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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Trinity Translational Medicine Institute - Symposium 2019

Dr. Stephen Smith

My laboratory investigates how gram-negative bacteria, in particular E. coli and Salmonella, attach to and invade human cells. We are currently using Cellomics-based approaches to more accuratelyquantify bacterial invasion. This methodology also generates information on the kinetics of invasion and the cellular location of the invading bacteria. We are also interested in the gene regulatory mechanisms that govern attachment by E. coli e.g. the Rns virulenceregulator.Invasion of cellular barriers by bacteria can be a prelude to entrance into the bloodstream. We are using transcriptomics to identify genes in E. coli that are regulated in response to human serum and its anti-bacterial components. More recently, and in collaboration withRCSI, we have shown that human oestrogen can modulate the virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
