Action-focused brief reports
Disability-related data
Using Qualitative Research to Inform Inclusive Food Security Programming [English] [Khmer in preparation] [Burmese in preparation]
Disability Data: An evidence-informed approach to the use of disability disaggregated data in WFP programming [full report] [summary]
Should you use the WG questions in your humanitarian programming? A tool to help you decide [blog]
Disability and Food Security: Central African Republic - Findings from the 2020 ENSA disaggregated by disability [English] [French]
Dignity Disrespected: The perceptions and priorities of persons with disabilities in Somalia. A Report of the National Disability Agency of Somalia [English] [Somali]
Inclusive Accountability to Affected Populations
Inclusive Accountability to Affected Populations: Lessons from CFM hotlines in Syria and Moldova [English]
Inclusive Accountability to Affected Populations: Mainstreaming Accessible Communication for Vulnerability-Based Targeting in Mozambique [English] [Portuguese]
Disability inclusive programming
Early Warning For All: Supporting inclusive access to information. A good practice example from Cambodia [English] [Khmer in preparation]
What works? Disability Inclusion in Practice: Case Study from WFP Lebanon [English]
Peer reviewed publications
Zemp C, Vallières F, Jama MA, Ali AH, Young K and Jagoe C, (2024) The unmet need for mental health support among persons with disabilities in Somalia: Principal correlates and barriers to access. . Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 11, e73. doi:10.1017/gmh.2024.66 [Somali version]
O’Reilly, C.F., & Jagoe, C. (2024). Disaggregation of data in humanitarian action: A realist evaluation of use of the Washington Group Questions. Journal of International Humanitarian Action. DOI: 10.1186/s41018-023-00147-0
O’Reilly, C. F., Breffka, E. Ndiaye, M., Carmi, D., Ousame, S., Bonfanti, P., Nkwambi, W., Demande, L., & Jagoe, C. (in submission). The middle indicator trap: A multi-year, retrospective analysis of the accumulating impact of disability in eroded resilience and increased vulnerability to food insecurity in the Central African Republic.
Jagoe, C., O’Reilly, C. F., James, L. E., Khaled, E., Alazzawi, H., & Enright, T. (2022). Interpersonal violence experienced by people with communication disabilities in Iraq: Sustainable Development Goals 16 and 5. International journal of speech-language pathology, 1-6.
Jagoe, C., O’Reilly, C. F., Gunnell, H., Tirzi, K., Lancaster, C., & Brahmbhatt, K. (2022). Communicating accessible messages for food insecure communities in Northern Mozambique: Supporting Sustainable Development Goal 2. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-6.
Jagoe, C., Toh, P. Y. N., & Wylie, G. (2022). Disability and the Risk of Vulnerability to Human Trafficking: An Analysis of Case Law. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-15.
O’Reilly, C. F., Caffrey, L., & Jagoe, C. (2021). Disability Data Collection in a Complex Humanitarian Organisation: Lessons from a Realist Evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10334.