TRiSS Research Fellowships
The TRiSS Executive Committee is pleased to announce the call for TRiSS Research Fellowships 2025/26. These Fellowships aim to support academic and postgraduate research projects from within and across TRiSS member schools.
Academic Research Fellowships
The types of activities that may be funded include (but are not limited to): research events; research assistants and data digitization/collation; conference expenses; access to databases; and workshop organisation. The Review Committee will also consider scoping studies that could lead to larger-scale research funding applications, such as those at EU level.
The total number of awards will depend on the number of fundable applications and their required budgets but it is expected that 5 - 7 awards will be made and that the typical project funded will receive support of between €1,000 and €4,000.
Click here for an application form
Click here for information for applicants
Postgraduate Research Fellowships
The types of activities that may be funded include, but are not limited to: surveys and data digitization/collation; workshop registration and travel; access to databases; workshop organisation; and research expenses. For those wishing to apply for conferences, please consider the TRiSS Travel Bursaries (TTB) in the first instance. Calls for these bursaries are made twice in the academic year in October and January.
The total number of awards will depend on the number of fundable applications and their required budgets but it is expected that 5 – 7 awards will be made and that the typical project funded will receive support of between €500 and €1,500.
Click here for an application form
Click here for information for applicants
For further information, contact
Past Research Fellowship Recipients and Reports