We are always very happy to consider applications from excellent and enthusiastic PhD and postdoctoral researchers. If you are interested in pursuing PhD or postdoctoral research in our group, please email us, describing your specific interests and career goals, and attach your CV.

There are several competitive Irish and European awards available (e.g. IRC, Royal Society-SFI Research Fellowships and Marie Curie) that allow people to pursue a PhD or postdoctoral research through scholarships and fellowships. If you feel that you may be competitive enough to get one of these and are interested in the research that we do, then please get in contact.

Some of the research areas that we are particularly interested in at the moment include (but are not limited to):

  • the factors that regulate relationships among different components of ecological stability
  • what factors determine the ability of ecosystems to resist and recover from disturbances?
  • how do individual species contribute to the stability of ecosystems?
  • how can we manage ecosystems to best ensure the stability of the services they provide to humanity?