TRiSS Director awarded Research Ally Prize
TRiSS Director awarded Research Ally Prize
Director of the Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS), Dr Ronan Lyons, has been awarded a Research Ally 2024 prize.
Ronan was nominated by CEPH Research Associate, Richard Franke, and recent PhD graduate, Max Günnewig-Mönert.
“As Director of TRiSS and Principal Investigator at the Centre for Economics, Policy & History (CEPH), Ronan has been a cornerstone in fostering a vibrant and engaging research community. I have personally reaped the benefits of this dynamic environment, which Ronan has carefully nurtured, enabling interaction and collaboration among all members,” Richard said.
“Without Ronan’s leadership and the work space at TRiSS, the progress on several of my projects would have been much slower. The support, expertise, and camaraderie that flow from these centres have been invaluable, and Ronan himself is always on hand with wise advice or an encouraging word.”
Ronan was Max Günnewig-Mönert’s supervisor. Max said that he was deeply grateful to Ronan, as it was his passion for urban and housing economics research that inspired Max to pursue his own work in the field.
“Ronan’s constructive feedback was incredibly insightful in the early stages of my projects. In particular, he provided data for my first PhD paper and onboarded me for a joint project with the Central Bank, which resulted in a peer-reviewed publication.
“He taught me the importance of policy relevant research and research communication to a broader audience, something which is done not enough in the academic realm,” Max said.
Ronan said he was thrilled to have received the award and was delighted that he has been able to help people do their research.
"It's an honour to receive this award. It has always been my goal that TRiSS could play a role as a supportive environment, a research home, for those based here, and this recognition will hopefully help TRiSS go from strength to strength,” he said.
Taighde Éireann/Research Ireland Research Ally prizes were made to mark the crucial role played by higher education personnel in supporting the academic research community across all career levels. Postgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, academic and research-active staff were invited to nominate the mentors, supervisors, research officers and technical support staff who have supported their work and careers and improved the Irish research ecosystem.