"A great memory does not make a mind, any more than a dictionary is a piece of literature."
- John Henry Newman
Book Ticketed Events
These events are free of charge, booking is required:
Trinity Week Public Symposium in conjunction with Trinity EngAGE/U3A
The Science of Memory
Tuesday 12 April, 9.00am–1.00pm
Venue: Edmund Burke Theatre, Arts Building, TCD
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.
Trinity Week Public Symposium: The Persistence of Memory
Tuesday 12 April, 2.00pm–5.00pm
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub
Booking is advised for this event, please click here to book.
Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing Annual Lecture: An Evening with Michael Longley
Tuesday 12 April, 6.00pm–7.30pm
Venue: Edmund Burke Theatre, Arts Building, TCD
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.
Memory in a Digital Age: Collecting, Accessing and Forgetting
Thursday 14 April, 9.00am–1.30pm
Venue: Printing House, TCD
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.
The First International Conference of Ultimology
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.
By Heart’: poems and prose recited from memory, in honour of Brendan Kennelly
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub
Booking is advised for this event, please click here to book.
Film Screening: A reflection on light
Venue: Schrödinger Theatre, Physics Building, TCD
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.
Utah! The last part of the night.
Venue: Players Theatre, TCD
Booking is required for this event, please click here to book.