Latest News
The Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes 2019
The Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes 2019 was hosted by the Trinity Long Room Hub and explored the theme of cultural interventions over three days of panel discussions, keynotes, performance an
01 Jul 2019
Global Thinking on Arts and Humanities
A conversation at the CHCI Annual Meeting in Dublin with CHCI President, Sara Guyer, and the Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub, Jane Ohlmeyer, on why arts and humanities matter.
01 Jul 2019
Living Latin Project to ‘Empower’ all to use Latin
Trinity’s Public Orator Professor Anna Chahoud speaks about the revival of Latin as a language to ‘empower’ rather than a language of the powerful, in an ambitious new online project recently launched at the Trinity Long Room Hub.
19 Jun 2019
Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: Why Ireland’s Historic Monuments are at Risk
Ireland’s historic monuments, including UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Skellig Michael, are at risk of destruction due to climate change.
08 May 2019
Trinity's Arts and Humanities Inspiring Generations
Trinity's Arts and Humanities celebrated the launch of Trinity's Inspiring Generations campaign with a visual research showcase.
02 May 2019
Peacebuilding and Local Communities in Post-Conflict Societies
The Trinity Centre for Post-Conflict Justice has organised a one-day conference on peacebuilding in local communities with Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka among the countries under examination.
29 Apr 2019
Public discussion: Does race matter?
In a recent public discussion in Trinity College Dublin, panellists were asked the question ‘Does Race Matter?’
02 Apr 2019
Brexit Special: Trinity’s Arts and Humanities on Brexit
Since 2016, Trinity’s Arts and Humanities have been exploring the fallout and potential implications of Brexit on Anglo-Irish relations and the future of Europe more generally.
26 Mar 2019
After Apartheid: Rethinking What it Means to ‘Be’ in the World
Professor Premesh Lalu’s research is shaped and defined by his days as a student in apartheid South Africa. The story of his research starts with the University of the Western Cape (UWC). “This university which is generally unknow
22 Mar 2019
New Poetry Collection Reminds us of Nature’s Simple Wonder
The influence of poets such as Gerard Manley Hopkins comes through clearly in Seán Hewitt’s debut pamphlet of poems Lantern, meditative in its ability to refocus our attention on the majesty of our natural world and the exploratio
04 Mar 2019
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