External Opportunities

Operation Wallacea

Operation Wallacea Logo

Operation Wallacea (Opwall) is an organisation that runs a series of biological and conservation management research programmes in remote locations across the world. Large teams of ecologists, scientists, academics and postgraduate specialists in various aspects of biodiversity work with undergraduate students.

Opwall runs field work in 14 countries, 11 of which are available for university students to join. These include both diving and terrestrial based research. It is possible to go either as a research assistant or to undertake your final year project with Opwall.

For more information click here.

Tropical Biology Association

Tropical Biology Association Logo

The Tropical Biology Association (TBA) is a unique non-profit conservation organization that works to help safeguard biodiversity and manage natural resources in tropical regions by delivering innovative training and support to individuals and institutions working in conservation.

It runs field courses in Madagascar and Uganda for undergraduate students of its member universities, half  from Europe and half from Africa. Previous students who have been on a TBA course are enormously enthusiastic about the experience.

For more information or to apply to attend a course, follow this link, or contact the TBA office on tba@tropical-biology.org, Tel: + 44 (0)1223 336619; Fax: + 44 (0)1223 336676