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COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Judicial Review in a Time of Crisis: Power in the name of Emergency
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
21 Apr 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Human Rights in a Time of Crisis - International Human Rights Law and the Pandemic
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
14 Apr 2020
“Intimate” connection between climate change and pandemics
The latest discussion in the Trinity Long Room Hub’s Behind the Headlines series on Tuesday, April 7th, brought to the fore how the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are strongly linked to the increase and outbreak of pan
09 Apr 2020
Trinity’s Arts and Humanities Shine in Research Excellence Awards 2020
Trinity Long Room Hub Director Jane Ohlmeyer is awarded as part of Trinity’s Research Excellence Awards 2020 along with five other recipients from Trinity’s Arts and Humanities Schools.
06 Apr 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Solidarity in a Time of Crisis - The EU and the Pandemic
Rory Montgomery outlines how European solidarity is being tested as a result of the pandemic
06 Apr 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Art in a Time of Pandemic - Jogging in Lipstick
Rita Duffy, Belfast-based artist and current Artist in Residence at the Trinity Long Room Hub shares a selection of her latest works in response to the pandemic and some survival mechanisms.
01 Apr 2020
New online democracy curriculum shows cultural trauma has lasting impact on societies
A global project on the Crises of Democracy, led by the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute at Trinity College Dublin, has launched an online open access curriculum on the relationship between democracy an
30 Mar 2020
Response to Covid-19 shows striking similarities with pandemics past
Be it quarantine or social distancing, responses to the current Covid-19 pandemic have not changed much since the pandemics of the past, speakers noted in the Behind the Headlines discussion Plagues and Pandemics which was livestr
27 Mar 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Leadership in a Time of Crisis Reflections on the Role of the Machinery of Government
Ms Mary Doyle, a former Government official and a Public Policy Fellow at the Trinity Long Room Hub shares her thoughts on the role of the public service during this pandemic.
25 Mar 2020
Digging into the Archives: Catriona Crowe
As the Trinity Long Room Hub celebrates the 10th year since its opening on Fellows’ Square, we have asked some long-time friends, colleagues and supporters of the Hub to dig into our archives of over 400 recorded discussions and l
13 Mar 2020
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