Dr. Sinead Smith
Ussher Assistant Professor, Clinical Medicine
Ussher Assistant Professor, Pharmacy
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Deza DC, Alcedo J, Lafuente M, López FJ, Perez-Aisa A, Pavoni M, Tepes B, Jonaitis L, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Bujanda L, Lucendo AJ, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Vologzanina L, Rodrigo L, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Fadieienko G, Huguet JM, Abdulkhakov R, Abdulkhakov SR, Alcaide N, Velayos B, Hernández L, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Babayeva G, Gridnyev O, Leja M, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Lerang F, Boltin D, Mestrovic A, Smith S, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Milivojevic V, Doulberis M, Kunovsky L,Parra P, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O"Morain C, Gisbert JP, on behalf of the Hp-EuReg investigators., Probiotics prescribed with Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in Europe: usage pattern, effectiveness, and safety: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg), American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2025
Neves NCV, de Mello MP, Smith SM, Boylan F, Caliari MV, Castilho RO., Bioactive properties of Campomanesia lineatifolia: correlation between anti-Helicobacter pylori activity, antioxidant potential and chemical composition, Plants, 13, (22), 2024, p3117-
Olmedo L, Calvet X, Gené E, Bordin DS, Voynovan I, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Perez-Aisa Á, Lucendo AJ, Rodrigo L, Sarsenbaeva AS, Khlinov IB, Fadieienko G, Zaytsev O, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro E, Jonaitis L, Núñez Ó, Pellicano R, Hernández L, Gridnyev O, Kupcinskas J, Gasbarrini A, Boltin D, Niv Y, Babayeva G, Marcos-Pinto R, Tepes B, Venerito M, Papp V, Lerang F, Leja M, Phull PS, Marlicz W, Doulberis M, Smith SM, Milivojevic V, Kunovsky L, Mestrovic A, Matysiak-Budnik T, Simsek H, Cano-Català A, Puig I, Moreira L, Parra P, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg investigators., Evolution of the use, effectiveness and safety of bismuth-containing quadruple therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection between 2013 and 2021: results from the European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg), Gut, 2024
Tan A, Scortecci K, De Medeiros NMC, Kukula-Koch W, Butler TJ, Smith SM, Boylan F., Plukenetia volubilis Leaves as Source of anti-Helicobacter pylori agents., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15, (1461447), 2024
Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Nyssen OP, Lanas Á, Alfaro E, Jonaitis L, Mahmudov U, Voynovan I, Gülüstan B, Rodrigo L, Fiorini G, Perez-Aisa Á, Tejedor-Tejada J, Tepes B, Vologzanina L, Mammadov E, Lerang F, Oglu QFV, Bakulina NV, Abdulkhakov R, Tatiana I, Butler TJ, Sarsenbaeva AS, Bumane R, Lucendo AJ, Romano M, Bujanda L, Abdulkhakov SR, Zaytsev O, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Denkovski M, Huguet JM, Perona M, Núñez Ó, Pavoni M, Fadieienko G, Alekseenko S, Smith SM, Hernández L, Kupcinskas J, Bordin DS, Leja M, Gasbarrini A, Gridnyev O, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators., Indications of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Treatment and Its Influence on Prescriptions and Effectiveness (Hp-EuReg), Helicobacter, 29, (4), 2024, pe13111-
Costigan C, O'Sullivan AM, O'Connell J, Sengupta S, Butler T, Molloy S, O'Hara FJ, Ryan B, Breslin N, O'Donnell S, O'Connor A, Smith S, McNamara D, Helicobacter pylori: High dose amoxicillin does not improve primary or secondary eradication rates in an Irish cohort, World Journal of Clinical Cases, 12, (16), 2024, p2773 - 2779
Huguet JM, Ferrer-Barceló L, Suárez P, Barcelo-Cerda S, Sempere J, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Jonaitis L, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro Almajano E, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Babayeva G, Lerang F, Leja M, Kupcinskas J, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Meštrovic A, Gridnyev O, Phull PS, Smith SM, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Kral J, Simsek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators., Role of compliance in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori management, United European Gastroenterology Journal, 12, (6), 2024, p691 - 704
Smith SM, Boyle B, Buckley M, Costigan C, Doyle M, Farrell R, Ismail MS, Kevans D, Nugent S, O'Connor A, O'Morain C, Parihar V, Ryan C, McNamara D., The second Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in adult patients in Ireland., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 36, (8), 2024, p1000 - 1009
Butler TJ, Molloy S, McNamara D, Smith SM, Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection, Microbiota In Health and Disease , (5), 2023, pe922-
García-Morales N, Pérez-Aísa Á, Fiorini G, Tepes B, Castro-Fernández M, Lucendo A, Voynovan I, Bujanda L, Garre A, Rodrigo L, Martínez Domínguez SJ, Denkovski M, Huguet Malavés JM, Jonaitis L, Bumane R, Zaytsev O, Mata Romero P, Barrio J, Fernández-Salazar L, Sarsenbaeva AS, Ortiz Polo I, Alekseenko S, Saracino IM, Vaira D, Keco-Huerga A, Bordin D, Gasbarrini A, Lerang F, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas J, Leja M, Babayeva G, Marcos Pinto R, Tonkic A, Smith S, Phull P, Buzas GM, Simsek H, Boltin D, Gridnyev O, Venerito M, Milivojevic V, Torà N, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Puig I, On Behalf Of Hp-EuReg Investigators, Helicobacter pylori Diagnostic Tests Used in Europe: Results of over 34,000 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12, (13), 2023, p4363-
Colm O'Morain, Sinead M Smith, Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for Helicobacter pylori comes of age, The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 8, (7), 2023, p593 - 595
Jonaitis P, Nyssen OP, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Almajano EA, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Mahmudov U, Leja M, Lerang F, Babayeva G, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Gridnyev O, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Phull PS, Smith SM, Tonkic A, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Šembera Š, Simsek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Jonaitis L, Comparison of the management of Helicobacter pylori infection between the older and younger European populations, Scientific Reports, 13, (1), 2023, p17235-
Nyssen OP, Pratesi P, Spínola MA, Jonaitis L , Pérez-Aísa A, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Pavoni M, Fiorini G, Tepes B, Bordin DS, Voynovan I, Lanas A, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro E, Bujanda L, Pabón-Carrasco M, Hernández L , Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Lerang F, Smith SM, Gridnyev O, Leja M, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Meštrovic A, Marlicz W, Milivojevic V, Simsek H, Kunovsky L, Papp V, Phull PS, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Boltin D, Niv Y, Matysiak-Budnik T, Doulberis M, Dobru D, Lamy V, Capelle LG, Trpchevska EN, Moreira L, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Ortega GJ, Gisbert J & on behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators, Analysis of Clinical Phenotypes through Machine Learning of First-Line H. pylori Treatment in Europe during the Period 2013-2022: Data from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg), Antibiotics, 12, (9), 2023, p1427-
Molloy SD, Butler TJ, Merrigan I, Knight A, Parihar V, Van Der Merwe K, McNamara D, Smith SM, Evaluation of real-time PCR compared to culture for the detection of clarithromycin resistant Helicobacter pylori in the Irish healthcare setting, Microbiota in Health and Disease, 5, (e956), 2023
Strategies for the Purification of Membrane Proteins. in, editor(s)Loughran ST & Milne JJ , Protein Chromatography, Humana New York, NY, 2023, pp477 - 491, [Butler TJ, Smith SM.]
Yadegar A, Nabavi-Rad A, Smith SM, Helicobacter pylori infection and antibiotic resistance: clinical, translational and experimental studies, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13, 2023, p1296784-
Burgos-Santamaría D, Nyssen OP, Gasbarrini A, Vaira D, Pérez-Aisa A, Rodrigo L, Pellicano R, Keco-Huerga A, Pabón-Carrasco M, Castro-Fernandez M, Boltin D, Barrio J, Phull P, Kupcinskas J, Jonaitis L, Ortiz-Polo I, Tepes B, Lucendo AJ, Huguet JM, Areia M, Jurecic NB, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Román JR-S, Cuadrado-Lavín A, Gomez-Camarero J, Moreno MAG, Lanas A, Martinez-Dominguez SJ, Alfaro E, Marcos-Pinto R, Milivojevic V, Rokkas T, Leja M, Smith S, Buzás GM, Doulberis M, Venerito M, Lerang G, Bordin DS, Lamy V, Capelle LG, Marlicz W, Dobru D, Gridnyev O, Puig I, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP On behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators, Empirical rescue treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in third and subsequent lines: 8-year experience in 2144 patients from the European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg), Gut, 2022
Nabavi-Rad A, Sadeghi A, Aghdaei HA, Yadegar A, Smith SM, Zali MR, The double-edged sword of probiotic supplementation on gut microbiota structure in Helicobacter pylori management, Gut Microbes, 14, (1), 2022, p2108655-
Brennan D, O'Morain C, McNamara D, Smith SM, Combined antrum and corpus biopsy protocol improves Helicobacter pylori culture success, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 13, (1), 2022, p34 - 40
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Caldas M, Bujanda L, Pellicano R, Keco-Huerga A, Pabón-Carrasco M, Susanibar EO, Di Leo A, Losurdo G, Pérez-Aísa A, Gasbarini A, Boltin D, Smith S, Phull P, Rokkas T, Lamarque D, Cano-Català A, Puig I, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert J.P. Gisbert, Experience with Rifabutin-Containing Therapy in 500 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg), Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11, (6), 2022, p1658-
Neves NCV, de Mello MP, Smith SM, Boylan F, Caliari MV, Castilho RO, Chemical Composition and In Vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori Activity of Campomanesia lineatifolia Ruiz & Pavón (Myrtaceae) Essential Oil, Plants, 11, (15), 2022, p1945-
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Aísa ÁP, Rodrigo L, Castro-Fernandez M, Jonaitis L, Tepes B, Vologzhanina L, Caldas M, Lanas A, Lucendo AJ, Bujanda L, Ortuño J, Barrio J, Huguet JM, Voynovan I, Lasala JP, Sarsenbaeva AS, Fernandez-Salazar L, Molina-Infante J, Jurecic NB, Areia M, Gasbarrini A, Kupčinskas J, Bordin D, Marcos-Pinto R, Lerand F, Leja M, Buzas GM, Niv Y, Rokkas T, Phull P, Smith S, Shvets O, Venerito M, Milivojevic V, Simsek I, Lamy V, Bytzer P, Boyanova L, Kunovský L, Beglinger C, Doulberis M, Marlicz W, Goldis A, Tonkić A, Capelle L, Puig I, Megraud F, Morain CO, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators., Empirical second-line therapy in 5,000 patients of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg), Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, S1542-3565, (21), 2021, p01349-5
Molecular Detection of Antibiotic-Resistant Helicobacter pylori. in, Methods Mol Biol. 2283, 2021, pp29 - 36, [Brennan D, O'Morain C, McNamara D, Smith SM.]
Bujanda L, Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Lerang F, Georgopoulos S, Tepes B, Heluwaert F, Gasbarrini A, Rokkas T, Bordin D, Smith S, Lamy V, Caldas M, Resina E, Muñoz R, Cosme A, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP and on behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators., Antibiotic Resistance Prevalence and Trends in Patients Infected with Helicobacter pylori in the Period 2013-2020: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg), Antibiotics, 10, (9), 2021, p1058-
Sinead Smith, Helicobacter pylori, Springer Nature , 2021
Purification of Total RNA from Stomach Tissue Biopsies. in, Methods Mol Biol. 2283, 2021, pp51 - 59, [FitzGerald R, Devapal M, Hickey JJ, McNamara D, Kelleher D, Smith SM.]
Megraud F, Bruyndonckx R, Coenen S, Wittkop L, Huang TD, Hoebeke M, Bénéjat L, Lehours P, Goossens H, Glupczynski Y; European Helicobacter pylori Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Working Group., Helicobacter pylori resistance to antibiotics in Europe in 2018 and its relationship to antibiotic consumption in the community, Gut, Apr 9, (gutjnl-2021-324032), 2021
An Overview of Helicobacter pylori Infection. in, Methods Mol Biol. 2283, 2021, pp1 - 14, [FitzGerald R, Smith SM.]
Alavifard H, Mirzaei N, Yadegar A, Baghaei K, Smith SM, Sadeghi A, Zali MR, Investigation of Clarithromycin Resistance-Associated Mutations and Virulence Genotypes of Helicobacter pylori Isolated from Iranian Population: A Cross-Sectional Study, Current Microbiology, 78, 2021, p244 - 254
Helicobacter pylori Virulence Factor Genotyping. in, Methods Mol Biol. 2283, 2021, pp93 - 106, [FitzGerald R, Sinha C, Yadegar A, Smith SM.]
Zaslona Z, Flis E, Nulty C, Kearney J, Fitzgerald R, Douglas AR, McNamara D, Smith S, O'Neill LAJ, Creagh EM., Caspase-4: A Therapeutic Target for Peptic Ulcer Disease, Immunohorizons, 4, (10), 2021, p627 - 633
Nyssen OP, Bordin D, Tepes B, Pérez-Aisa Á, Vaira D, Caldas M, Bujanda L, Castro-Fernandez M, Lerang F, Leja M, Rodrigo L, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas L, Pérez-Lasala J, Jonaitis L, Shvets O, Gasbarrini A, Simsek H, Axon ATR, Buzás G, Machado JC, Niv Y, Boyanova L, Goldis A, Lamy V, Tonkic A, Przytulski K, Beglinger C, Venerito M, Bytzer P, Capelle L, Milosavljević T, Milivojevic V, Veijola L, Molina-Infante J, Vologzhanina L, Fadeenko G, Ariño I, Fiorini G, Garre A, Garrido J, F Pérez C, Puig I, Heluwaert F, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators, European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): patterns and trends in first-line empirical eradication prescription and outcomes of 5 years and 21,533 patients, Gut, 70, (1), 2021, p40 - 54
Nyssen OP, Perez-Aisa A, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Kupcinskas J, Jonaitis L, Bujanda L, Lucendo A, Jurecic NB, Perez-Lasala J, Shvets O, Fadeenko G, Huguet JM, Kikec Z, Bordin D, Voynovan I, Leja M, Machado JC, Areia M, Fernandez-Salazar L, Rodrigo L, Alekseenko S, Barrio J, Ortuño J, Perona M, Vologzhanina L, Romero PM, Zaytsev O, Rokkas T, Georgopoulos S, Pellicano R, Buzas GM, Modolell I, Gomez Rodriguez BJ, Simsek I, Simsek C, Lafuente MR, Ilchishina T, Camarero JG, Dominguez-Cajal M, Ntouli V, Dekhnich NN, Phull P, Nuñez O, Lerang F, Venerito M, Heluwaert F, Tonkic A, Caldas M, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators., Adverse Event Profile During the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori: A Real-World Experience of 22,000 Patients From the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)., American Journal of Gastroenterology, 116, (6), 2021, p1220 - 1229
Zhang X, Smith S, Wang X, Zhao B, Wu L, Hu X., Three paralogous clusters of miR-17~92 family microRNAs restrain IL-12-mediated immune defense, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 18, (7), 2021, p1751 - 1760
Douglas AR, Holleran G, Smith SM, McNamara D., Shared changes in angiogenic factors across gastrointestinal vascular conditions: a pilot study., World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology & Therapeutics., 11, (3), 2020, p40 - 47
Kang L, Zhang X, Ji L, Kou T, Smith S, Zhao B, Guo X, Pineda-Torra I, Wu L, Hu X., The colonic macrophage transcription factor RBP-J orchestrates intestinal immunity against bacterial pathogens, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217, (4), 2020, pe20190762
Farzi N, Yadegar A, Sadeghi A, Aghdaei HA, Smith SM, Raymond J, Suzuki H, MR Zali., High Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Iranian Helicobacter pylori Isolates: Importance of Functional and Mutational Analysis of Resistance Genes and Virulence Genotyping, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8, (11), 2019, pE2004-
Smith SM, O'Morain C, McNamara D, Helicobacter pylori resistance to current therapies., Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 35, (1), 2019, p6 - 13
Brennan D, Dowd C, O'Morain C, McNamara D, Smith SM, Can bacterial virulence factors predict antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori infection?, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 24, (9), 2018, p971 - 981
Berthenet E, Yahara K, Thorell K, Pascoe B, Meric G, Mikhail JM, Engstrand L, Enroth H, Burette A, Megraud F, Varon C, Atherton JC, Smith S, Wilkinson TS, Hitchings MD, Falush D, Sheppard SK., A GWAS on Helicobacter pylori strains points to genetic variants associated with gastric cancer risk., BMC Biology, 16, (1), 2018, p84-
Smith SM, Freeley M, Moynagh P, Kelleher D, Differential modulation of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide-mediated TLR2 signaling by individual Pellino proteins., Helicobacter, 22, (1), 2017, pdoi: 10.1111/hel.12325
Smith S,Boyle B, Brennan D, Buckley M, Crotty P, Doyle M, Farrell R, Hussey M, Kevans D, Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, Nugent S, O'Connor A, O'Morain C, Weston S, McNamara D, The Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infection in adult patients in Ireland., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 27, (5), 2017, p552 - 559
Tighe D, Hall B, Jeyarajah SK, Smith S, Breslin N, Ryan B, McNamara D., One-Year Clinical Outcomes in an IBD Cohort Who Have Previously Had Anti-TNFa Trough and Antibody Levels Assessed., Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 23, (7), 2017, p1154 - 1159
Smith SM, Strategies for the purification of membrane proteins, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1485, 2017, p389 - 400
Tighe D, Smith S, O'Connor A, Breslin N, Ryan B, McNamara D , Positive relationship between infliximab and adalimumab trough levels at completion of induction therapy with clinical response rates, at a tertiary referral center, JGH Open, 1, (1), 2017, p4 - 10
Hussey M, Holleran G, Smith S, Sherlock M, McNamara D, The Role and Regulation of the 11 Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Enzyme System in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease., Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 62, (12), 2017, p3385 - 3390
Holleran G, Hussey M, Smith S, McNamara D., Assessment of serum angiogenic factors as a diagnostic aid for small bowel angiodysplasia in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding and anaemia., World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 8, (3), 2017, p127 - 132
Brennan DE, Omorogbe J, Hussey M, Tighe D, Holleran G, O'Morain C, Smith SM*, McNamara D*., Molecular detection of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance in stool vs biopsy samples, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 7, (22), 2016, p9214 - 9221
Miller CH, Smith SM, Elguindy M, Zhang T, Xiang JZ, Hu X, Ivashkiv L, Zhao B., RBP-J-Regulated miR-182 Promotes TNF-α-Induced Osteoclastogenesis, Journal of Immunology, 196, (12), 2016, p4977 - 4986
O'Morain C, Smith S, Heliocbacter pylori treatment failure: the rationale for alternative antibiotics, Digestion, 93, (4), 2016, p309 - 310
Verma NK, Fazil MH, Ong ST, Chalasani ML, Low JH, Kottaiswamy A, P P, Kizhakeyil A, Kumar S, Panda AK, Freeley M, Smith SM, Boehm BO, Kelleher D., LFA-1/ICAM-1 Ligation in human T Cells promotes Th1 polarization through a GSK3β signaling-dependent Notch pathway. , Journal of Immunology, 197, (1), 2016, p108 - 118
Non-invasive molecular tests for H. pylori in, Hospital Healthcare Europe 2016, London, Cogoro, 2016, pp197 - 199, [Brennan DE, McNamara D, Smith SM]
Shang Y*, Smith S*, Hu X., Role of Notch signaling in regulating innate immunity and inflammation in health and disease, Protein & Cell, 7, (3), 2016, p159 - 174
Smith SM, An update on the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, EMJ Gastroenterology, 4, (1), 2015, p101 - 107
Holleran G, Hall B, O'Regan M, Smith S, McNamara D., Expression of Angiogenic Factors in Patients With Sporadic Small Bowel Angiodysplasia., Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 49, (10), 2015, p831 - 836
Raftery T, Merrick M, Healy M, Mahmud N, O'Morain C, Smith S, McNamara D, O'Sullivan M., Vitamin D Status Is Associated with Intestinal Inflammation as Measured by Fecal Calprotectin in Crohn's Disease in Clinical Remission., Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 60, (8), 2015, p2427 - 2435
Haider RB, Brennan DE, Omorogbe J, Holleran G, Hall B, O'Morain C, Breslin N, O'Connor HJ, Smith SM*, McNamara D*., A randomized-controlled study to compare the efficacy of sequential therapy with standard triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in an Irish population., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 27, (11), 2015, p1265 - 1269
Hall B, Holleran G, Chin JL, Smith S, Ryan B, Mahmud N, McNamara D., A prospective 52 week mucosal healing assessment of small bowel Crohn's disease as detected by capsule endoscopy., Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, S1873-9946, (14), 2014, p286-4-
Smith SM, O'Morain C, McNamara D, Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for Helicobacter pylori in times of increasing antibiotic resistance, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20, (29), 2014, p9912 - 9921
Smith SM, Haider RB, Holleran G, Hall B, O'Connor H, Lawson A, O'Morain C, McNamara D., A molecular-genetics based approach for the detection of clarithromycin and fluoroquinolone resistant H. pylori. infection, EHSG - XXVIIth International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Chronic Digestive Inflammation and Gastric Cancer, Rome, Italy, Sep 11-13, 19, (S1), 2014, pp152 - 152
Campion EM, Hakimjavadi R, Loughran ST, Phelan S, Smith SM, D'Souza BN, Tierney RJ, Bell AI, Cahill PA, Walls D, Repression of the pro-apoptotic cellular BIK/NBK gene by Epstein-Barr virus antagonises TGF-β1-induced B-cell apoptosis, Journal of Virology, 88, (9), 2014, p5001 - 5013
Smith, SM, Role of Toll-like receptors in Helicobacter pylori infection and immunity., World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 5, (3), 2014, p133 - 146
microRNA Profiling: An Overview of Current Technologies and Applications in, editor(s)García-Cañas V, Cifuentes A, Simó C. , Applications of Advanced Omics Technologies: From Genes to Metabolites, Elsevier, 2014, pp23 - 46, [Smith SM, Murray DW]
Hall BJ, Holleran GE, Smith SM, Mahmud N, McNamara DA., A prospective 12-week mucosal healing assessment of small bowel Crohn's disease as detected by capsule endoscopy., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 26, (11), 2014, p1253 - 1259
Smith SM, Haider RB, O'Connor H, McNamara D, O'Morain C., Practical treatment of Helicobacter pylori: a balanced view in changing times., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 26, (8), 2014, p819 - 825
Smith SM, Holleran G, O'Morain C, McNamara D., A local audit of eradication rates for first-line triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori and detection of multiresistant infection., Helicobacter, EHSG - XXVIth International Workshop on Helicobacter and Related Bacteria in Chronic Digestive Inflammation and Gastric Cancer, Madrid, Spain, Sep 12-14, 18, (S1), 2013, pp140
An overview of microRNA methods: expression profiling and target identification in, editor(s)Virginia Espina & Lance Liotta , Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, 2012, pp119 - 138, [Smith SM, Murray DW.]
Xu H*, Zhu J*, Smith S*, Foldi J, Zhao B, Chung AY, Outtz H, Kitajewski J, Shi C, Weber S, Saftig P, Li Y, Ozato K, Blobel CP, Ivashkiv LB, Hu X., Notch-RBP-J signaling regulates the transcription factor IRF8 to promote inflammatory macrophage polarization., Nature Immunology, 13, (7), 2012, p642 - 650
Strategies for the purification of membrane proteins in, editor(s)Dermot Walls & Sinead Loughran , Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, 2011, pp485 - 496, [Smith SM]
Smith SM, Moran AP, Duggan S, Ahmed SE, Mohamed AS, Windle HJ, O'Neill L, and Kelleher D., Tribbles 3: A Novel Regulator of TLR2-Mediated Signaling in Response to Helicobacter pylori Lipopolysaccharide , Journal of Immunology, 186, (4), 2011, p2462 - 2471
Ryan A, Lynch M, Smith SM, Amu S, Nel HJ, McCoy CE, Dowling JK, Draper E, O'Reilly V, McCarthy C, O'Brien J, Ní Eidhin D, O'Connell MJ, Keogh B, Morton CO, Rogers TR, Fallon PG, O'Neill LA, Kelleher D, Loscher CE., A role for TLR4 in Clostridium difficile infection and the recognition of surface layer proteins., PLOS: Pathogens, 7, (6), 2011, pe1002076-
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Research Expertise
Frontiers in Cellular & Infection Microbiology Topic Editor
Frontiers in Gastroenterology Editorial Board Member
National Coordinator of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg)
Frontiers in Immunology Editorial Board Member
National Coordinator of the European Helicobacter pylori Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Working Group
Coordinator of the Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group
World Journal of Gastroenterology Editorial Board Member
Member of the Irish Society for Gastroenterology
Member of the Irish Society for Immunology