TTMI Building Engagements in Health Research Fund
The Building Engagements in Health Research Fund is designed to bridge the gap between laboratory research and clinical practice. By providing financial support and resources, the small annual fund aims to catalyse partnerships between TTMI scientists and Trinity-affiliated clinicians, creating a dynamic environment for translational research.
Building Engagements in Health Research Funding Call - now open
TTMI Collaborative Pilot Study Awards
Request for Applications
TTMI is pleased to announce a request for applications for Collaborative Pilot Study Awards. TTMI has prioritised this programme to fast-forward solutions for collaborative multidisciplinary research, with the ultimate goal of increasing translational research activity. The ‘Building Engagements in Health Research’ pilot scheme 2023 is supported by the Office of the Dean of Research in recognition of the fact that Translational Research is inherently multidisciplinary.
TTMI Collaborative Pilot Study Awards may be used flexibly to initiate new collaborations that generate pilot data suitable for future grant applications.
It is imperative that applications involve new collaborations between TTMI-based researchers and Trinity-affiliated clinicians and to facilitate the development of the requisite inter-relationships necessary for future grants of scale. In the short-term it is intended that the data from these projects will be used to develop applications for such competitions as: HRB Clinical Fellowships/ HRB Investigator Grants/ICS Fellowships, EI Technical Feasibility Funds, or EI RD&I fund etc, or where relevant, targeted calls such as Meath Foundation and RCDH Trust.
The scheme will be weighted towards supporting the early/mid-career development of researchers in Translational Research and establishing foundations towards successful applications to Horizon Europe, ERC, Wellcome or SFI awards.
Level of Funding Available
It is envisaged that approx. 3 to 4 projects will be funded under this scheme (total budget €50,000).
Scheme Audience
• Each project must involve at least two applicants; one a Clinician and one a Basic Scientist.
• While the scheme is open to all, newly appointed Assistant Professors and Clinicians who have started working in affiliated hospitals over the past three years will be given a greater weighting.
• Applicants who have a small amount of research funding for the intended project may apply to the BEHR scheme for ‘matching funds’.
Closing date for applications: 5pm Thursday 18th Jan. 2024
Successful projects will be announced shortly thereafter
Download the application form here (MS Word 142 Kb) and submit to frank.mangan@tcd.ie