Previous TRISS Visiting Scholars
Visiting Scholars 2019-2020
James Murphy

Jim Murphy is a Professor of economic and development geography in Clark University's Graduate School of Geography (Worcester, MA USA). His research elucidates the structures, agencies, relationalities, and spatialities shaping contemporary urban-economic geographies and examines the prospects for more just, sustainable, and resilient forms of development in the Global South (esp. East Africa). This work draws on concepts, theories, and epistemologies from a variety of fields including: economic geography, development studies, sociology, science and technology studies (STS), urban geography, and sustainable development research. Broadly considered, his research contributes to three areas of scholarship: 1) Relational economic geographies of urban-industrial change and socioeconomic development; 2) Geographies of socio-technical systems and sustainability transitions; and 3) The development of innovative conceptual frameworks, concepts, and epistemologies that advance understandings of socio-spatial and socioeconomic phenomena. In addition, as the Editor-in-Chief (since 2014) of Economic Geography he has provided support for diverse research agendas and played a significant role in developing, promoting, expanding, and strengthening the field.
Gazi Salah Uddin

Gazi Salah Uddin, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor of Financial Economics at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden and also a visiting Professor Trinity Business School, Ireland. His research interests emphasizes strongly on multidisciplinary aspects, where econometric techniques and methodologies from economics, physics, engineering, and psychology are implemented in studying the complexity of economic and financial systems on a macro level, focused on areas such as international economics and financial markets , energy and corporate finance. He received the "Jan Wallanders and the Tom Hedelius Scholarship" for best doctoral thesis in economics during 2016. Recently, he has been accepted as a TRiSS visiting scholar. He has a wide variety of teaching experience having taught at different universities at all levels ranging from undergraduate to doctoral supervision and achieved excellent teaching evaluation scores.
He has attended various international seminars and conferences and have publications in well-renowned journals such as European Journal of Operation Research, Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Financial Markets Institution and Money, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability, Economics Letters, International Journal of Finance and Economics, and Review of Quantative Finance and Accounting.
Before joining Linköping University for his doctoral studies, he worked with Financial Consumer Agency, Government of Canada; Carleton University and on a projects of IFC (World Bank), UNESCAP and East West University, Bangladesh. He holds a successful track record having completed projects funded by IFC (World Bank), UNESCAP, UPAR-United Arab Emirates University, UAE and have an ongoing project NASDAQ-OMX foundation, 2019 and Swedish Energy Agency.
- Dr Riikka Korkiamäki (University of Tampere, Finland)
- Professor Sugio Baba (Senshu University, Japan)
- Professor Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University, Italy)
- Professor Mirya Holman (Tulane University, United States of America)
- Professor Stephen T. Ziliak (Roosevelt University, United States of America)
- Dr Kate Gleeson (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Prof Roger Alford (University of Notre Dame, United States of America)
- Prof Carla Amado (University of Algarve, Portugal)
- Prof José de São José (University of Algarve, Portugal)
- Dr Meredith Rossner (London School of Economics, United Kingdom)
- Prof. Maria Oltra Mestre (University of Jaume, Spain)
- Raquel Sanz-Valle (University of Murcia, Spain)
- Dr Eoin McGuirk (Yale University, USA)
Maria Oltra Mestre

Associate Professor in the Business administration and marketing department, Prof. Oltra Mestra holds a Phd in Agronomical engineering by the Polytechnical University of Valencia, specialising in Agri-food industries.
She is a member of the research and teaching group of Management of operations, innovation and technology - MITO. Her teaching and research activity is related to the management of operations and innovation in firms. Within these areas, she is the author of several scientific publications focused on the strategy of operations and knowledge management for innovation and its influence on the results of the company. She has carried out research stays at the Stockholm School of Economics, at the Institute for Management of Innovation and Knowledge of the Higher Council for Scientific Research and at Trinity College in Dublin. She has taught at the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences and in the Higher School of Technology.
In terms of university management, she has carried out positions of department secretary and academic management of the Office of promotion and evaluation of quality and has occupied different positions of representation, in the faculty, in the board of the school and in different committees of University. She has just finished up serving as the Vice Chancellor of Strategic Planning, Quality and Equality.
Raquel Sanz-Valle

Raquel Sanz-Valle is Professor of Management (HRM and Strategic Management) at the University of Murcia (Spain), where she received her PhD. She has been Visiting Scholar at the Wharton Center for Human Resources, at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Her research has focused on different lines: SHRM; Training-performance link; Repatriation management (reverse culture shock and the role of repatriates on knowledge transfer within MNCs); and the relationship between HR and Innovation. Within this field, she has worked on the relationships among HRM, Organizational learning and Innovation; the link between Organizational culture and Innovation; and the impact of Reverse knowledge transfer on Innovation in MNCs. Her work has appeared in a range of international journals including International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Knowledge Management, Business Research Quarterly, Creativity and Innovation Management, Management Decision, European Journal of Innovation Management, or Personnel Review.
Currently, she is mainly interested in examining how to foster employees´ creativity and innovative work behaviour, and on the effect of these variables on innovation at firm level.
Eoin McGuirk

Dr. McGuirk specialises in development economics and political economy. His current projects employ natural experiments to explain the roots of political violence and ethnic divisions. These form part of a broader agenda on political institutions, state capacity, and economic development.
He has held positions in Brown University, the World Bank and Yale University. His papers include: No Kin in the Game: Moral Hazard and War in the U.S. Congress, The Illusory Leader: Natural Resources, Taxation and Accountability, and Barriers to Education for Girls in Sierra Leone.
He will join the Department of Economics at Tufts University as an Assistant Professor in 2019.
Riikka Korkiamäki

Dr Riikka Korkiamäki, from University of Tampere, Finland, is a Visiting Research Fellow with the School of Social Work and Social Policy. Riikka holds a three year post-doctoral research award from the Academy of Finland, and will spend one year of this study time here in Trinity. Her research project explores vulnerable young people's social networks, and friendships in particular, as means of support and coping, and studies how friendships are negotiated in relation to broader communal and societal inclusion.
During her time at TRiSS, Riikka will be working on data produced with asylum-seeking children and young people in Finland.

He was previously Interim President (27/4/2016-31/8/2016), Dean, School of Business Administration (1/9/2012-31/8/2016), and Member of Administrative Board (1/9/2012-31/8/2016) in Senshu University. He was also Visiting Scholar, Anderson Business School, UCLA (9/2003-8/2004).
Professor Baba currently focus on organization and human resource management that create value sustainably using statistical data and empirical study.
Arianna Vedaschi

Professor Arianna Vedaschi is Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at Bocconi University in Milan. Professor Vedaschi earned her PhD in Legislation Drafting from the Università di Genova, and her Master in Law (Studi e Ricerche Parlamentari Silvano Tosi), promoted by Italian Chamber of Deputies, the Italian Senate, and the Faculty of Political Science of Università degli Studi di Firenze.
She was previously a researcher in Comparative Public Law. She was Visiting Professor at University of Valencia (Sept.-Dec. 2012), Visiting Scholar at the Fordham University, NY (Oct.-Nov. 2011). Since 2010 she has been member of Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism-IACL. She was member of the Regional Board of Electoral Guarantors - Lombardia, Corte d'Appello di Milano (2005-2013). She is member of the Faculty Board of the PhD in International Law and Economics.
Professor Vedaschi's research interests focus on Comparative Public law, Public Law and Constitutional Law.
Mirya Holman

Professor Mirya Holman is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Tulane University. Prior to working at Tulane, she was an Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University. Prof Holman received her PhD from Claremont Graduate University in American Politics and Public Policy in 2010. Her research interests focus on women and politics, local politics, research methods, and environmental politics. Her book, Women in Politics in the American City (Temple University Press) examines the effect of female mayors and city council members on urban politics.
Prof Holman is currently researching gender and political ambition, how local politics change when cities encounter financial distresses, the role of religious beliefs in political attitudes and actions, gender and the 2016 election, and the pathways to political office, as well as a variety of other projects. Her research uses a variety of advanced methods, with a focus on experimental and survey research.
Stephen Ziliak

Professor Stephen Ziliak is Professor of Economics and Faculty Member of the Social Justice Studies Program at Roosevelt University, Chicago, where as a faculty member he served on the Board of Trustees from 2010 to 2013; Conjoint Professor, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle (Australia); Faculty Affiliate, Graduate Program in Economics, Colorado State University, and Faculty Member of The Angiogenesis Foundation (Cambridge, MA). His previous appointments include Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was voted Faculty Member of the Year (in 2002) and Most Intellectual Professor (in 2003). At the University of Iowa he earned (in 1996) the Ph.D. in Economics and, at the same time, the Ph.D. Certificate in the Rhetoric of the Human Sciences. He has been a Visiting Professor of Economics, Statistics, Rhetoric, Justice, Social Welfare, and Methodology at leading universities of the United States, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Turkey, and the Netherlands.
His pioneering contributions to the seemingly disparate fields of economic statistics and poetry include Guinnessometrics, the cult of statistical significance, haiku economics, renganomics, and economics rap. His research has appeared in many leading journals, such as The Lancet, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Poetry, Biological Theory, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Economic History, The American Statistician, and Journal of Wine Economics.
Kate Gleeson

Dr Kate Gleeson is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the Macquarie University. Kate studied for her PhD at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), including time spent studying as a Chevening Scholar at the Department of Academic Legal Studies at Nottingham Trent University in the UK . She has held prestigious research fellowships in both law and politics at Macquarie University, and has served as an executive member of Australian Political Studies Association. Prior to her academic career Kate worked at a number of public sector and development agencies in Australia and Vietnam. Her current research explores the intersections between politics and law, namely, governance. She has particular expertise in the governance and regulation of bodies, sexuality and reproductive practices and has published widely on the history of the regulation of abortion, homosexual sex, pornography and sex work. Whilst a visiting scholar in TRiSS (June – July 2016) Dr Gleeson will pursue research on historical inquiries into institutional abuse. This will compare approaches in Australia and Ireland, including a visit to Northern Ireland.
Roger Alford

Prof Roger Alford joined the Notre Dame Law School faculty in January 2012. Prof. Alford teaches and writes in a wide range of subject-matter areas, including international trade, international arbitration, and comparative law. Prof. Alford earned his B.A. with Honors from Baylor in 1985, and his J.D. with Honors from New York University. He also has degrees from Edinburgh University and Southern Seminary. Before entering the legal academy, he served as a law clerk to Judge James Buckley of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and Judge Richard Allison of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. He practiced law with Hogan & Hartson in Washington, D.C., and was also a senior legal advisor to the Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Activities in Switzerland. In addition to publishing widely in leading law reviews and journals, Prof. Alford contributes regularly to the international-law blog, Opinio Juris and is editor of Kluwer Arbitration Blog.
Carla Amado

Prof Carla Amado is a member of the Economics faculty at the University of Algarve and a research associate of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics of the Universidade de Évora (CEFAGE-UE). Prof. Amada earned her B.A. in Business Studies (University of Algarve) in 1995, her M.Sc in Economics and Econometrics (University of Manchester) in 1996 and her Ph.D. in Industrial and Business Studies (University of Warwick) in 2003. Her research interests include Performance Measurement and Management; Efficiency, Effectiveness and Equity Assessment in the Provision of Health Services; and the use of the Nonparametric Technique 'Data Envelopment Analysis' for Formative Evaluation.
José de São José

Prof José de São José is a member of the Economics faculty at the University of Algarve. His background is in Sociology, having completed his PhD (2009) at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. Prof São José's research has focused on social care for older people, exploring themes such as reconciliation between work and care, experiences of providing family care and preserving dignity in later life.
Currently, his research interests include ageism, active ageing, and sexuality in later life.
Meredith Rossner

Dr Meredith Rossner is a member of the Law faculty at the London School of Economics. Dr Rossner joined the LSE in 2013 as an assistant professor of criminology. Before joining the LSE, she was a research fellow at the University of Western Sydney. She holds a PhD in Criminology and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and a MA and BA from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include emotions and interactions in criminal justice, criminology theory, restorative justice, and juries. She is co-editor of LSE Law Policy Briefing Papers.