett, H. and Holland, C. (2000). The occurrence of Cryptosporidium in environmental waters in the greater Dublin area. Water Research 34 (15), 3755-3760.

Byrne, C., Gray, C., Holland, C. and Poole, R. (2000). Parasite community similarity between four Irish lakes. Journal of Helminthology  74, 301-305.

Hall, A. and Holland, C. (2000). Geographical variation in Ascaris lumbricoides  fecundity and its implications for helminth control. Parasitology Today 16 (2), 540-544.

McSharry, C., Xia, Y., Holland, C. and Kennedy, M.W. (1999). Natural immunity to Ascaris lumbricoides associated with IgE antibody to ABA-1 allergen and inflammatory indicators in children. Infection and Immunity 67, 484-489.

Zintl, A., Poole, R., Voorheis, P. and Holland, C. (1999). Cryptobia  infections in brown trout, Salmo trutta  L., caught as by catch in the Burrishoole catchment, County Mayo western Ireland. Journal of Fish Diseases 22, 1-5.

Byrne, C.J., Holland, C. and Tully, O. (1999). Metazoan parasite community structure of sea trout on the west coast of Ireland.  Journal of Fish Biology  55, 127-134.

Cox, D. and Holland, C. (1998). The relationship between numbers of larvae recorded from the brain of Toxocara canis-infected mice and social behaviour and anxiety in the host. Parasitology 116, 579-594.

Taylor, M.R.H., Holland, C., Spencer, R., Jackson, J.F., O’Connor, G.I. and O’Donnell,   J.R. (1997). Haematological reference ranges for schoolchildren. Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 19, 1-15.

Crofton, P.M., Wade, J.C., Taylor, M.R.H. and Holland, C. (1997). Serum concentrations of carboxyl-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen, amino-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen, cross-linked carboxl-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, and their interrelationships in schoolchildren. Clinical Chemistry 43 (9), 1577-1581.

Skerrett, H. and Holland, C. (1997). Variation in the larval recovery of Toxocara canis from the murine brain: implications for behavioural studies. Journal of Helminthology 71, 253-255.

Zintl, A., Poole, W.R., Voorheis, H.P. and Holland, C. (1997).  Naturally occurring Trypanosoma granulosum infections in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla from the west coast of Ireland. Journal of Fish Diseases 20, 333-341.

Taylor, M.R.H., Lennon, B., Holland, C. and Cafferkey, M. (1997). The prevalence of toxoplasma antibodies in urban and rural schoolchildren aged 4 to 18 years. Archives of Disease in Childhood 77, 406-409.

Holland, C. and Kennedy, C.R. (1997). A checklist of helminth parasites in freshwater fish in Ireland. Biology and Environment 97 (3), 225-243.

Holland, C., Asaolu, S.O., Crompton, D.W.T., Whitehead, R.R. and Coombs, I. (1996). Targeted anthelmintic treatment of school children: effect of frequency of application on the intensity of Ascaris lumbricoides infection in children from rural Nigerian villages. Parasitology  113, 87-95.

Holland, C., O’Shea, E., Asaolu, S.O., Turley, O. and Crompton, D.W.T. (1996). A cost-effective analysis of anthelmintic intervention for community control of soil-transmitted helminth infection: Levamisole and Ascaris lumbricoides. Journal of Parasitology 82 (4), 527-530.

Ryan, S. and Holland, C. (1996). The intestinal helminth community of wild woodmice Apodemus sylvaticus in County Wicklow. Biology and Environment 96B (1), 45-48.

Taylor, M.R.H., Holland, C. and O’Lorcain, P. (1996). Eczema and hayfever in schoolchildren. Irish Medical Journal 89 (6), 229-230.

Holland, C., O’Lorcain, P., Taylor, M.R.H. and Kelly, A. (1995). Sero-epidemiology of toxocariasis in schoolchildren. Parasitology 110, 535-545.

Kenny, J.V., MacCabe, R. J., Smith, H.V. and Holland, C. (1995). Serological evidence for the presence of toxocariasis in the Turkana district of Kenya. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89 (4), 377-378.

Molloy, S., Holland, C. and O’Regan, M. (1995). Population biology of Pomphorhynchus laevis  in brown trout from two lakes in the west of Ireland. Journal of Helminthology 69, 229-235.

Molloy, S., Holland, C. and Poole, R. (1995). Metazoan parasite community structure in brown trout from two lakes in western Ireland. Journal of Helminthology 69, 237-242.

Taylor, M.R.H., Holland, C. and O’Lorcain, P. (1995). Asthma and wheeze in schoolchildren. Irish Medical Journal 89 (1), 34-35.

Molloy, S., Holland, C. and Poole, R. (1993). Helminth parasites of brown and sea trout Salmo trutta  L. from the West coast of Ireland.  Biology and Environment 93B (3), 137-142.

Asaolu, S.O., Holland, C., Jegede, J.O., Fraser, N.R., Stoddart, R.C. and Crompton, D.W.T. (1992).  The prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminthiases in rural communities in southern Nigeria.  Annals of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86 (3), 279-287.

Holland, C., Crompton, D.W.T., Asaolu, S.O., Crichton, W.B., Torimiro, S.E.A. and Walters, D.E. (1992).  A possible genetic factor influencing protection from infection with Ascaris lumbricoides in Nigerian children.  Journal of Parasitology 78 (5), 915-916.

Marnell, F., Guillet, A. and Holland, C. (1992).  A survey of the intestinal helminths of refugees in Juba, Sudan. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 86 (4) 387-393.

Holland, C., O'Connor, P., Taylor, M.R.H., Hughes, G., Girdwood, R.W.A. and Smith, H. (1991). Families, Parks, Gardens and Toxocariasis. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 23, 225-231.

Asaolu, S.O., Holland, C. and Crompton, D.W.T. (1991). Community control of Ascaris lumbricoides in rural Oyo State, Nigeria: Mass, targeted and selective treatment with levamisole. Parasitology 103, 291-298.

Holland, C. and Asaolu, S.O. (1990). Ascariasis in Nigeria. Parasitology Today 6, 143-147.

Holland, C. (1989). Man and his parasites: integration of biomedical and social approaches to transmission and control. Social Science and Medicine 29, 403-411. 

Holland, C., Asaolu, S. O., Crompton, D.W.T., Stoddart, R., Macdonald, R. and Torimiro, S.E. A. (1989). The epidemiology of Ascaris lumbricoides  and other soil-transmitted helminths in primary school children from Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Parasitology 99, 275-285.

Holland, C. (1989). An assessment of the impact of four intestinal nematode infections on human nutrition. Clinical Nutrition 8, 239-250.

Taylor, M.R.H., Keane, C.T., O'Connor, P., Mulvihill, E. and Holland, C. (1988). The expanded spectrum of Toxocaral disease. The Lancet 1,  692-695.

Holland, C., Taren, D., Crompton, D.W.T., Nesheim, M.C., Sanjur, D., Barbeau, I., Tucker,  K., Tiffany, J. and Rivera, G. (1988).  Intestinal parasitism as an indicator of socio-economic environment in Panamanian children.  Social Science and Medicine 26 (2) 209-13.

Taren, D., Nesheim, M.C., Crompton, D.W.T., Holland, C., Barbeau, I., Rivera, G., Sanjur, D., Tiffany, J. and Tucker, K. (1987).  Contribution of ascariasis to poor nutritional status of children from Chiriqui Province, Republic of Panama. Parasitology 95, 603-13.

Holland, C., Crompton, D.W.T., Taren, D., Nesheim, M.C., Sanjur, D., Barbeau, I. and Tucker, K.  (1987).  Epidemiology of Ascaris lumbricoides  infection in preschool children from Chiriqui Province, Panama.  Parasitology 95, 615-22.

Holland, C. (1987).  Interspecific effects between Moniliformis (Acanthocephala), Hymenolepis  (Cestoda) and Nippostrongylus  (Nematoda)  in the laboratory rat.  Parasitology 94, 567-81.

Martin, J. and Holland, C. (1984).  Scanning electron microscope studies of the mucosa of rats infected with Hymenolepis diminuta  (Cestoda).  Journal of Helminthology 58 (2) 93-99.

Holland, C. (1984). Interactions between Moniliformis  (Acanthocephala) and Nippostrongylus  (Nematoda) in the small intestine of laboratory rats. Parasitology 88, 303-315.

Publications: Books

McManus, R., Hamilton, C.M. and Holland, C.V. (2018). Toxocara spp. In Global Water Pathogens Part 4 Helminths. Editor(s) J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros. Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, UNESCO.

Holland, C. (2013) (Editor). Ascaris the neglected parasite. Elsevier. 439 pp.

Holland, C. and Smith, H. (2006). (Editors). Toxocara the enigmatic parasite. CABI publishing. 301pp.

WHO (2003). (Co-rapporteur). Informal consultation on the use of Praziquantel during Pregnancy/Lactation and Albendazole/Mebendazole in Children under 24 months, WHO Geneva April 2002. 199 pp.

Holland, C. and Kennedy, M.W. (2002). (Editors). The Geohelminths Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 335 pp.

Holland, C. (1997). (Editor). Modern Perspectives on Zoonoses. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.  175 pp.

Stephenson, L.S. and Holland, C.V. (1987). The impact of helminth infections on human nutrition: schistosomes and soil-transmitted helminthes. Taylor & Francis 233 pp.

Publications: Editorship of Special issue of a journal

Stephenson, L.S., Holland, C. and Ottesen, E. (Editors). (2000). Supplement to  Parasitology on the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis [PELF]. Parasitology 121 Supplement 2000 173 pp.

Publications: Book chapters

Deslyper, G. and Holland, C.V. (2018). Overview on Ascariasis in South Asia. Chapter 3 in Neglected Tropical Diseases - South Asia. Editor S. Singh. Springer Nature. in press.

Arunachalan, A.R., Dariya, V.S. and Holland, C. (2014). Impact of malaria and parasitic infection on human nutrition in Nutrition-Infection interactions and impacts on human health.  Editors M. Pammi, J.G. Vallejo and S.A. Abrams, pp 221 – 245. Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press.

Hamilton, C.M., Yoshida, A., Pinelli, E.  and Holland, C.V.  (2014). Toxocariasis in Helminth infections and their impact on global public health. Editor F. Bruschi,  pp 425 – 460. Springer, Vienna.

Dold, C. and Holland, C.V. (2014). Ascaris lumbricoides. In Encyclopedia of Food Safety (FOSA). Editors Yasmine Motarjemi, Gerald Moy and Ewen Todd, Volume 3, pp 82 – 89. Elsevier.

Holland, C.V., Behnke, J.M.B. and Dold, C. (2013). Larval ascariasis: impact, significance and model organisms. In “Ascaris the neglected parasite” (Editor Holland, C) pp 108-119. Elsevier.

Holland, C. and Hamilton, C. (2006). The significance of cerebral toxocariasis. In Toxocara : the enigmatic parasite. Editors Holland, C.V. and Smith, H.V. pp 58-73.

Holland, C. (2005). Ascaris, Trichuris, hookworm and Enterobius. Topley and Wilson’s Parasitology. 10th Edition. pp 712-736.

Holland, C. and Boes, J. (2002). Distributions and predisposition : people and pigs. In The Geohelminths : Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm.(Editors C.V. Holland and M.W. Kennedy). Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp 1- 24.  

Taylor, M.R.H. and Holland, C. (2001). Toxocariasis. In Principles and Practice of Clinical Parasitology. (editors S.H. Gillespie and R.D. Pearson). John Wiley and Sons UK. pp 501-522.

Smith, H.V., Girdwood, A. and Holland, C. (1999). Chapter 22 : Ascaris lumbricoides. In American Waterworks Association, Manual of Water Supply Practices, Water Borne Pathogens. Manual M48, pp 145-150. American Waterworks Association, Denver, Colorado.

Smith, H.V., Girdwood, A. and Holland, C. (1999). Chapter 38 : Trichuris trichiura. In American Waterworks Association, Manual of Water Supply Practices ,Water Borne Pathogens. Manual M48, pp 145-150. American Waterworks Association, Denver, Colorado.

Mulcahy, M.F., Kelly, T.C. and Holland, C. (1998). Parasites and pathology of freshwater animals.  In Studies in Irish Limnology (editor P.S.Giller) Marine Institute. pp.159-173.

Holland, C. (1997). Epidemiology of Toxocariasis in Ireland: Human, animal and environmental aspects. In Modern Perspectives on Zoonoses  (Ed Holland, C.)  Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. pp 52-64.

Holland, C. (1991). Helminth infections, impact on human nutrition. Encyclopedia of Human Biology,  4, 113-122. Academic Press.

Holland, C. (1987).  Hookworm Infection.   In The Impact of Helminth Infections on Human Nutrition. (Ed. L.S. Stephenson).  London and New York: Taylor and Francis, pp.128-53.

Holland, C. (1987).  Neglected diseases - trichuriasis and strongyloidiasis.  In The Impact of Helminth Infections on Human Nutrition. (Ed. L.S.  Stephenson).  London and New York: Taylor and Francis, pp.161-80.

Publications: Papers in conference proceedings (refereed)

Holland, C. (1990). Aspects of chronic morbidity associated with soil-transmitted helminthiases. Proceedings of an International Workshop on the theme of Strategies for the Control of Soil-transmitted Helminthiases in Nigeria, 7-9 May 1990, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. (Editors S.O. Asaolu, Crompton, D.W.T. and Kale, O.O.) WHO Collaborating Centre for Ascariasis, University of Glasgow: pp 36-43.

Holland, C. (1990). Epidemiological methods for work on the soil-transmitted helminths. Proceedings of an International Workshop on the theme of Strategies for the Control of Soil-transmitted Helminthiases in Nigeria, 7-9 May 1990, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. (Editors S.O. Asaolu, Crompton, D.W.T. and Kale, O.O.) WHO Collaborating Centre for Ascariasis, University of Glasgow: pp 86 - 95.