Public Scholarship and Research Impact
How can researchers demonstrate the value of their scholarly work to audiences both in and outside of academia?
The Trinity Long Room Hub is committed to playing a leading role in connecting with a wider audience beyond academia, benefiting society and responding to the public’s interests and needs. The Institute’s impact mission is to foster public-facing scholarship and support Arts and Humanities research impact, helping our community and external stakeholders to address and engage with complex social challenges in a research-informed way.
We are delighted to have hosted Trinity’s first research impact officer, Dr Giovanna Lima from 2020 to 2022, focused on the Arts and Humanities as part of a pilot with the Office of the Dean of Research to create a Research Impact Unit for the College.
Some of the important outcomes from this pilot include:
- The Researcher Impact Framework (RIF), a new open-access tool developed by Dr Lima, and Sarah Bowman from the Office of the Dean of Research and lead of Trinity’s Research Impact Unit pilot. This is now available in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. The RIF assists researchers in identifying, recognising, and valuing the multiple activities of academic life by building and communicating a comprehensive awareness of their scholarly labour with accurate impact statements and supporting indicators.
- Impact Case Studies
- National Collection of Children's Book Project: Repositioning Children’s Literature in Ireland
To learn more about research impact supports at Trinity, please visit the Trinity Long Room Hub’s Local Access IMPACT page.