TRiSS News

Trinity and the World Food Programme host online event to focus on intentional inclusion of people with disabilities in the fight against hunger
Click here for details.

Upcoming webinars from the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies.
Click here for details of this exciting new series.

The new Trinity Research in Social Sciences Podcast is now live.
Click here for a link to all the episodes of the new TRiSS podcast.

Congratulations to all the recipients of TRiSS Research Fellowships.
Click here for details of the successful projects.

The Department of Sociology Welcomes New Marie-Curie Fellow.
Dr Alina Cosma will join the Department of Sociology in February 2022 as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow with Dr Yekaterina Chzhen as supervisor to study trends and variation in adolescent mental well-being in Ireland and across Europe.

The TRiSS Postgraduate and Academic Fellowships 2021 are now closed for applications.
Click here for more details on the fellowships.

New Research Opportunity for Parents of a Child or Children with Disabilities.
Dr Susan Flynn is pleased to announce a new research opportunity for parents of a child or children with disabilities. If you are interested in applying or would like more information the full details can be found here.

FIERCE PhD Studentship – Provost Award.
Dr. Kristin Hadfield at Trinity College Dublin has funding for a PhD student to study mother-child relationships among refugees. The deadline is April 9th.

Update from a Postgraduate Fellowship project.
Laura Muñoz Blanco was a recipient of a TRiSS Postgraduate Fellowship last year. Click here to read an update from her project and how the fellowship supported it.

Video: longitudinal research explained
Professor Richard Layte discusses longitudinal research during a webinar series designed to help Early Career Researchers who are interested in longitudinal studies.

Update from a Postgraduate Fellowship project.
David Moore was a recipient of a TRiSS Postgraduate Fellowship last year. Click here to read about his project and how the fellowship supported it.

Disability and Child Protection: Towards a Better Understanding.
Webinar on Friday 26th March at 10:00am-11.00am (Dublin Ireland time), hosted by the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin. Register here.

Congratulations to Prof Timonen and Dr Lolich whose article is one of Emotions and Society's top five most read articles published in 2020.
An article by Luciana Lolich and Virpi Timonen titled 'Fortunate and fearful: emotions evoked by home-care policies for older people in Ireland' was one of the most downloaded articles published in Emotions and Society in 2020.

Covid-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory public policy report.
The Covid-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory have published their first public policy report. Click here for more information.

The TRiSS Researcher Directory is now live.
The TRiSS Researcher Directory is a user friendly guide to the most recent research being conducted within the Social Sciences at Trinity College.
Amy Stapleton Accepted as New Member to the Pool of European Youth Researchers
The Pool of European Youth Researchers – or PEYR in short – is a unique initiative on the European level and it represents a contribution of both the Council of Europe and the European Commission to evidence based policy-making in the field of youth.
Trinity Business School - Postgraduate Virtual Open Day
On January 14th meet with faculty, admissions and careers specialists to learn more about the masters programmes for 2021.
Find recordings of past talks on our channel
TRiSS has a library of our past talks available online. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the latest videos.
Oireachtas Joint Committee on Disability Matters
The Joint Committee on Disability Matters invited Ms Marie Devitt, Pathways Coordinator of The Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities as a representative from TCPID to a meeting of the Committee to celebrate the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Dean of Business: Let's not resuscitate the Frankenstein economy
Covid-19 has given us a once in lifetime chance to create a sustainable future society and business. It's a second chance that we can't ignore, says Professor Andrew Burke, Dean of Trinity Business School.
Trinity Researchers to Carry Out First Study of Irish Abortion Services
The HSE has commissioned Dr Catherine Conlon and her team to carry out the first study into women's experiences of using abortion care services and unplanned pregnancy supports since abortion services became available in 2019.
Watch the final instalment of the TRiSS summer series, Covid-19 and a Changing Society by Thomas Philippon
Thomas Philippon, Max L. Heine Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business, New York University discussed: Corporate competition and concentration after Covid19
Spotlight: Academic Research Fellowships
Amongst those awarded TRiSS Academic Research fellowships was Donna Lyons for her project on International Human Rights Law.
Spotlight: Academic Research Fellowships
Amongst those awarded TRiSS Academic Research fellowships was Amanda Shantz for her project on epidemic crisis management.
Spotlight: Academic Research Fellowships
Amongst those awarded TRiSS Academic Research fellowships was Elaine Moriarty for her project on Graduate Careers and Social Capital.
Spotlight: Postgraduate Research Fellowships
Amongst those awarded TRiSS Postgraduate Research fellowships was Laura Muñoz Blanco for her project on The long-term social effects of Internal Displacement.
Spotlight: Postgraduate Research Fellowships
Féidhlim McGowan was awarded a Postgraduate Research Fellowship for his project entitled: Measuring Accumulation Bias in Judgments of Household Bills.
Spotlight: Postgraduate Research Fellowships
David Moore was awarded a Postgraduate Research Fellowship for his project entitled: Explaining the Variation in Individuals' Conspiratorial Beliefs.
Video now available of COVID-19 and the Future of Cities
On May 18th at 3pm, Prof. Edward Glaeser, Prof. Jessie Handbury, and Prof. Diego Puga discussed how cities are likely to develop after the pandemic.
Covid-19: Insights from the Social Sciences
On May 1st at 3.30pm, three Trinity academics presented their current research that relates to the pandemic. Click here for the recording of that webinar
TRiSS Academic Fellowships now closed for applications
Applications are no longer being accepted for the TRiSS Academic Fellowships. The deadline was May 1st
One-to-one Research Support Available in TRiSS
Dr Nina Shiel, Research Programme Officer in the Faculty of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, will be available on Thursdays in C6.006 in TRiSS and is available by appointment to discuss funding plans, applications, budgets, opportunities, ideas, and all other matters to do with research funding.
TRiSS Postgraduate Fellowships now closed for applications
Applications are no longer being accepted for the TRiSS Postgraduate Fellowships. We will soon be accepting applications for the Academic Fellowships
Trinity Research Excellence Awards 2020
The Trinity Research Excellence Awards are now open for nominations. The deadline for submissions is February 28th
Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefaction Fund
Applications are invited for the above fund for grants (not exceeding €1000) to assist in financing the cost of research visits to College, in the 2020 year, by academics from other institutions. Applications should be submitted by 17th December.
Dr Pablo Gracia and Cadhla McDonnell have been awarded Marie Sklodowska-Curie funding
The project ("Researching and Promoting Positive Adult and Child Mental Health and Wellbeing in Lone-Parent Families") will combine cohort longitudinal data with an intervention study, using objective indicators of parent and child stress and mental well-being, to better understanding and promoting the well-being of single parents and their children.
New Director of TRiSS Appointed
On August 19th Prof. Ronan Lyons started his term as the new director of TRiSS. Prof. Lyons specialises in Economic History and Urban Economics. He is a Research Associate at the Spatial Economics Research Centre in LSE and author of the Reports on the sale and rental housing markets.
Professor Andrea Guariso Publishes in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Professor Andrea Guariso, with M Björkman (SSE), J Svensson (SU), and D Yanagizawa-Drott (University of Zurich), has published the paper titled "Reducing Child Mortality in the Last Mile: Experimental Evidence on Community Health Promoters in Uganda" in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
Dr. Sarah O Brien, CELLT Director and Assistant Professor in the Centre for Languages, Speech and Communications Studies, will partner with a team of professors from Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro) in a CAPES PRINT funded project . This ground-breaking study explores multilingualism, linguistic rights and social inequality. The project aims at developing international research collaboration so as to reflect on language inequalities at a global level.
Trinity ranked in 37th place in Times Higher Education Europe Teaching Rankings 2019
Trinity College Dublin has been ranked in 37th place in the just published Times Higher Education Europe Teaching Rankings 2019..
TRiSS Director to lead Irish participation in EU energy project
Economist, Professor Eleanor Denny will lead the Irish participation in a large European Commission Horizon 2020 project on decentralised energy production and greater social participation in energy supply which has just been awarded €2.5 million.
Call for Papers deadline April 30th
This one-day workshop aims at bringing together leading scholars to discuss recent developments in international capital flows and exchange rates, from both empirical and theoretical perspectives.
How AI Can Help Us Live More Deliberately
Julian Friedland, Assistant Professor of Ethics at Trinity Business School, warns us about the potential for AI to reduce human agency in the modern world. He offers a number of solutions on how we can maintain ethical lifestyle choices in a world dominated by algorithms.
The School of Social Work and Social Policy is currently recruiting 2 X Assistant Professors in Social Work
The School is currently recruiting 2 X Assistant Professors in Social Work. Both posts are tenure track positions.
McDonalds is a social and healthcare burden – whatever its charity PR might indicate
The cost of obesity is predicted to reach €5.4 billion by 2030. Trinity Business Schools Dr Norah Campbell comments on the nature of McDonalds charity connections in The Conversation.
Political representation: ethnicity trumps gender in Burundi and Rwanda
Professor Andrea Guariso discusses how ethnicity still plays a major role in society and political life in Burundi and Rwanda in an opinion piece published in "The Conversation". The piece is based on his article with Bert Ingelaere and Marijke Verpoorten (University of Antwerp), recently published in Development and Change.
Opening for Assistant Professor in Political Science (Research Methods)
The Department of Political Science is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor in Political Science (Research Methods), to commence on 1 August 2019. Closing date for receipt of completed applications is no later than 12 Noon GMT on Friday 7 December 2018.
Research Seminar October 25th
Sustaining a Career in Arts/Music Education: Cultivating Hope, Engaging in Self-renewal.
Is the EU responsible for the rise of illiberal authoritarianism and the decline of democracy in Europe?
For the next talk in our series with the IIEA we will be joined by Professor Gráinne de Búrca Professor of Law at New York University on October 26th
New joint IIEA - TRiSS series on Challenges to the Liberal Order
As part of the collaboration between Trinity and the IIEA, TRiSS and the IIEA are hosting a series on Populism and Challenges to the Liberal Order. This was kicked off on July 6th with a talk from Prof. Timothy Garton Ash. This series will continue here in Trinity on Friday October 12th
Irish Supreme Court Review Conference on 6 October 2018
The School of Law, Trinity College Dublin is proud to host the Irish Supreme Court Review as a forum for in-depth analysis of the functions and jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Ireland.
Head of TRiSS appointed to National Economic and Social Council
Congratulations to the Director of TRiSS who has been appointed by the Taoiseach as an independent member of the NESC. NESC advises the Taoiseach and Government on strategic policy issues relating to sustainable economic, social and environmental development in Ireland.
Teaching Awards recognise outstanding commitment teaching and learning
The Dermot McAleese Teaching Awards were presented to teaching assistants in the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy recently, in recognition of their outstanding and inspiring commitment to achieving excellence in teaching and learning.
New joint IIEA - TRiSS series on Challenges to the Liberal Order
As part of the collaboration between Trinity and the IIEA, TRiSS and the IIEA are hosting a series on Populism and Challenges to the Liberal Order. This was kicked off on July 6th with a talk from Prof. Timothy Garton Ash
Learning Paper on Gender-Based Violence Programming in Contexts Affected by Violence and Conflict Launched
A Learning paper on designing and implementing interventions to address Gender Based Violence (GBV) in contexts affected by violence and conflict is being launched by Christian Aid Ireland. The learning paper was conducted by Dr Amiera Sawas and Ms Sian Maseko (independent consultants), Ms Grainne Kilcullen of Christian Aid Ireland and Dr Gillian Wylie, assistant professor in International Peace Studies.
Dr Brendan Ciaran Browne publishes piece on The World Cup Effect and Israels continued assault on Gaza
Dr Browne publishes piece with the Globepost, Washington, on the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza. The piece highlights how, while the world is gripped by World Cup fever, Israel has escalated its campaign against those living in the Gaza Strip
Learning Paper on Gender-Based Violence Programming in Contexts Affected by Violence and Conflict Launched
A Learning paper on designing and implementing interventions to address Gender Based Violence (GBV) in contexts affected by violence and conflict is being launched by Christian Aid Ireland. The learning paper was conducted by Dr Amiera Sawas and Ms Sian Maseko (independent consultants), Ms Grainne Kilcullen of Christian Aid Ireland and Dr Gillian Wylie, assistant professor in International Peace Studies.
PhD Studentship - School of Psychology - Early Advanced Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease in Mid-life. Closing Date 15th July 2018
PhD applications are invited to develop advanced neuroimaging biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease in mid-life, asymptomatic individuals. Professors Lorina Naci and Brian Lawlor co-lead the PREVENT study at the Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity College Dublin.'
PhD Studentship - School of Psychology - Gillan Lab. Closing Date 30th March 2018
The Gillan Lab has funding available to support a 4-year PhD studentship at Trinity College Dublin to start in October 2018. The topic of the PhD thesis is relatively open; while work should show good alignment with the goals and expertise of the Gillan Lab, it will also reflect the interests and skillsets of the successful applicant.'
Research Fellow - School of Psychology - iOS software developers. Closing Date 12th March 2018
Applications are invited from iOS software developers with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in smartphone app development for the role of Research
Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Claire Gillan (, funded by a
grant from the Global Brain Health Institute ('
TRiSS Short Courses 2018: Conducting fieldwork in conflict and transitional societies (6th April 2018)
The aim of this daylong training seminar is to debunk the mystery associated with conflict fieldwork and to highlight issues that should be considered at each stage of the fieldwork journey. Issues discussed, include: planning, preparation and practicalities of entering the field; thinking ethically before and during fieldwork; data management, storage and security; and exit strategies for when departing.'
Latest op-ed by Assistant Professor Julian Friedland in the Irish Times: 'To weather reputational storms, get caught doing the right thing'
TRiSS Academic from the Trinity Business School, Dr Friedland, discusses how powerful companies fall from grace all the time, as Ryanair and Uber have shown, however, 'Firms that make a habit of getting caught doing the right thing will guard best against the reputational hazards that our brave new social media have unleashed.'
TRiSS Associate, Dr Etain Tannam analyses the failed Juncker-May meeting of December 4th
Unsurprisingly, academic and media accounts of Northern Ireland and the British-Irish relationship have been necessarily reactive and empirical since June 2016, given the on-going and unknown outcome of the Brexit negotiations. In assessing the British-Irish relationship, the Irish government has been either praised for holding firm and playing tough about a vital interest or criticized for not using more consensual language and engaging with the DUP and the Tory government. In this new Brexit world, it seems that everyone’s a lobbyist and everyone’s a critic, writes Etain Tannam. The events of December 4th 2017 are a case in point.
TRiSS Summer Schools 2017
TRiSS has a range of exciting Summer Schools in 2017, including Quantitative Research Methods, Childhood Bilingualism, Managing Yourself and Leading Your Team and Policy Impact Evaluation. Full details are available via the accompanying link.
New research by Prof Daniel Faas: pupils do not want to be separated for religious education
Sociology Professor, Daniel Faas, led the first systematic empirical study on the Community National Schools, recommending an end to belief-specific teaching, a new role and dialogue between school-parents-parish, and changes to initial teacher education.
Responding to asylum seekers living on the margins of Irish society: the experiences of social work practitioners
Assistant Professor Maeve Foreman, School of Social Work and Social Policy, presented a paper at the IFSW European Conference 'Marginalisation and Social Work in a Changing Society' 28th-30th May 2017 in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Her paper 'Responding to asylum seekers living on the margins of Irish society: the experiences of social work practitioners' drew on research conducted with Dr Muireann Ní Raghallaigh, UCD and was endorsed by the Irish Association of Social Workers.
The research was also the subject of a submission to the McMahon Working Group on the Protection Process which can be seen at this link
Legal Cases that Changed Ireland - Book Launch
This publication is a collection of papers and findings arising from a project, co-directed by Prof Ivana Bacik and Dr. Mary Rogan and funded by the Irish Research Council's 'Engaging Civic Society' stream of its New Foundations scheme. The project's aim is to promote public debate, discussion and reflection on how law and social change interact in Ireland.
Human Rights and Religions Summer School takes place in Trinity
The Human Rights and Religions Summer School, involving the Irish School of Ecumenics - a constituent school of TRiSS - focuses on the intersection between human rights and religious traditions and their importance in a global context
Former Taoiseach John Bruton gives Annual Henry Grattan Lecture
Former Taoiseach John Bruton spoke about the political consequences of Brexit at the annual Henry Grattan Lecture in London on 14 June. The Lecture is a flagship initiative of the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Ambassador of Ireland to Britain, Daniel Mulhall, opened proceedings, Professor in German, Mary Cosgrove also spoke at the event and Head of School and Professor in Political Science, Gail McElroy was in the chair.
Teaching awards recognise outstanding postgraduate educators
The Dermot McAleese Teaching Awards were presented recently to teaching assistants in the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy - special congratulations to three of those recognised for their teaching skills and dedication, Liam Kneafsey, Margaryta Klymak and Luciano Ayala-Cantu, who are all based here in TRiSS
Dr Damian Murchan and Dr Gerry Shiel (DCU) publish Understanding and Applying Assessment in Education
Congratulations to Dr Damian Murchan and colleague Dr Gerry Shiel from DCU on their new book: Understanding and Applying Assessment in Education.
Dr Etain Tannam (Irish School of Ecumenics) publishes on Brexit for the LSE
Dr Etain Tannam argues that while some of the most commonly proposed fears are based on false assumptions, Brexit's implications for Northern Ireland are clearly destabilising
Trinity BESS student is first Irish recipient of Schwarzman Scholarship
Trinity College Dublin's Lara Connaughton is the first Irish recipient of a Schwarzman Scholarship in Tsinghua University, Beijing. Lara studied BESS (Business, Economics and Social Studies) specialising in Business and Economics
Irish School of Ecumenics presents the 'HUMAN' Conversation Night
World Vision Ireland and the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin present the 'HUMAN' Conversation Night on Wednesday 18 January 2017, at 7pm at the Irish School of Ecumenics Trinity College Dublin.
Funded PhD and MLitt scholarships available at the School of Law
The School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, invites applications for three prestigious European Research Council-funded scholarships for PhD and MLitt training opportunities.
Dr Meredith Rossner completes Visiting Scholarship at TRiSS
Dr Meredith Rossner, a member of the Law faculty at the London School of Economics and previously a research fellow at the University of Western Sydney, has just completed her Visiting Scholarship at TRiSS
Grattan Scholars' research addresses the major challenges of our time
The School of Social Sciences and Philosophy awarded prestigious Grattan Scholarships to three postgraduate students, all working in TRiSS, at a reception recently hosted by Provost Patrick Prendergast
Prof Eoin O'Sullivan re-appointed Chair of National Accommodation Consultative Committee
Head of the School of Social Work & Social Policy, Professor Eoin O'Sullivan, has been re-appointed as Chair of the National Accommodation Consultative Committee by Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney
Launch of Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS)
On Nov 14, Provost Dr Patrick Prendergast and Secretary General of the Department of Public Expenditure Robert Watt officially launched TRiSS which has been established to further strengthen Trinity's record of research excellence in the social sciences.