Opening Up Contemporary Music

Date: 12 Nov - 12 Nov 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub

A lecture by Janet Oates for the Trinity Centre for Music Composition Discussion Series. 

About the speaker:
Janet is a London-based composer and performer with a PhD in composition from Royal Holloway, University of London. She now has a varied musical career including directing/conducting, teaching, performing in groups ranging from early music to contemporary, classical to jazz; and writing music and leading contemporary music projects. She has written a chamber opera and an opera for amateurs – her third, booked for Tête-à-tête in 2025, is just underway. Recent commissions and performances include ListenPony, The Melbourne Composers’ League, Echo vocal ensemble, the duet Sopriola and the harpsichordist Katarzyna Kowalik. A common strand in her musical thinking is to allow as many people as possible access to and participation in contemporary music.
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