William Shekspirenko: The Adventures of the Bard in ‘the undiscovered bourn

Date: 08 Oct - 08 Oct 2024
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub

A lecture by Daria Moskvitina as part of the English Staff-Postgraduate Seminar Series.

For Ukraine, Shakespeare is an iconic figure, a symbol of European culture and European values. This talk will try to give a systematic understanding of how the Ukrainian reception of Shakespeare was formed, and explain its peculiarities at the present stage of development.

English Staff-Postgraduate Seminar Series is a fortnightly meeting which has been integral to the School of English research community since the 1990s. The aim of the seminar series is to provide a relaxed and convivial atmosphere for staff and students to present their research to their peers. The series also welcomes distinguished guest lecturers from the academic community outside Trinity College to present on their work. It is a fantastic opportunity to share ideas and engage with the diverse research taking place within the School. 

Please indicate if you have any access requirements, such as ISL/English interpreting, so that we can facilitate you in attending this event. Contact: staffpostgradseries@gmail.com

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