Forms and Practices of Self-Censorship in Literary Texts in the Age of the Counter-Reformation
A lecture by Prof Antonio Corsaro (University of Urbino) as part of the seminar series 'Self-Censorship Revealed: Unearthing the Author’s Voice in the Italian Literary Space' organised by the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.
The seminar series will examine the multifaceted phenomenon of self-censorship in Italian literary production across different periods, exploring how writers have navigated the boundaries of expression while managing personal, political, and societal constraints. Through case studies ranging from the medieval era to contemporary literature, speakers will analyse the strategic concealment or alteration of authorial voices. The seminar offers a valuable space for open discussion and intellectual exchange, fostering an interactive environment where participants can actively engage with speakers and fellow attendees.
The series will take place at Trinity College Dublin, but sessions will also be available online. Please send an email to to receive Zoom links for the virtual events.
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