‘Identity Politics and Memory Contests’ was the first of a series of seminars which will continue in the New Year. Led by Postgraduates under Trinity’s Identities in Transformation theme, the first seminar was organised by Caitlin White, Clare Morrison, and Joel Herman, all from Trinity’s School of Histories and Humanities. Speakers included Dr Patrick Walsh, School of Histories and Humanities, who spoke on ‘Leeks, Stock and Potatoes: Insiders, outsiders and the Blame Game in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’; Dr David Ralph, School of Social Science and Philosophy who examined the ‘First-person abortion story-sharing and the Repeal Referendum’; and Caitlin White, PhD candidate who spoke on ‘Remembering the Past in Northern Ireland, 1921-39.’

Clare Marie, also a PhD candidate, presented her research on ‘Putting Ulster in China’, while Joel Herman, looked at ‘Unravelling Commemoration’, and discussed the appropriation of memory and commemoration. Concluding the series of talks on identity and memory politics, audience members were asked to reflect on what defines their own identity or “What makes you Irish?”

The series is coordinated by Carlos Rafael Oliveras, Identities in Transformation Research Theme Postgraduate Representative, and PhD candidate with the School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences. Continuing in the New Year with many more compelling topics, including ‘Globalisation, Migration and Belonging’, ‘The Self in the Digital World’, and ‘Narratives and Performances of Identity’, it brings together the rich research being carried out by Trinity’s Postgraduate community.

It’s also an opportunity for members of the public to hear the fascinating research topics underway in Trinity which explore how identities are shaped and ever-changing. It examines how our own identities can often conflict with the chosen identity or narrative of our community or country, highlighting many of the underlying problems with nationalism and racism facing our contemporary societies.

Identities in Transformation Postgraduate Seminar Series:

  • Globalisation, Migration and Belonging - Tuesday 28th January 2020, 2-5pm
  • The Self in the Digital World - Tuesday 25th February 2020, 2-5pm 
  • Embodied Identities - Tuesday 24th March 2020, 2-5pm 
  • Narratives and Performances of Identity - Tuesday 21st April 2020, 2-5pm 

About Identities in Transformation

Identities, both on the level of the individual and the collective, are formed and develop in complex processes that negotiate attitudes, values and behaviours and shape our social and cultural practices.
This research field undertakes a multi-facetted investigation of how the negotiation of identity is linked to processes of transformation on the level of history and culture; an investigation which allows deeper insight into the dynamics between social and political change, shifts in cultural memory, cultural and artistic practices and human agency.Trinity and the Changing City is a popular lecture series now in its second year and organised by the Identities in Transformation research theme. To find out about upcoming discussions, click here.

For further information, please visit www.tcd.ie/trinitylongroomhub


Major funding for the conservation of the Dutch Fagel Collection at the Library of Trinity College Dublin



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