Early Career Researchers
Early-career researchers are the lifeblood of the Trinity Long Room Hub’s research environment and each year our member schools nominate up to 50 PhD researchers and postdoctoral fellows for career-enhancing residencies. They form an integral part of our community and actively participate in our programmes and events, including a number of public engagement initiatives.
The annual nomination process for early career researcher residencies is advertised in conjunction with member schools’ Directors of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning in May each year.
Early Career Researcher Poster Showcases
Each year, the Trinity Long Room Hub highlights the research of Trinity's PhD students and early career researchers through their annual ECR Poster Showcase.
Early Career Researchers 24/25
Name | School | Funding Body | Research Project | |
Alan Armstrong | ARMSTRAL@tcd.ie | School of English | Irish Research Council - Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship | The Ethic of Wealth in Late Medieval Alliterative Verse |
Alexander Cupples | CUPPLESJ@tcd.ie | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Loyola Institute of Theology, T.C.D. (philanthropically funded); Trinity Research in Social Sciences | Reconstructing the Eucharistic liturgy of the Antiphonary of Bangor |
Alexandra Day | ALDAY@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Provost's Award | Soviet international legality, the show trials and Europe, 1917-1927 |
Amy O'Keefe | OKEEFFAM@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Central Remedial Clinic Ciarán Barry Research Scholarship and Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship | The (In)Tangible Body: Representations of Body Modification in the Ancient Mediterranean |
Annie Williams | School of English | Irish Research Council | Liquid Modernism: Bodies of Water in British and Irish Literature | |
Basmaa Alowaysi | ALOWAYSB@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | The Provost's PhD Project Award | The aesthetics of symbolism in the Saudi women's novel |
Charlotte Buckley | BUCKLECH@tcd.ie | School of English | Irish Research Council | Modern Cartographers: Ecofeminist Readings of Contemporary Irish Women’s Poetry |
Chiara Marchetiello | MARCHETC@tcd.ie | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Provost's PhD Project Awards 2020-2021 | The Syntax of Gestures in the Languages of Campania |
Ebru Boynuegri | BOYNUEGE@tcd.ie | School of Education | Trinity College Dublin | Exploring Emotions and Identity with Adults from Türkiye Living in Ireland, through Research-Based Theatre |
El Crabtree | EL.CRABTREE@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Irish Research Council | The Personal is Theoretical: how do theoretical research practices affect the lives of early career researchers outside of formal research contexts? |
Elena Loizou | LOIZOUE@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Trinity Research Doctorate Award (2023-2027) | Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Ritual Architecture and Practice in Cypriot Sanctuaries |
Elena Valli | VALLIE@tcd.ie | School of English | 'Efforts of Attention': Early Modern Religious Meditation and Historical Witness in the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Anthony Hecht, and Geoffrey Hill | |
Enda Russell | Department of Philosophy | (Departmental) Postgraduate Fellowship | The Inconstancy of Modal Discourse | |
Gustav Parker Hibbett | HIBBETTG@tcd.ie | School of English | Trinity College Dublin, 1252 Scholarship | Divorce Gifts: Autoethnographic Essays on Race, Language, and Systemic Power |
Hanan Almohideb | ALMOHIDH@tcd.ie | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Speaking Assessment Methods Used by Teachers to Assess English Learners at University Level in Saudi Arabia | |
Hao Yang | YANGH2@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Sacrifice and Silence | |
Henry Swords | SWORDSH@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Irish Research Council, Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship | Reconciling the irreconcilible: popular loyalism and patriotism in Ireland, 1756-1801 |
Hibah Aburwein | ABURWEIH@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | The hijab experience for Muslim women in Ireland: traditional stereotypes and contemporary realities | |
Holly Ritchie | School of Histories and Humanities | Provost Award |
Saviours and Slavers: the Irish in the Catholic Atlantic 1763-1860
Inji Mammadli | MAMMADLI@tcd.ie | School of Law | Climate Change and the Future of Small Island States: The Quest for the Preservation of Statehood | |
Irene Barbotti | BARBOTTI@tcd.ie | School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Research Studentship (SRTPS) | Beatitudes and Woes in the Synoptic Tradition: a Catalogue of the Q-Source? |
Jaka Lombar | LOMBARJ@tcd.ie | School of Creative Arts | Irish Research Council | Material Slippage: Virtual Reality, Embodiment and The Future of Spectatorial Sociality |
Jizhou Chen | CHENJ7@tcd.ie | School of Law | Examining Compliance with Double Materiality in Impact-Related Disclosures under the CSRD | |
Jonathon Boylan | JBOYLAN@tcd.ie | School of Law | If It May Please the Algorithm - Artificial Intelligence, Judicial Discretion and Satisfactory Sentencing | |
Jungmi Hur | HURJ@tcd.ie | School of Education | Exploring the influence of drama-based pedagogy on the creative writing skills of Korean pupils studying English as a Second Language | |
Katarzyna Stepien | STEPIENK@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Trinity Research Doctorate Award | Latin American Mythologies in Contemporary Colombian Literature |
Leon Hughes | HUGHESL3@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Provost's PhD Award | Prisons and the Experience of Imprisonment during the French Revolution, 1789-1795 |
Lu Chang-Jung | LUC3@tcd.ie | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Science | Provost's PhD Project Award | Vocal and Communicative Congruence of Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals |
Maria Dimitropoulou | DIMITROM@tcd.ie | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Science | TCD Postgraduate Research Studentship & A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholarship |
Exploring the Motivations and Language Experiences of Irish-speaking Families from Diverse Backgrounds
Mia Pancotti | PANCOTTM@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | IRC Postgraduate Scholarship | A Cognitive Model for Reading in Ancient Greece |
Michael Mc Laughlin | MCLAUGMI@tcd.ie | School of Creative Arts | Resolving the tension between social inclusion and musical excellence in a Community Choir | |
Miguel Andriolo Mangini | School of Histories and Humanities | Trinity Research Doctorate Award (2023-2027) | The Style of Virgil's Georgics | |
Minyeong Ha | HAMI@tcd.ie | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Multinational Perspectives on Chinese Language Proficiency and Cultural Knowledge: An Ecological and Linguistic Approach | |
Mnemosyne Rice | RICEMN@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Provost's PhD Project Award | 'Decolonising' Minoan Archaeology: Museum Perspectives Past and Present |
Nora Grimes | NOGRIMES@tcd.ie | School of Creative Arts | Trinity Research Doctorate Award 2023 | Legacies of Resistance: Women Theatre-Makers and Nationalist Mythmaking in Dublin and New York in the Abbey Theatre, the Provincetown Players, Washington Square Players, and the Neighborhood Playhouse, 1900-1937 |
Rafael Mendes | SILVAR@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Rachel Thompson Ussher Fellowship | Disidentification, (Non)Normativity and the Gothic in Contemporary Latin American Women Writing |
Rebecca Walker | REWALKER@tcd.ie | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Irish Research Council | Madonnas, Mystics, and Materialists: Religion and Spirituality in Modern Italian Women's Writing |
Rian Boyle | BOYLERI@tcd.ie | School of English | Irish Research Council | A Corpus Approach to Old English Social Norms |
Ronan Daly | DALYR9@tcd.ie | School of Histories and Humanities | Irish Research Council | Catholicism and Desire in Ireland, 1904-54 |
Shane Ward | SWARD2@tcd.ie | School of Languages. Literatures and Cultural Studies | Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship | Staging Mac Cumhaigh: The Play of Historical Difference in Drama |
Xiaohui Yang | YANGX5@tcd.ie | School of Education | TCD 1252 Scholarship | Investigating the Role of Feedback in Digitally-mediated Formative Assessment in High School Chemistry in International Schools in China |