Latest News
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Worship in a Time of Pandemic: Religion and Public Health
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
07 Jul 2020
Living in Lockdown: The Archives of the Trinity College Community during the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Library of Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with the Trinity Long Room Hub, has embarked upon a rapid-response archival collecting project as a response to the pandemic. The ambition is to build a corpus of primary rese
02 Jul 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Language and the Pandemic: Words for Social Change
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
01 Jul 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Essential Workers and the Pandemic: Cleaning an Empty University
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
24 Jun 2020
Mapping the Global Distribution of Arabic Manuscripts: Dr Torsten Wollina
Dr Torsten Wollina is mapping the provenance of one of the largest Arabic manuscript collections worldwide asking how Aḥmad Taymūr (1871-1930) obtained manuscripts for his library and distributed them within the library. He is als
23 Jun 2020
Online engagement after COVID-19: a discussion
The accelerated integration of technology into our lives as a result of Covid-19 was the focus of the recent online-discussion by Trinity College Dublin on the 11th June 2020.
18 Jun 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: Joyce and the Pandemic: Stuck in the Middle with Ulysses
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
17 Jun 2020
Where technology meets the human being: Trinity launches Human+
Trinity College Dublin today launches Human+, a groundbreaking fellowship which places the human at the centre of technology innovation to serve the long-term and collective needs of society.
11 Jun 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Blog: The Pandemic and Education: What are we missing?
As we navigate a national and global public health crisis with the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus, we hear from our research and policy fellows, and members of our research community in a new weekly blog which reflects on these ne
09 Jun 2020
Living history: student solidarity meetings and peaceful protests in Delhi Reflections on the unfolding crisis in India by Director of the Trinity Lon
As an historian I usually write history. Recently I lived it..
05 Jun 2020
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