Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Semmens, J.M. and Kock, A.A. and Watanabe, Y.Y. and Shepard, C.M. and Berkenpas, E. and Stehfest, K.M. and Barnett, A. and Payne, N.L., Preparing to launch: biologging reveals the dynamics of white shark breaching behaviour, Marine Biology, 166, (7), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Watanabe, Y.Y. and Payne, N.L. and Semmens, J.M. and Fox, A. and Huveneers, C., Swimming strategies and energetics of endothermic white sharks during foraging, Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, (4), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Watanabe, Y.Y. and Payne, N.L. and Semmens, J.M. and Fox, A. and Huveneers, C., Hunting behaviour of white sharks recorded by animal-borne accelerometers and cameras, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 621, 2019, p221-227Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Lawson, C.L. and Halsey, L.G. and Hays, G.C. and Dudgeon, C.L. and Payne, N.L. and Bennett, M.B. and White, C.R. and Richardson, A.J., Powering Ocean Giants: The Energetics of Shark and Ray Megafauna, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Johnston, E.M. and Halsey, L.G. and Payne, N.L. and Kock, A.A. and Iosilevskii, G. and Whelan, B. and Houghton, J.D.R., Latent power of basking sharks revealed by exceptional breaching events, Biology Letters, 14, (9), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Phillips, N.D. and Kubicek, L. and Payne, N.L. and Harrod, C. and Eagling, L.E. and Carson, C.D. and Cappanera, V. and Houghton, J.D.R., Isometric growth in the world's largest bony fishes (genus Mola)? Morphological insights from fisheries bycatch data, Journal of Morphology, 279, (9), 2018, p1312-1320Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Meyer, C.G. and Smith, J.A. and Houghton, J.D.R. and Barnett, A. and Holmes, B.J. and Nakamura, I. and Papastamatiou, Y.P. and Royer, M.A. and Coffey, D.M. and Anderson, J.M. and Hutchinson, M.R. and Sato, K. and Halsey, L.G., Combining abundance and performance data reveals how temperature regulates coastal occurrences and activity of a roaming apex predator, Global Change Biology, 24, (5), 2018, p1884-1893Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Brunnschweiler, J.M. and Payne, N.L. and Barnett, A., Hand feeding can periodically fuel a major portion of bull shark energy requirements at a provisioning site in Fiji, Animal Conservation, 21, (1), 2018, p31-35Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Huveneers, C. and Watanabe, Y.Y. and Payne, N.L. and Semmens, J.M., Interacting with wildlife tourism increases activity of white sharks, Conservation Physiology, 6, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Barnett, A. and Braccini, M. and Dudgeon, C.L. and Payne, N.L. and Abrantes, K.G. and Sheaves, M. and Snelling, E.P., The utility of bioenergetics modelling in quantifying predation rates of marine apex predators: Ecological and fisheries implications, Scientific Reports, 7, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Phillips, N.D. and Reid, N. and Thys, T. and Harrod, C. and Payne, N.L. and Morgan, C.A. and White, H.J. and Porter, S. and Houghton, J.D.R., Applying species distribution modelling to a data poor, pelagic fish complex: the ocean sunfishes, Journal of Biogeography, 44, (10), 2017, p2176-2187Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Taylor, M.D. and Laffan, S.W. and Fairfax, A.V. and Payne, N.L., Finding their way in the world: Using acoustic telemetry to evaluate relative movement patterns of hatchery-reared fish in the period following release, Fisheries Research, 186, 2017, p538-543Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Smith, J.A., An alternative explanation for global trends in thermal tolerance, Ecology Letters, 20, (1), 2017, p70-77Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Taylor, M.D. and Payne, N.L. and Becker, A. and Lowry, M.B., Feels like home: Homing of mature large-bodied fish following translocation from a power-station canal, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74, (1), 2017, p301-310Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Iosilevskii, G. and Barnett, A. and Fischer, C. and Graham, R.T. and Gleiss, A.C. and Watanabe, Y.Y., Great hammerhead sharks swim on their side to reduce transport costs, Nature Communications, 7, (12289), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Barnett, A. and Payne, N.L. and Semmens, J.M. and Fitzpatrick, R., Ecotourism increases the field metabolic rate of whitetip reef sharks, Biological Conservation, 199, 2016, p132-136Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Smith, J.A. and van der Meulen, D.E. and Taylor, M.D. and Watanabe, Y.Y. and Takahashi, A. and Marzullo, T.A. and Gray, C.A. and Cadiou, G. and Suthers, I.M., Temperature dependence of fish performance in the wild: Links with species biogeography and physiological thermal tolerance, Functional Ecology, 30, (6), 2016, p903-912Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Brodie, S. and Taylor, M.D. and Smith, J.A. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and Payne, N.L., Improving consumption rate estimates by incorporating wild activity into a bioenergetics model, Ecology and Evolution, 6, (8), 2016, p2262-2274Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Gannon, R. and Payne, N.L. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and van der Meulen, D.E. and Taylor, M.D., Fine-scale movements, site fidelity and habitat use of an estuarine dependent sparid, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 98, (6), 2015, p1599-1608Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Van Der Meulen, D.E. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and Walsh, C.T. and Taylor, M.D., Rain-driven changes in fish dynamics: A switch from spatial to temporal segregation, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 528, 2015, p267-275Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Snelling, E.P. and Fitzpatrick, R. and Seymour, J. and Courtney, R. and Barnett, A. and Watanabe, Y.Y. and Sims, D.W. and Squire, L. and Semmens, J.M., A new method for resolving uncertainty of energy requirements in large water breathers: The 'mega-flume' seagoing swim-tunnel respirometer, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, (6), 2015, p668-677Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Taylor, M.D. and Watanabe, Y.Y. and Semmens, J.M., From physiology to physics: Are we recognizing the flexibility of biologging tools?, Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, (3), 2014, p317-322Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and van der Meulen, D.E. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and Taylor, M.D., Foraging intensity of wild mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus decreases with increasing anthropogenic disturbance, Marine Biology, 162, (3), 2014, p539-546Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Gannon, R. and Taylor, M.D. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and Van Der Meulen, D.E. and Smith, J.A. and Payne, N.L., Thermal limitation of performance and biogeography in a free-ranging ectotherm: Insights from accelerometry, Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, (17), 2014, p3033-3037Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Taylor, M.D. and McPhan, L. and Van Der Meulen, D.E. and Gray, C.A. and Payne, N.L., Interactive drivers of activity in a free-ranging estuarine predator, PLoS ONE, 8, (11), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Semmens, J.M. and Payne, N.L. and Huveneers, C. and Sims, D.W. and Bruce, B.D., Feeding requirements of white sharks may be higher than originally thought, Scientific Reports, 3, (1471), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Snelling, E.P. and Semmens, J.M. and Gillanders, B.M., Mechanisms of Population Structuring in Giant Australian Cuttlefish Sepia apama, PLoS ONE, 8, (3), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and van der Meulen, D.E. and Gannon, R. and Semmens, J.M. and Suthers, I.M. and Gray, C.A. and Taylor, M.D., Rain reverses diel activity rhythms in an estuarine teleost, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, (1750), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Bryars, S. and Rogers, P. and Huveneers, C. and Payne, N. and Smith, I. and McDonald, B., Small home range in southern Australia's largest resident reef fish, the western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii): Implications for adequacy of no-take marine protected areas, Marine and Freshwater Research, 63, (6), 2012, p552-563Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Semmens, J.M. and Gillanders, B.M., Elemental uptake via immersion: A mass-marking technique for the early life-history stages of cephalopods, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 436, 2011, p169-176Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Gillanders, B.M. and Seymour, R.S. and Webber, D.M. and Snelling, E.P. and Semmens, J.M., Accelerometry estimates field metabolic rate in giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama during breeding, Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, (2), 2011, p422-430Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Gillanders, B.M. and Semmens, J., Breeding durations as estimators of adult sex ratios and population size, Oecologia, 165, (2), 2011, p341-347Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Gillanders, B.M. and Webber, D.M. and Semmens, J.M., Interpreting diel activity patterns from acoustic telemetry: The need for controls, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 419, 2010, p295-301Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- KÀmpf, J. and Payne, N. and Malthouse, P., Marine connectivity in a large inverse estuary, Journal of Coastal Research, 26, (6), 2010, p1047-1056Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Payne, N.L. and Gillanders, B.M., Assemblages of fish along a mangrove-mudflat gradient in temperate Australia, Marine and Freshwater Research, 60, (1), 2009, p1-13Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Audzijonyte A., Richards S.A., Stuart-Smith R.D., Pecl G., Edgar G.J., Barrett N.S., Payne N., Blanchard J.L., Fish body sizes change with temperature but not all species shrink with warming, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4, (6), 2020, p809 - 814Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Royer M., Maloney K., Meyer C., Cardona E., Payne N., Whittingham K., Silva G., Blandino C., Holland K., Scalloped hammerhead sharks swim on their side with diel shifts in roll magnitude and periodicity, Animal Biotelemetry, 8, (1), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Lucy Harding and Andrew Jackson and Adam Barnett and Ian Donohue and Lewis Halsey and Charles Huveneers and Carl Meyer and Yannis Papastamatiou and Jayson M. Semmens and Erin Spencer and Yuuki Watanabe and Nicholas Payne, Endothermy makes fishes faster but does not expand their thermal niche, Functional Ecology, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Thomas M. Clarke and Sasha K. Whitmarsh and Jenna L. Hounslow and Adrian C. Gleiss and Nicholas L. Payne and Charlie Huveneers, Using tri-axial accelerometer loggers to identify spawning behaviours of large pelagic fish, Movement Ecology, 9, (1), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Christopher L. Lawson and Matthew D. Taylor and James A. Smith and Nicholas L. Payne and Jayson M. Semmens and Iain M. Suthers and Stephanie Brodie, Bioenergetic Model Sensitivity to Diet Diversity Across Space, Time and Ontogeny, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Austin J. Gallagher and Nourah A. Alsudairy and Brendan D. Shea and Nicholas L. Payne and Carlos M. Duarte, First Application of 360-Degree Camera Technology to Marine Predator Bio-Logging, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Nicholas L. Payne and Simon A. Morley and Lewis G. Halsey and James A. Smith and Rick Stuart-Smith and Conor Waldock and Amanda E. Bates, Fish heating tolerance scales similarly across individual physiology and populations, Communications Biology, 4, (1), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Nozomi Nishiumi, Ayane Matsuo, Ryo Kawabe, Nicholas Payne, Charlie Huveneers, Yuuki Watanabe, Yuuki Kawabata, A miniaturized threshold-triggered acceleration data-logger for recording burst movements of aquatic animals, Journal of Experimental Biology, 21, (6), 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Andrew Lloyd Jackson, Lucy Harding, Austin Gallagher, Andrew Jackson, Jenny Bortoluzzi, Haley R Dolton, Brendan Shea, Luke Harman, David Edwards, Nicholas Payne, Capture heats up sharks, Conservation Physiology, 10, (1), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Andrew Lloyd Jackson, Haley R Dolton, Andrew L Jackson, Alan Drumm, Lucy Harding, Niall Ó Maoiléidigh, Hugo Maxwell, Ross O"Neill, Jonathan D R Houghton, Nicholas L Payne, Short-term behavioural responses of Atlantic bluefin tuna to catch-and-release fishing, Conservation Physiology, 10, (1), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Watanabe, Yuuki Y and Payne, Nicholas L, Thermal sensitivity of metabolic rate mirrors biogeographic differences between teleosts and elasmobranchs, Nature Communications, 14, (1), 2023, p2054Journal Article, 2023
- Iosilevskii, Gil and Kong, Jacinta and Meyer, Carl and Watanabe, Yuuki and Papastamatiou, Yannis and Roger, Mark and Nakamura, Itsumi and Sato, Katsufumi and Doyle, Tom and Harman, Luke and others, A general swimming response in exhausted obligate swimming fish, Royal Society Open Science, 9, (9), 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Gallagher, Austin J and Brownscombe, Jacob W and Alsudairy, Nourah A and Casagrande, Andrew B and Fu, Chuancheng and Harding, Lucy and Harris, S David and Hammerschlag, Neil and Howe, Wells and Huertas, Antonio Delgado and others, Tiger sharks support the characterization of the worldâ s largest seagrass ecosystem, Nature communications, 13, (1), 2022, p6328Journal Article, 2022
- Udyawer, Vinay and Huveneers, Charlie and Jaine, Fabrice and Babcock, Russell C and Brodie, Stephanie and Buscot, Marie-Jeanne and Campbell, Hamish A and Harcourt, Robert G and Hoenner, Xavier and L{\'e, Scaling of activity space in marine organisms across latitudinal gradients, American Naturalist, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Haley R. Dolton, Andrew L. Jackson, Robert Deaville, Jackie Hall , Graham Hall , Gavin McManus , Matthew W. Perkins , Rebecca A. Rolfe , Edward P. Snelling , Jonathan D. R. Houghton , David W. Sims Nicholas L. Payne, Regionally endothermic traits in planktivorous basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus, Endangered Species Research, 51, 2023, p227 - 232Journal Article, 2023
- Bortoluzzi, Jenny R and McNicholas, Grace E and Jackson, Andrew L and Kl{\"o, Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches, Fisheries Research, 275, 2024, p107007Journal Article, 2024
- Waller, Matt J and Humphries, Nicolas E and Womersley, Freya C and Loveridge, Alexandra and Jeffries, Amy L and Watanabe, Yuuki and Payne, Nicholas and Semmens, Jayson and Queiroz, Nuno and Southall, Emily J and others, The vulnerability of sharks, skates, and rays to ocean deoxygenation: Physiological mechanisms, behavioral responses, and ecological impacts, Journal of Fish Biology, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- McNicholas, Grace E and Jackson, Andrew L and Brodie, Stephanie and O'Neill, Ross and {\'O, Seasonal variability of high-latitude foraging grounds for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Diversity and Distributions, 2024, pe13865Journal Article, 2024
- Arnoldi, Jean-Fran{\c{c, How strongly does diet variation explain variation in isotope values of animal consumers?, Plos one, 19, (6), 2024, pe0301900Journal Article, 2024
- Chapple, Taylor K and Cade, David E and Goldbogen, Jeremy and Massett, Nick and Payne, Nicholas and McInturf, Alexandra G, Behavioral response of megafauna to boat collision measured via animal-borne camera and IMU, Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 2024, p1430961Journal Article, 2024
- Li Shing Hiung, Darren LCY and Schuster, Jasmin M and Duncan, Murray I and Payne, Nicholas L and Helmuth, Brian and Chu, Jackson WF and Baum, Julia K and Brambilla, Viviana and Bruno, John and Davies, Sarah W and others, Ocean weather, biological rates, and unexplained global ecological patterns, PNAS nexus, 3, (8), 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Clarke, Thomas M and Whitmarsh, Sasha K and Jaine, Fabrice RA and Taylor, Matt D and Brodie, Stephanie and Payne, Nicholas L and Butcher, Paul A and Broadhurst, Matt K and Davey, Joshua and Huveneers, Charlie, Environmental drivers of yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi, activity inferred through a continental acoustic tracking network, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34, (1), 2024, pe4019Journal Article, 2024
- Dolton, Haley and Snelling, Edward and Deaville, Robert and Jackson, Andrew and Perkins, Matthew and Bortoluzzi, Jenny and Purves, Kevin and Curnick, David and Pimiento, Catalina and Payne, Nicholas, Centralized red muscle in Odontaspis ferox and the prevalence of regional endothermy in sharks, Biology Letters, 19, (11), 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Iliou, Anthony S and Vanderwright, Wade and Harding, Lucy and Jacoby, David MP and Payne, Nicholas L and Dulvy, Nicholas K, Tail shape and the swimming speed of sharks, Royal Society Open Science, 10, (10), 2023, p231127Journal Article, 2023
- Cameron, Luke WJ and Roche, William K and Beckett, Katy and Payne, Nicholas L, A review of elasmobranch catch-and-release science: synthesis of current knowledge, implications for best practice and future research directions, Conservation Physiology, 11, (1), 2023, pcoad100Journal Article, 2023
- Harding, Lucy and Jackson, Andrew L and Payne, Nicholas, Energetic costs increase with faster heating in an aquatic ectotherm, Conservation Physiology, 11, (1), 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Van Der Meulen, Dylan E and Walsh, Chris T and Reinfelds, Ivars V and Payne, Nicholas L and Ives, Matthew C and Roberts, David G and Craig, James R and Gray, Charles A and Taylor, Matthew D, Estuarine movements in a sparid hybrid complex, Marine and Freshwater Research, 74, (7), 2023, p625--640Journal Article, 2023
- Curnick, David J and Deaville, Rob and Bortoluzzi, Jenny R and Cameron, Luke and Carlsson, Jeanette EL and Carlsson, Jens and Dolton, Haley R and Gordon, Cat A and Hosegood, Phil and Nilsson, Alicia and others, Northerly range expansion and first confirmed records of the smalltooth sand tiger shark, Odontaspis ferox, in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Journal of Fish Biology, 103, (6), 2023, p1549--1555Journal Article, 2023
Research Expertise
TitleShark Island; enhancing sustainable shark ecotourism in IrelandSummarySHARK ISLAND is a multidisciplinary project linking biologists, policy makers and the general public to enhance sustainable ecosystem service provision of Ireland"s unique shark and ray resources, while simultaneously improving conservation outcomes for the animals in Ireland"s waters. SHARK ISLAND combines research on the physiology, welfare and ecology of sharks and rays; creates new formal partnerships between scientists and anglers; and evaluates the potential for new shark and ray ecotourism ventures in Ireland. SHARK ISLAND will deliver a user-friendly platform and resources aimed at informing stakeholders, managers and policy makers with high quality accessible outputs to support best conservation practices for sustainable interaction with Irish sharks and rays, several of which are endangered. This will be achieved by synthesising and analysing existing datasets, collecting new field data, conducting market research on the exchequer value of shark and ray tourism in Ireland, and by creating `citizen science" reporting databases that will represent new shark and ray conservation monitoring tools. As well as being a primary research programme, SHARK ISLAND is a partnership and networking platform with a dual focus of (1) encouraging broader participation in shark and ray ecotourism in Ireland and (2) conservation of the unique elasmobranch populations in a region that is increasingly recognised as a global `hotspot" for these animals. The project will lay the foundations for future marine ecotourism, and conservation of sharks and rays around the Irish coast.Funding AgencyMarine Institute
TitleThermal scaling: rethinking how temperature drives macro-ecological patternsSummaryTemperature strongly influences the distribution of life. The range of temperatures that different species can tolerate is traditionally thought to be regulated by variability in environmental temperature; for example, tropical species have evolved to tolerate a narrow range of temperatures because their environment is thermally stable. However, a recent idea about how temperature influences the rates at which organisms process energy is beginning to question this classical paradigm. That study questioned a classic paradigm that underpins our thinking about diverse ecological phenomena such as the increase in biodiversity toward the equator, and the shifts in range size across latitude and altitude. I will scrutinise this new hypothesis and explore its broader implications by compiling large, taxonomically diverse datasets on range sizes and thermal niches of diverse taxa, performing controlled physiological experiments, and measuring thermal performance of ectotherms in the wild. My award will revisit core principles of thermal ecology, and test new ideas about how temperature regulates the distribution of species. This is an important area of research given the ongoing changes to our climate, and the implications of the work are important for organisms ranging from plants to animals.Funding AgencyScience Foundation Ireland
TitleThermal biology of Ireland's ocean giantsSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research Council
TitleCullen Scholarship: Ecology of Irish tunasSummaryThis work will combine a variety of complementary approaches to explore several general questions related to the ecology of Irish tunas. These include the use of cutting-edge bio-logging tools to explore the impact of catch-and-release fishing on tuna and refine best practices; identify spatial dynamics, population connectivity, and environmental preferences of tuna throughout the NE Atlantic; and to design and test new electronic tagging techniques for small fishes such as albacore tuna. To address these diverse objectives, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team to support the Cullen Fellow, who will use state-of-the-art techniques spanning physiology, bio-logging, genetics, spatial analyses, and hydrodynamics. Expected outcomes of the project include data that will improve stock assessment of tunas across the Atlantic, enhanced understanding of the timing and environmental drivers of tuna appearances in Irish waters, and the provision of new tagging tools for researching fishes in general.Funding AgencyMarine Institute
- University Medal (top 5% PhD theses), University of Adelaide 2011
- Member of Fisheries Society of British Isles present
- Member of Council, Fisheries Society of British Isles present
- Since 2019 I have been external PhD examiner for 10 PhD thesis, and internal examiner for a number of TCD PhD various since 2019
- Council Member, Fisheries Society of British Isles 2024
- Reviewer for journals, approximately 3-5 papers each year (e.g. Current Biology, Ecology Letters, Nature Communications) 2018
- Associate Editor of Functional Ecology (international ecology journal) 2019
- Reviewer of major international grant applications (e.g. US-NSF, UK-NERC) 2018
- School representative as liason for E3 Digital Twin consultation process 2019
- Reviewer of major international grant applications (e.g. US-NSF, UK-NERC) 2018
- Associate Editor of Functional Ecology (international ecology journal) 2019