Welcome to the Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership.
The centre WiSER has broadened its scope to become TCGEL.
Latest News

TCGEL announces the publication of The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms?
A collaboration with partners from the SAGE Horizon 2020 project and other eminent academic researchers across the EU

Prof Yvonne Buckley is EPWS Woman Scientist of the Month
Read the interview with Yvonne Buckley, Professor of Zoology, TCD

SAGE Final Event, Brussels
SAGE Charter is launched across the EU

Launch of the Senior Academic Leadership Initiative

SAGE Day: Launch of the SAGE Charter, 15th May
The launch of the SAGE Charter of Principles for Gender Equality!

TCD Renews Athena SWAN Institutional Bronze Award
All changed, changed utterly...
In 2016 over half the students in Trinity are female, but in the 1960s a woman on campus was a rare sight. Women had to be off campus by 6.30pm, there was no maternity leave and chaperones were appointed for the first women scholars on campus. These are some of memories recalled in this fascinating look back at life for women in Trinity college.