Trinity Long Room Hub Window

"A university stands for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for progress, for the adventure of ideas and for the search for truth. It stands for the onward march of the human race towards even higher objectives. If the universities discharge their duty adequately, then it is well with the nation and the people." Jawaharlal Nehru, December 1947

The window was installed in January 2020 in response to the politically-motivated attacks on the students and faculty at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. These appalling acts of violence were just the latest manifestation of an escalating crisis in India. As shocking as the events in India were, they were sadly not exceptional.

The window is an act of solidarity. A show of support to those facing discrimination, intimidation, harassment, physical abuse, and violence worldwide.

Six months later, as we watch events unfold in the United States, Nehru’s words once again ring true. Today, more than ever, we need humanism, tolerance, and reason. We need ideas and the search for truth. We need universities to discharge their duty adequately.

The brutal killing of George Floyd by the police was a tragedy. It has revealed gross inadequacies in political leadership. It is also a horrific reminder of the unacceptable racism, discrimination, and inequality that exist not only in the United States, but globally.

This is not a new problem. George Floyd’s death has focused international attention on centuries of intolerance and oppression. On overt racism, as well as the more subtle and pervasive prejudices that endure. It is the duty of the university to confront these uncomfortable realities, to provide forums for meaningful debate and productive discussion, and to search for ways to create fairer, more inclusive societies.

As we try to process what is happening right now, the Trinity Long Room Hub community is listening and reflecting. Trying to learn. Trying to do better.

Click on the links below for relevant resources

Quote Racism

Why does racial inequality persist, and how does racism continue to evolve under different guises?

Quote White Supremacy

How has history been misused by conspiracy theorists to promote white supremacy?

Quote Nationalism
What does a transnational history of white nationalism reveal about the contemporary politics of Anglophobe white supremacy?

Quote Racism Ireland
What does overt and covert racism in Ireland look like?

Quote Radical Middle

How can we mediate an increasingly polarised world from the space of a ‘radical middle’?

Quote Inequity
How do we build a more robust and inclusive table to begin to address issues of entrenched inequities?

Quote Exploiting Covid
Why has Covid-19 been a ‘great amplifier’, highlighting and aggravating and exploiting social differences?

Quote Populist
What is is making populist and authoritarian approaches more attractive than liberal democracy?

'The Emperor’s New Clothes'
Rita Duffy (2020)

Rita Duffy Drawings
Click see Rita Duffy's full series of drawings here