Dr. Norman Allott

Dr. Norman Allott

Visiting Research Fellow, Zoology



Graduated from TCD with honours degree in botany in 1976 and completed MSc by research at University of Minnesota in 1978. Has worked at Trinity College Dublin since 1979 as experimental officer and senior experimental officer (1979-2006) and as lecturer (2006-present). Is currently director of the Centre for the Environment.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Jennings, E., Allott, N., Lenihan, D, Drivers of long-term trends and seasonal changes in total phosphorus loads to a mesotrophic lake in the west of Ireland, Marine and Freshwater Research, 64, (5), 2013, p413 - 422Journal Article, 2013
  • Cunha Pereira, H., Allott, N., Coxon, C., Naughton, O., Johnston, P. & Gill, L., Phytoplankton of turloughs (seasonal karstic Irish lakes), Journal of Plankton Research, 33, (3), 2011, p385 - 403Journal Article, 2011
  • Cunha Pereira, H., Allott, N. & Coxon, C., Are seasonal lakes as productive as permanent lakes? A case study from Ireland, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67, (8), 2010, p1291 - 1302Journal Article, 2010
  • Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on the Supply of Phosphate-Phosphorus in, editor(s)George, G , Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2010, pp139 - 159, [Pierson, D., Arvola, L., Allott, N]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Modelling the Impacts of Climate Change on Dissolved Organic Carbon in, editor(s)George, G. , The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2010, pp221 - 252, [Naden, P., Allott, N., Arvola, L.]Book Chapter, 2010
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Lakes in Britain and Ireland in, editor(s)George, G. , The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2010, pp359 - 386, [George, G., Jennings, E., Allott, N.]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Impacts of climate on the flux of dissolved organic carbon from catchments. in, editor(s)Glen George , The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2008, [Jennings, E., Allott, N., Arvola, L., Jarvinen, M., Moore, K., Naden, P., Nic Aongusa, C., Noges, T. and Weyhermeyer, G. ]Book Chapter, 2008
  • The impact of climate change on lakes in Britain and Ireland. in, editor(s)Glen George , The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2008, [George, G., Jennings, E. and Allott, N. ]Book Chapter, 2008
  • Modelling the effects of climate change on inorganic nitrogen transport from catchments to lakes. in, editor(s)Glen George , The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer, 2008, [Moore, K., Jennings, E., May, L., Jarvinen, M., Allott, N., Arvola, L., Tamm, T., Jarvet, A., Noges, T, Pierson D. and Schneidman, E]Book Chapter, 2008
  • Jennings, E. and Allott, N, Position of the Gulf Stream influences lake nitrate concentrations in SW Ireland, Aquatic Sciences, 68, 2006, p482 - 489Journal Article, 2006
  • Jennings, E. and Allott, N., Position of the Gulf Stream influences lake nitrate concentrations in SW Ireland, Aquatic Sciences, 68, (3), 2006, p482 - 489Journal Article, 2006
  • George, D.G., Hewitt, D., Jennings, E., Allott, N. and McGinnity, P., The impact of changes in the weather on the surface temperatures of Windermere (UK) and Lough Feeagh (Ireland), Proceedings of the fourth Inter-Celtic Colloguium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources, Water in Celtic Countries - Quantity, Quality and Climate Variability, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, edited by Lobo-Ferreira, J.P. , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Allott, N., McGinnity, P., and O'Hea, B., Factors influencing the downstream transport of sediment in the Lough Feeagh catchment, Freshwater Forum, 23, 2005, p126 - 138Journal Article, 2005
  • Free, G., Bowman, J., Caroni, R., Donnelly, R., Little, R., McGarrigle, M.L., Tierney, D., Kennedy, D., Allott, N. and Irvine, K., The identification of lake types using macrophyte community composition in Ireland, Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol, 29, 2005, p296 - 299Journal Article, 2005
  • George, D.G., Rouen, M., O'Hea, B., McGinnity, P. and Allott, N., Using automatic water quality monitoring systems to monitor the transport of suspended sediment from an upland catchment in the west of Ireland, Proceedings of the third Inter-Celtic Colloguium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources, Celtic Water in a European Framework, NUI, Galway, edited by Cunnane, C. and Barrins, J. , 2002, pp312 - 322Conference Paper, 2002
  • Donnelly, A., Jennings, E. and Allott, N., A review of liming options for afforested catchments in Ireland, Biology and Environment, 103B, (2), 2002, p91 - 105Journal Article, 2002
  • Irvine, K., Allott, N., Caroni, R., DeEyto, E., Free, G. and White, J., Ecological Assessment of Irish Lakes. The development of a new methodology suited to the needs of the directive on surface waters, Ardcavan, Wexford, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2001Report, 2001
  • Jennings, E., Allott, N., McGinnity, P., Poole, R., Quirke, B., Twomey, H. and George, G., The North Atlantic Oscillation: implications for freshwater systems in Ireland, Biology and Environment, 100B, 2001, p149 - 157Journal Article, 2001
  • Irvine, K., Free, G., DeEyto, E., and White, J., Allott, N. and Mills, P., The EC Water Framework Directive and monitoring lakes in the Republic of Ireland, Freshwater Forum, 16, 2001, p48 - 64Journal Article, 2001
  • Irvine, K., Free, G., DeEyto, E., and White, J., Allott, N. and Mills, P., The EC Water Framework Directive and monitoring lakes in the Republic of Ireland, Freshwater Forum, 16, 2001, p48 - 64Journal Article, 2001
  • The contribution of groundwater phosphorus to surface water eutrophication in Ireland in, editor(s)Griebler, C., Danielopol, D.L. Gilbert, J. Nachtnebel H.P. and Notenboom J. , Groundwater ecology-a tool for management of water resources, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001, pp343 - 349, [Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Allott, N. and Rybaczuk, K.]Book Chapter, 2001
  • Phosphorus fractions in Irish karstified aquifers. In: Connecting phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters in, editor(s)Haygarth et al. , Proceedings of the International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop, Plymouth University, Devon, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, 2001, [Kilroy, G., Coxon, C. and Allott, N.]Book Chapter, 2001
  • Free, G., Allott, N., Kennelly, C. and Day.S, Colour in Irish lakes, Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 27, 2000, p2620 - 2623Journal Article, 2000
  • Irvine, K., Mills, P., Allott, N. and Free, G., The use of nutrient export models in the assessment of the trophic status of Irish lakes, Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 27, 2000, p1127 - 1131Journal Article, 2000
  • Allott, N. and Brennan, M., Nature and origin of acid episodes in western Ireland, Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 27, 2000, p2471 - 2474Journal Article, 2000
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Rybaczuk, K. and Allott, N., The contribution of groundwater phosphorus to surface water eutrophication, Proceedings of the 19th annual groundwater seminar, Surface Water and Groundwater: A Combined Resource, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 1999Conference Paper, 1999
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Rybaczuk, K. and Allott, N., Phosphorus in Irish aquifers: implications for input to surface waters, Proceedings of the 2nd International Phosphorus Workshop, Practical and innovative measures for the control of agricultural phosphorus losses to water, OECD, Antrim, edited by Foy, R.H. and Dils, R. , 1998, pp160 - 161Conference Paper, 1998
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Rybaczuk, K. and Allott, N., Phosphorus in Irish aquifers: A brief assessment at national and county scale, Geological Survey of Ireland Newsletter, 34, 1998, pp2 - 4Conference Paper, 1998
  • Land use and aquatic systems in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Giller, P. , Studies in Irish Limnology, 1998, [Allott, N., Free, G., Irvine, K., Mills, P., Mullins, T.E., Bowman, J.J., Champ, W.S.T., Clabby, K.J. and McGarrigle, M.L.]Book Chapter, 1998
  • Allott, N.A., Brennan, M., Cooke, D., Reynolds, J.D. and Simon, N., Stream chemistry, hydrology and Biota, Galway-Mayo region. Volume 4 in: A Study of the Ecological Effects of Stream Hydrology and Water Quality in Forested Catchments on Fish and Invertebrates, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, COFORD, Agriculture Building, 1997Report, 1997
  • Allott, N. A., Temperature, oxygen and heat-budgets of six small western Irish lakes, Freshwater Biology, 16, 1996, p145 - 154Journal Article, 1996
  • Giller, P.S., O'Halloran, J., Hernon, R. Roche, N., Clenaghan, C., Evans, J., Kiely, G.K., Morris, P., Allott, N., Brennan, M., Reynolds, J., Cooke, D., Kelly-Quinn, M., Bracken, J., Coyle, S. & Farrell, E.P., An integrated study of forested catchments in Ireland, Irish Forestry, 50, 1993, p70 - 88Journal Article, 1993
  • Impact of afforestation on inland waters in, editor(s)Mollan, C. , Water of Life, Royal Dublin Society, 1993, pp89 - 98, [Allott, N.A. & Brennan, M.]Book Chapter, 1993
  • Stream chemistry and forest cover in ten small western Irish catchments in, editor(s)Watkins, C. , Ecological Effects of Afforestation, Oxford, CAB International, 1993, pp165 - 177, [Allott, N.A., Brennan, M., Mills, P. & Eacrett,A.]Book Chapter, 1993
  • Wilson, J.G., Allott, N., Bailey, F. & Gray, N.F., A survey of the pollution status of the Liffey estuary, Irish Journal of Environmental Science, 3, (2), 1986, p15 - 20Journal Article, 1986

Research Expertise

Research interests focus on pure and applied aspects of the ecology of surface waters. Particular topics of interests include catchment-water quality relationships; nature, origin and impacts of dissolved organic carbon in surface waters; catchment modelling; freshwater algae.