In advance of 'Looking for Europe', a dramatic reading by Bernard-Henri Lévy in the Public Theatre on May 1st, the Trinity Long Room Hub hosted a poster display showcasing some of the diverse research taking place in Trinity's Arts and Humanities.

Dr Hilary Lennon and Dr Nicholas Johnson

Dr Hilary Lennon, Research Fellow in the School of English working on Frank O'Connor's letters and Dr Nicholas Johnson, Theme Convenor of Trinity's Creative Arts Practice Theme.

The Trinity Long Room Hub hosts and supports 50 of Trinity's most accomplished early career researchers and postdoctoral fellows each year. Last night, the next generation of Trinity's thinkers put their research on display posing many questions about today's most pressing topics, from climate change to identity, and literature to Anglo-Irish relations.

Also being showcased were five of Trinity's Arts and Humanities led research themes; Creative Arts PracticeIdentities in TransformationDigital HumanitiesMaking Ireland; and Manuscript, Book and Print Cultures, which are supported and promoted by the Trinity Long Room Hub.

Louise Kari Mereau, French Ambassador and Professor Michael Cronin

Louise Kari Mereau, PhD candidate in the Department of French speaking with the French Ambassador and Professor Michael Cronin.

Two of the major externally funded research projects led by the Trinity Long Room Hub were on display: the CHCI Global Humanities Institute on the Crises of Democracy and the European Commission funded SHAPE-ID project on shaping interdisciplinary research practices.

The Trinity Centre for Literary Translation and the Trinity Centre for New Irish Studies were also represented highlighting the changing nature of Irish studies in the 21st century, and the extent to which many of our favourite books, films and cultural productions are works of translation from other languages.

Poster Display:

Posters can be viewed here and will also be on display in the Hoey Ideas Space in the Trinity Long Room Hub. To find out more about this poster showcase and the research behind it, click here.

Dr Ning Jiang

Dr Ning Jiang representing the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies (above), and Dr Ellie Payne (below)
Research Assistant, discussing how the British tabloids dealt with 'the Irish question' in the new Free State.

Dr Elspeth Payne

As part of the Trinity Long Room Hub Public Humanities Programme, Bernard-Henri Lévy delivered a unique performance for Trinity's Public Theatre, the only English language rendition of his 'Looking for Europe' performance on his 22-city European tour 'Looking for Europe.' Calling out some of Trinity's and Ireland's great cultural figures- Jonathan Swift, Samuel Beckett and James Joyce, Mr Lévy made an impassioned plea for Europe in advance of the European elections later this month, in May 2019.

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Bernard Henri Lévy @BHL tour de force last night @tcddublin - especially our early career researchers @TLRHub & BHL. A magical evening. #hubmatters #InspiringGenerations

— Jane Ohlmeyer (@janeohlmeyer) May 2, 2019


Bernard-Henri Lévy's play was sensational last night. Of his many lines, this one: "Europe is not about barbed wire at the borders". And James Joyce's Ulysses is Europe's constitution. #InspiringGenerations @TLRHub

— Patrick Prendergast (@pjprendergast) May 2, 2019


Happy to be part of #InspiringGenerations at @tcddublin, to showcase my research poster together with my fellow researcher of the

— Martina Mendola (@martina_mendola) May 1, 2019


The VP & Susannah Ashton talking about understandings of time. Susannah from an Ancient Greek perspective and Chris from a Yeats perspective. In 500BC there was no word for time. #InspiringGenerations @TLRHub @tcdalumni @tcddublin

— Prof. Linda Doyle (@TCDdeanresearch) May 1, 2019


Inspiring Generations – The Campaign for Trinity College Dublin, is the largest and most ambitious philanthropic campaign in Irish history. Information about the priority projects for the campaign, and how to support Trinity's ambitious plans, will be detailed in the official launch of the campaign on May 2nd, in the Public Theatre.


Support the Trinity Long Room Hub: To support us as part of Trinity's Inspiring Generations Campaign, click here for further information.