
Job Title : Assistant Professor in Ecology

Closing Date : 10-Jan-2022 12:00

Contact Email : recruit@tcd.ie

Post Status: Specific Purpose

Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Professor in Ecology. This post will cover the substantive postholders secondment. This Assistant Professor position will contribute to research and teaching in Ecology. We have particular interest in recruiting a quantitative ecologist (data science, statistics, modelling) with additional expertise in field ecology and terrestrial population ecology (plants and/or animals).

Salary: Appointment will be made on the Lecturer Salary Scale (109BN) commensurate with qualifications / experience and in line with Public Sector Pay Policy [€36,009 to €87,739 per annum] https://www.tcd.ie/hr/assets/pdf/monthly-academic.pdf

How to apply: Applicants should provide the following information when applying

  • A comprehensive curriculum vitae, including a full list of publications
  • The names and contact details (i.e. addresses, e-mail, etc.) of three referees
  • A research plan (summarising research to be carried out in the next two years and including details of funding to be sought - 2 pages) and a teaching statement (summarising teaching experience and approach – 2 pages)
  • PLEASE NOTE: Candidates who do not submit this additional information may not be considered for shortlisting


Closing Date: 12 noon (Irish Standard Time) 10th January 2022

Application will only be accepted by applying online through the Trinity Jobs Portal http://jobs.tcd.ie Applications must be made by the date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. Late Applications will not be accepted.

Interviews for this position will take place on 11th February 2022

Please see the attached Job Description and Application Information for this position.

Further Information about the Discipline of Zoology and the School of Natural Sciences, see https://www.tcd.ie/Zoology/ and https://www.naturalscience.tcd.ie. Candidates wishing to discuss the post informally and in confidence should email Professor Ian Donohue, Head of Zoology, donohui@tcd.ie or Professor Patrick Wyse Jackson, Head of School of Natural Sciences, wysjcknp@tcd.ie.



No other defined opportunities at present, however I am always happy to discuss potential applications to the MSCA postdoctoral fellowships programme https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/actions/postdoctoral-fellowships , the IRC postdoctoral fellowships https://research.ie/funding/goipd/ and IRC Government of Ireland postgraduate scholarship programme https://research.ie/funding/goipg. If you are qualified and interested in applying to join my group through one of these highly competitive funding opportunities please get in touch with your research idea/interests and a cv.