The Master in Environmental Sciences is a world leading and uniquely innovative programme that blends science and social science to further international development.

Is this course for me?

This full-time, intensive course is intended for administrative and scientific workers and new graduates with an appropriate environmental science related background, although applications from graduates with different backgrounds are also welcomed. It comprises a series of taught modules encompassing a variety of current environmental themes, followed by a five-month, research project. There is also the possibility to opt for a diploma course in Environmental Sciences, consisting of the taught modules only.

See more details on the main courses website


Career Opportunities

Our graduates develop an excellent foundation for a wide range of careers. We are proud of the achievements of our graduates who have succeeded across a wide range of industries including: academic research, education, veterinary, medical, journalism, technology, banking, exploration, tourism, environmental consultancy, career development, conservation, natural resource management, public service, aquaculture and film-making. Throughout our students time here we provide inspiration, guidance, feedback and practice to enable students to embark on fulfilling and life-long learning in zoology and the natural sciences, regardless of their destination after graduation.