Ian Donohue

Ian Donohue
Professor, Head of School of Natural Sciences
Email ian.donohue@tcd.ie Phone353 1 896 1356X Follow @donohueian
Editor for Ecology Letters
Member of the European Environment Agency Scientific Committee
Funded Investigator at the SFI Co-Centre for Climate + Biodiversity + Water
Funded Investigator at CONNECT, the SFI Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications
Funded Investigator at MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine Research and Innovation
Some recent publications
- Gutgesell et al. (2024) The productivity-stability trade-off in global food systems. Nature Ecology & Evolution. In press.
- MacDougall et al. (2024) Widening global variability in grassland biomass since the 1980s. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Online early.
- Ross et al. (2024) Divergent ecological responses to typhoon disturbance revealed via landscape-scale acoustic monitoring. Global Change Biology 30: e17067.
- Chen et al. (2023) Multidimensional responses of grassland stability to eutrophication. Nature Communications 14: 6375.
- Keith et al. (2022) A function-based typology of Earth's ecosystems. Nature 610: 513-518.
- Ross et al. (2022) Predators mitigate the destabilising effects of heatwaves on multitrophic stream communities. Global Change
- White, L., O'Connor, N.E., Yang, Q., Emmerson, M.C. & Donohue, I. (2020) Individual species provide multifaceted contributions to the stability of ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 1594–1601.
Full text available at https://rdcu.be/b8pp9 - Hillebrand et al. (2020) Thresholds for ecological responses to global change do not emerge from empirical data. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 1502–1509.
Full text available at rdcu.be/b6jI8
Covered by: The Irish Times, Irish Independent
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