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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Professor Mark Little

Professor of Nephrology and Consultant Nephrologist

  • Research Institute:
  • Contact e-mail:
  • Research Area(s):
    • ANCA Vasculitis, Autoimmune Disease, Inflammation, Immunology, Patient Registry, Biobanking, Biomarkers, Informatics, AI Digital Technology.

Research Description:

The Renal Inflammation Group drives a translational medicine research programme focused on investigation of pathogenesis and discovery of biomarkers of disease in glomerulonephritis. The principal research interest is in ANCA vasculitis, an autoimmune condition that causes multi-organ failure as a consequence of overwhelming necrotising inflammation affecting small blood vessels. Our research seeks to address the following questions;
1. What urinary biomarkers accurately track glomerular inflammation in ANCA vasculitis?
2. What molecular and cellular events prevent resolution of vasculitic injury after the initial insult?
3. What underpins the large variability in clinical phenotype observed in ANCA associated vasculitis?
4. How can we minimise the adverse events associated with existing immunosuppressive therapies?
To assist in answering these questions, we have set up infrastructure that allows collection of longitudinal clinical data and biological samples in the form of a national registry and biobank, which is linked to our basic science laboratory at TTMI and the Chronic Disease Informatics Group at the ADAPT Research Centre, TCD.