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Trini-Screen Covid - Screening of Staff and Students for SARS-CoV-2 in Trinity College Dublin

TriniScreen will now be discontinued while we roll out the UniCoV pilot study in partnership with UCD, UCC and NUIG


20 July 2021

Dear students and colleagues,  

All Irish Universities and ITs aspire to have staff and students back to campus safely and sustainably so that the college experience is optimal.
Unfortunately, the need for COVID-19 detection and control will remain with us for some time.

What's new? Using the latest available public health tools, a new research study, UniCoV ( is being rolled out across four universities, Trinity College Dublin, NUI Galway, UCC and UCD.

To facilitate the safe, continued return to on-campus learning and teaching for University students and staff, UniCoV explores the feasibility and acceptability of rapid self-testing, self-reporting, to assist with the early identification of SARS-CoV-2 infections. Like vaccinations, hand-washing, mask-wearing and social distancing, rapid tests using samples from nasal swabs or saliva have the potential to enhance and complement the existing public health strategy for monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19.

We need you to get involved and volunteer to take part!

What's involved? By way of a video, volunteers will be trained to perform rapid tests on nasal swabs or saliva samples. After taking the twice-weekly tests, volunteers photograph/report the results via a phone app, and also submit saliva samples twice weekly at an on-campus drop off point. If the rapid test result is positive, you will be clearly instructed on what to do next.
Volunteers will be randomly assigned to groups and can be asked to take tests from two to eight weeks.

Find out more by reading the Participant Information Leaflet, and registering your interest via: .

The best ethical and legal practice will be followed to ensure that all your information will be handled in confidence.

Trinity has been running TriniScreen since September 2020. It will now be discontinued while we roll out the UniCoV pilot study in partnership with UCD, UCC and NUIG. Both the SU and GSU fully endorse the study and have actively engaged in multi-stakeholder contributions from the outset of UniCoV, and strongly encourage student participation with the ultimate objective of aiding the return to campus life.

Remember, testing alone doesn’t stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and development of COVID-19. Please continue to follow public health guidance……wear a mask, avoid crowds, wash your hands and stay apart.

Please address any issues to the TCD UniCoV team via the following email:
We thank you for considering taking part in this important study,

Prof. Aideen Long, Prof. in Clinical Medicine; Director of Trinity Translational Medicine Institute
Prof. Orla Sheils, Dean of The Faculty of Health Sciences; Prof. of Molecular Diagnostics               
Prof. Kingston Mills, Prof. of Experimental Immunology; Academic Director of Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Gisèle Scanlon, President TCDGSU 2021/22
Leah Keogh, President TCDSU 2021/22


 A mhic léinn agus a chomhghleacaithe,

Tá gach ollscoil agus institiúid teicneolaíochta in Éirinn ag tnúth go mbeidh baill foirne agus mic léinn ar ais ar an gcampas ar bhonn sábháilte agus inbhuanaithe chun go mbeidh an t-eispéireas coláiste is fearr ar fáil.

Faraor, beidh an gá le COVID-19 a aimsiú agus a smachtú linn ar feadh tamaill mhaith.

Céard atá nua? Ag baint úsáide as na huirlisí sláinte poiblí is déanaí atá ar fáil, tá staidéar nua taighde, UniCoV (, á chur i bhfeidhm i gceithre ollscoil, Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, OÉ Gaillimh, COC agus COBÁC.

Ionas gur féidir le mic léinn agus le baill foirne na hOllscoile filleadh ar an bhfoghlaim agus ar an teagasc ar an gcampas ar bhonn sábhailte agus leanúnach, scrúdaíonn UniCoV féidearthacht agus inghlacthacht na féin-mhearthástála agus an fhéintuairiscithe le cuidiú le hionfhabhtuithe SARS-CoV-2 a aithint go luath. Fearacht vacsaínithe, níochán lámh, caitheamh masc aghaidhe agus scaradh sóisialta, tá ar chumas mearthástálacha a bhaineann úsáid as samplaí ó mhaipíní sróine nó ó sheile feabhas agus comaoin a chur ar an straitéis reatha sláinte poiblí le monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar scaipeadh an víris SARS-CoV-2, an víreas is cúis le COVID-19.

Teastaíonn uainn go mbeidh tusa rannpháirteach agus go dtoileoidh tú páirt a ghlacadh ann!

Céard atá i gceist? Trí bhreathnú ar fhíseán, cuirfear oiliúint ar rannpháirtithe maidir le mearthástálacha a dhéanamh ar mhaipíní sróine nó ar shamplaí seile. Tar éis na dtástálacha a dhéanamh dhá uair sa tseachtain, glacann na rannpháirtithe grianghraf de na torthaí/déanann siad na torthaí a thuairisciú trí aip fóin, agus tugann siad samplaí seile chuig pointe bailithe ar an gcampas dhá uair in aghaidh na seachtaine. Má tá toradh na mearthástála dearfach, tabharfar treoir shoiléir duit maidir leis an gcéad bheart eile atá le déanamh.

Sannfar rannpháirtithe do ghrúpaí ar bhonn randamach agus féadfar go n-iarrfar orthu tástálacha a dhéanamh ar feadh tréimhse idir dhá agus ocht seachtaine.

Faigh tuilleadh eolais tríd an mBileog Eolais do Rannpháirtithe a léamh, agus do chuid spéise a chlárú ag

Leanfar an cleachtas eiticiúil agus dlíthiúil is fearr le cinntiú go láimhseáiltear do chuid eolais go léir go rúnda.

Tá TriniScreen i bhfeidhm i gColáiste na Tríonóide ó mhí Mheán Fómhair 2020. Éireofar as sin anois agus an staidéar píolótach UniCoV á chur i bhfeidhm i gcomhar le COBÁC, COC agus OÉG. Tacaíonn Aontas na Mac Léinn agus Aontas na nIarchéimithe go hiomlán leis an staidéar agus tá páirt ghníomhach glactha acu i gcomhráite de chuid il-gheallsealbhóirí ó cuireadh tús le UniCoV, agus molann siad go láidir go nglacfadh mic léinn páirt ghníomhach ann agus í mar aidhm dheiridh go gcuideoidh sé le filleadh ar shaol an champais.

Cuimhnigh, ní chuireann an tástáil amháin stop le scaipeadh SARS-CoV-2 agus tolgadh COVID-19. Coinnigh ort ag leanúint na comhairle sláinte poiblí le do thoil......caith masc aghaidhe, seachain sluaite móra, nigh do lámha agus fan amach ó dhaoine eile. 

Seol aon cheisteanna atá agat go foireann UniCov TCD ag an seoladh ríomhphoist seo a leanas le do thoil:

Gabhtar buíochas leat as ucht cuimhneamh ar pháirt a ghlacadh sa staidéar tábhachtach seo.


An tOllamh Aideen Long, Ollamh le Leigheas Cliniciúil; Stiúrthóir Institiúid Leighis Aistrithigh Choláiste na Tríonóide
An tOllamh Orla Sheils, Déan Dhámh na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte; Ollamh na Diagnóisice Móilíní
An tOllamh Kingston Mills, Ollamh na hImdhíoneolaíochta Turgnamhaí; Stiúrthóir Acadúil Institiúid na nEolaíochtaí Bithleighis, Coláiste na Tríonóide
Gisèle Scanlon, Uachtarán TCDGSU 2021/22
Leah Keogh, Uachtarán TCDSU 2021/22